Introduction + Jessika's Curse Info/Question


New Member
Oct 20, 2018
Hey f95zone community, I've been on this site for a month or so (honestly not that sure, I am pretty new to this site) consuming content and I found something strange (likely caused by my lack of knowledge).

I enjoy games with solid gameplay like the rance games for example. I'm not much of a talker so I'll just end that off there.

So, the reason I made this introduction was because of a post I was about to make asking about Jessika's Curse and not knowing what tag to make the post on, I saw a introduction tag and was like "might as well".

Ages ago, I found the game Jessika's Curse (the copy i got was from 10/20/2018) and got myself a demo copy of it. Looking at the game again since i noticed this copy, I then got the town prototype of the Patreon page and it seemed like a downgrade. If there's a Patreon site, i -usually would get my copy of there (now i check here first) and I'm sure it would have been a public version so yah. The new demo I got is v.0801_02 while the version I had is v.1009_01 (knowing the difference between 01 and 02 may just answer this). The older copy is also 20 mb bigger and has a bug that requires a restart from my experience.

I don't really expect an answer to this question, just something that piqued my curiosity. Nice to meet you all and that about everything.

P.S. if you have any questions for some reason, i'll be happy to answer if I feel comfortable doing so