Ren'Py - Abandoned - Interns of Ecstasy Island [v0.342] [Usagitriplesix]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a lot to explore and discover and tinker with in this game, while basically nothing really gets in your way of doing so. This creates an enjoyable process consisting of exploring and reading fun scenes that remains throughout. Even when the game reaches a premature end there's multiple goofy ways it can happen.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I love the idea of this game, but I find playing it frustrating. I've seen exactly one scene with images related to it, which is pretty pathetic for a game that's been in development for so long. I don't care that it's not animated, but at least give me an image or two.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Getting better with every update. Thanks for your hard work. The quests are smoother now and much less confusing. You should bring in pregnancy to make it even more interesting. Maybe put out a walkthrough/guide to open the hidden scenes. Once again thanks for your hard work.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR A game that confuses verbosity for detail with it's wall after wall of text. Honey select renders are seldom used and when used, are better used in other games. The slow burn transformation story was fantastic when this game came into its own 3-5 years ago but an absurdly long development cycle shows a clear lack of direction and vision. For anyone with a MAJOR interest in either TFSgamesite classics or transformation this is worth a play through. Be prepared for a lack of visuals and a lot of reading that would be better spent elsewhere.

    This game has been in the works for about 5 years, and this is the stage it's at. Greatly lacking balance between content and time in development, this game is also lacking enough renders of sexual acts that I question what the goal of the creator is.

    The slow burn and gradual corruption of our protagonist is a fun, as we see them come to terms with the body they find themselves in and the role of the staff on the island. However, there is a line between being detailed and being verbose, and this game crosses it. Walls of text as many others have said, create a difficulty choice for players; read through everything and hope it is gratifying or skip through most of it and hope you don't miss anything important. Either choice leads to regret.

    There aren't a ton of renders, which again, considering it's honey select is a bit dubious. What I mean by that is the models are so samey to other honey select games, you may as well play other games if your purely after renders.

    The story being "realistic" is an odd claim, as the whole game concept of transforming into a women after being invited to a special island, then being forced into working on that island is not realistic. So people must be referring to reactions to events and/or character interactions. It's a porn game though so character interactions could only be considered realistic if everyone was on E, and reactions to events are subjective to your choices.

    While I admit, that I enjoyed some of the scenes, and loved the idea behind the transformation and slow coming to grips with the new reality, it is more drawn out than writing all the numbers of pi.

    The creator seems to have had a vision for the game, began working toward it, but as time marched on lost track of that clear vision and is trying to compensate with too many unfinished things.

    2 stars may seem harsh for this TFSgamesite classic, and 2 years ago this would be a solid 3 with a 4 potential if you enjoyed text based. However, the creators lack of planning is apparent and the almost exploitative nature of the development cycle leaves anyone who has followed this game for more than 2 updates with a bad taste in their mouth.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Drawing: 9/10.
    Story: 6/10.
    Writing: 5/10.

    I like the of story. But... There are too much text to read! But It's a nice game. It's for me a good plot, I think that for a game "visual novel" is too long to read.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Pros: Allows for some superficial character customization, renders are better than expected
    Cons: Choices don't matter at all, plot is simplistic

    I'm not a fan of the forced transformation kink but for those who are this seems perfect. Transformation is obviously a specific kink and it isn't mine. You are forcefully turned into a woman with no explanation and then expected to fuck men, which should be rather traumatic for the MC but obviously they are able to get over it fairly quickly.
    Other than that main theme there isn't much in the way of a plot, you are expected to work at the resort as a woman. No other storyline is presented. Overall, I was hoping for more but perhaps shouldn't have been as this is a perfectly acceptable fuck-fantasy game with a protagonist who is essentially female after a short intro as male.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    if you are looking for a quick game don't play this. if you don't care about the story, this isn't for you. if you prefer slow progression and realistic storytelling this is great. combined with fairly high-quality images
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    To give my honest opinion on the game, it's kind of boring. I will give a more accurate assessment here:

    Models: The models aren't bad. There is enough diversity that you don't feel like you are constantly looking at the same female or male with a different name.

