VN - Unity - Completed - Intruder on the Bridge [v1.0.6] [Drunk Robot]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is planning out to be the sort of mass effect type game we all wanted (specially in a community like ours). The sci-fi space genre is not that explored in other VNs, and liitle ones there are, are honestly not that great.
    Great plot, great renders, great characters. Looking forward to it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.1.8 (first available on F95)

    Overview: Root out corruption in the Galactic Union with your wits and your dick.

    Story: This is an early first release and there is already like a dozen plot threads running and a large cast of characters to keep straight. It's an ambitious start for sure but it could all too easily get out of hand. Already there are a lot of places to visit. Another thing is that there are already branching dialog trees with wildly divergent outcomes. Presumably these choices will be remembered later, but this is another mechanic that increases developer workload. It seems to be pretty easy to miss scenes now if you make certain choices, but I suspect if you will lock yourself out of future scenes if you see the ones now.

    Gameplay: It's a VN RPG. One nice thing is that it seems to avoid the different times of day mechanic. You advance each story thread by going to a character and selecting the "advance story" button. There are choices that probably have consequences. Additionally there are three minigames in this version. A Galaga style shoot-em-up section that isn't too terribly difficult and ends before it gets too boring. A fighting game that I guess has some sort of resource management aspect but honestly felt pretty opaque and I won both times without really trying. The third is a scanning minigame that seemed to just be padding.

    Bugs: There are a few untranslated line here and there. The bigger issue is how the game seems to leak some vital resource and slow down after about 10 minutes or so. I had to save and restart a couple of times to finish.

    Graphics: Really top notch. Not only are the people renders great but the backgrounds and other animations are exceptional. You get highly detailed exteriors to the space ships as well. This is a real highlight of the game.

    Conclusion: An excellent start for an incredibly ambitious game. If the dev can follow through this will be legendary, but I've seen similarly ambitious games collapse under their own weight.