The renpy engine is not suitable here. This looks and feels like RPGM game. Showcased best during combat, which unlike better renpy game is a dialogue you have to go through 10 times(100 hp, 11 damage per hit at base level). Everything is a grind same way the combat is. Prostitution is extremely basic: you perform an action you get paid for with a tiny, short gif animation. If there isn't a gif animation for an action, you can't perform it. There is no requirement, demand or satisfaction from a client. Only actions that cost 20 energy and give you some money. The energy cost of mining is very 100, which is how much you regenerate per day, energy potions are expensive. Upgrading gear costs 10 ore, so 10 days of work in which you can't work as prostitute, or have to pay for expensive potions.
Wrong engine, lazy or not at all well thought out gameplay. Also, not a VN.