    Story: While the story is interesting (you get a job at a resort, you find yourself turned into a girl, blah, blah), this is where the game gets boring. I don't know if it's because there is not enough implemented yet, but I was constantly doing the same thing over and over again (working my job, going out at night, rinse, repeat). While I would get some random scenes, it got to the point where I was just working and going out (no more scenes). The game started turning into every other grindy game on here that I start to loathe after awhile.

    Sexual Content: I don't know if it was me, as I was trying to play a pure lesbian route, but I wasn't finding any sexual content to revolve my character around. I found one scene where I "helped" an employee out with a "problem", but other than that, I found absolutely nothing else.

    I rated this game a 2/5. This game could use some definite improvement or it will just end up like every other game on here. A walkthrough would definitely not be remised, so you know whether or not a girl you are trying to flirt with (if you decide to go the lesbian route or not) is worth your time or if you should try moving on to someone else. A mission log would also be a good investment as well, so the player knows what exactly they need to do in order to advance the game and not have to keep doing the same thing over and over again and not getting anywhere.

    I deleted this game after playing about an hour of it. I see some potential here, but as of right now, it's really not worth playing. Maybe as it gets more developed and there is more to the storyline and everything, I'll swing back through and see if it's worth playing, but I'm going to pass on it for now.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @v0.151]
    I fuckin love this.

    Art's Honey Select, so decent but samey and uninspired. Boobs are still eyecandy though. As other reviews mentioned art's a bit sparse at times.

    Writing is great. I found it evocative and pleasing in voice and plotting. So much so that some of the more reluctant scenes were too convincing at times. There's a continuity error regarding your first time if you meet and bed Jon before the scene with the group of girls at the bar and the guy walks you back.

    Said scene is a bit too convincingly reluctant for my preferences, but that was the only even remotely squicky thing for my playthrough.

    I *LIKE* the slower more methodical pacing. Allows for better immersion and a feeling that the author isn't just using my brain as a wankrag for a one-and-done.

    TLDR: has a few minor bugs, needs more boobs, otherwise great. Eagerly watched.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Basically, a lot of wall of texts, more walls of text, a still picture of a tit, and that's about it..

    Some may like this kind of game, I really don't.. I'm not saying it's really bad, just that there is a million text and not a million images :)

    +the images that are there look (imo) really cheap, these days I've come to expect better
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The first time I played this game, it glued me to the screen! I like the slow transformation, the everyday life routine, the immersion and everything else, great work! :D I wonder how it's going to progress even more!
  12. 3.00 star(s)



    Your dick disappears overnight, but then it takes ages for you to accept or not your womanhood.
    And all this is acompanied with lack of graphics. Yes, there are graphics, but mainly backgrounds. beach, hotel room, stairs, bar, etc. However only on very small part of them there are human beings. and when less than a half of them are naked, you get the picture. 90% text, backgrounds and a naked body every ten minutes of furious clicking on text.

    Yes, music is cool, yes, text is meaningfull, but it NEEDS MORE naked people!

    Example: Choice: Go to the bathroom, read in your room, go out.
    You choose "Go to the bathroom" and there you see.... A FUCKING empty bathroom!
    If some day the dev reads this: please add the main character IN the bathroom! Visible!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.050...

    I spent about 6 or so hours playing this visual novel/game and I'm a bit confused by it honestly...

    Visuals for the characters are sort of hentai inspired, and they don't appear all that often... The backdrops look like either real photo's and/or 3D backdrops that were put through a filter to make them appear more like paintings... And you get to see these still backdrops more than anything else... I'm unsure if they are placeholders or the actual intended backdrops... Not much creativity in using these types of backdrops... The user interface is creative and unique with all the script and text choices appearing on the left 1/3rd of the screen... I really wish the character models appeared more often, especially when the male protagonist is talking to characters, or interacting with characters... If I had to guestimate how often you see actual character models during story moments when you actually interacted or spoke with characters, i'ld say it was half the time... You don't even see any character models until the protagonist reaches the island...

    The script is pretty well done, with only a few spelling/grammar errors that I saw... The script is also very long, and that is a lot of story content for being such a low version number... The main plot is a bit tough to really nail down, as it starts with the male protagonist applying for an internship to work on a secluded resort island, and shortly after arriving he mysteriously begins to sex change into a beautiful woman... The story then pretty much progresses with the now female protagonist doing her internship, meeting some new characters now and then, going through about 3 game weeks with tons of miscellaneous things occurring, nothing too outrageous, before the game ends when a VIP arrives at the resort...

    The reason I say it's tough to nail down, is because you get to select some things to do when your work day is done, and in my play through I ran into what appears to be a bunch of mysterious things... Like when the character got stuck in the shower, where the door will not open until the water is turned off (this happened once and seemed rather bizarre)... Or when other interns talked about odd happenings with paintings and so on... Or when the protagonist hears some odd discussions a few times between employees... It was so darn difficult to nail down if they were sub-plots, main plot teasing, or just miscellaneous ramblings that had no real meaning at all... Another example is the dream sequences, which at first seemed to be maybe story linked, but then they became just as random and meaningless as normal dreams... I really think the author's were trying to portray some tiny hints at actual plot movement, mixed with the protagonist just having to come to terms with her new identity, mixed with just random events that may someday mean something or maybe nothing at all, mixed with just day to day existence and normal work activity, and so on... With all the story text content this VN/game has, I just expected more meaningful content... It just started to become a bit tedious and boring not knowing if any choices you made, really mattered all that much... I tried all types of combos, and sometimes I'ld see something new but short lived that didn't really seem to go anywhere meaningful, or I saw the same mundane and repeating thing as before, or something slightly new would occur but didn't seem to really matter much beyond just being somewhat different... At one point I began to wonder if maybe the place was haunted, or maybe the game would end with it all being a dream, but it was so hard to nail down a plot once the sex change occurred...

    I loved the fact that this seems to be a very story driven VN/Game with lots of text to read... But once you get past a certain point, not much you experience seems to matter much or isn't around long enough to push the protagonists experience along very far... Here I played this VN/game for hours, reading and hoping to see more, and read more story that meant something to either the main plot or even a possible lasting sub-plot... And you do get events now and then, but they are spread out and don't seem to really lead anywhere before they're gone... With you going through the motions waiting for something else new to come along...

    With all that said, in the very beginning, when you first load the game up, it sais very clearly: "This game is an artistic creation made for no other purpose than the entertainment of it's creator"... Which for me means this game was not created to entertain anyone else other then the person/s who created it... It is not intended to entertain others... Is this just the author/s being sarcastic? I don't know...

    Overall, for the first half of this content I felt like this VN/Game showed a lot of promise, even though it seemed to be lacking in the visual department... But then I started to wonder what was going on? Do any of these short events have any real meaning for the story, or are they just thrown in as random events just to have random events? Will any relationships with other characters actually form, or is it just nothing but meet and greets every time? I can't tell if this is a relationship based game, a work simulator with a twist, a mystery with no answers, or what? The whole experience left me slightly confused as to what direction this game actually intends for it's readers/players...

    There is a heck of a lot of script text for such little plot movement... And for erotic/adult stuff, you get to see your character nude sometimes, a few choices or job encounters showed some forms of nudity now and then, but not much really exists that I saw in my play through... I tried to form some relationships through some of my choices, but they didn't really playout much or get anywhere... If I had to sum up what I experienced, plus what the creator/s said on the load up screen, I'ld say this is more like a piece of artistic expression that probably means more to it's creator then anyone else who plays it... I may check back on this one when it is far closer to being done, but with as much time as I've already devoted to it, I'm wary if it will improve... Only time will tell...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has all the aspects of a Game! the characters so far all have personality and by the look of it will continue to evolve even more so as the game gets fleshed out the premise is fresh the NPC's have the believability many other games lack (no 80% women with the body type of Dolly Parton when she's in the less than 1% group) the game is also nice to play as a MC who's yes forced into a situation but then reasonably free to make your own way instead of a linear led by the nose format many other games employ. This game has a ton of potential and so far I'm enjoying the way its developing. This game is not really for people averse to doing a fair bit of reading but for those who like a fleshed out story this one is for you! Enjoy!