Unity - Inure [v0.730] [ProInu]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I have such a love hate relation with this game its crazy, I mean on first glance it seems like a game i would really enjoy but when i have played this throughout its development i get disappointed everytime. This time i actually played through the entire thing and ive gotta say i would say the game is fun if you actually realise how to play it which is impossible without reading the comments on this site. I rate this game a 3/5 for now because i can see this game being really good if the dev can work out some of the bugs, add more content to all of the rooms and add some damn instructions in the actual game it doesnt have to be right in your face in plain text but atleast something!!!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This. Is. The. Most. Crooked. Thing. I've ever seen.
    Does anything work here? I don't get it :) The animation is terrible. What should be a video is a frozen, glitchy picture.
    and there is no understanding of what, how and why.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Tips, monsters with a boner will let you go usually if you crawl (After a kinky scene). ctrl+Alt.
    Near the room you spawn there's a hole in the wall (You will have to go in the opposite direction from the long thing on the roof then at the first turn there should be a yellow or red light on the roof. The hole is near that light off the path.) This is the save room.

    The scenes look good, but the lack of UI and the bugs, oh god the bugs. and not the kinky kind of bugs either.
    You need to feed from lewd looking wall things every once in a while or you'll starve to death. (screen pulsing red) You can hit X I think to see your stats.
    Problem is when you try to feed, there's like a 80% chance that you freeze, sucks to be you. Reload the game.
    For zone 3 (outside), if you touch the wall, you'll rag doll and there's a chance you die. Fun!
    Zone 3 again, the little puff balls that you're suppose to do left/right to knock off sometimes kills you in 0.5 seconds. But luckily they're bugged and you'll likely respawn on the bridge (if your lucky) or back at the save room (if your not) and if you respawn on the bridge the AI for them will be bugged allowing you to ignore them.
    The 2 guards on the bridge in zone 3 will kill you, then if your lucky you'll respawn on the bridge. If your unlucky you'll die a second time 2 seconds after respawning sending you back to save room. If you agro both before respawning on the bridge their AI will break and you can pretty much ignore them.
    Sometimes crawling will bug out and you'll no longer be able to crouch or crawl. Sometimes it just doesn't crawl, sometimes you get stuck in crouching. Hey it's map 3 again, some of the jumps you have to do on that forsaken map requires perfect jumps that will make platformer players have a hard time and if you miss your jump you land on 'walls' that will bug you out. Especially if you miss the jump to the queen room... You kind of just fall between two walls and need to reload your save.

    I recommend anyone who's interested in this game to try and find a rip of the scenes somewhere or do extract them yourself. It's not worth the bugs....
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't even know what to write... Is that supposed to be a game, or even a scenes demo?

    I have been entirely unable to figure out what I am supposed to do. And at 4Gb of whatever, this is an expensive bandwidth toll for that abortion.
    Likes: Curon
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    uh there's a gallery player and a legit vore/digestion scene, no "death by sex" scenes which was a let down, so if you have a very hardcore fetish it's worth a look, i don't know there's an actual game here, i tried punching something ten times and it just killed me. Also no free cam, it's all canned animations.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Dogs are menaces.

    Inura is definitely something.

    The gameplay of the game is horrible. The combat is very, very bad; enemies tend to kill you in a few attacks, and all you can do is throw some very badly animated punches and kicks. The maps are very confusing, and there is no explanation of what you must do to progress further into the game.

    The story is well...can you even say there is a story to this game? The only story you really get is an annoyingly long cutscene at the start of the game of the MC doing some workout routine until she suddenly flies out of the planet, travles half the universe, and ends up on the alien planet where the game takes place. It is honestly just funny given how bad it is.

    The game is also quite gritty, but honestly, I don't mind it, and I think it makes the game quite terrifing. Then again, this is a horror game, so at least it got that right.

    The animations are definitely the saving grace, along with the grotesqueness of this game; they are animated quite well. It's a shame there are not many sex scenes in this game.

    Overall, this game is honestly just silly and and i quite like it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Why 1 star?

    1. No tutorial or explanation about anything.

    2. Couldn't find any sex scene.

    3. Hitting E on those wall peckers, does a short handjob and then nothing. Hitting back exits and no energy was restored.

    4. Dogs are impossible to defeat in combat. No option for sex either, just gameover and complete restart.

    5. There is no loot or items to equip to improve your chances of survival.

    6. Extremely dark and no torches.

    7. No spellcasting, guns, or ranged weapons for fighting targets from afar.

    8. Places where dogs come out of you can't enter.

    9. Punching dogs from behind doesn't seem to do more damage.

    10. Once a dog spots you, it doesn't matter how far you run, it will get you eventually.

    11. Minimal HUD, but apparently there is levelling and health, according to the "C" menu.

    12. Really not sure what to do to survive. If I avoid the dogs, I eventually starve. But those wall peckers take so long to complete the handjob sequence and you are totally helpless on them and dogs can attack you while there.


    A game concept like this has always been something I wanted to play, but this one is just plain broken, and have no idea how to improve my gameplay so that I survive longer. Tried 0.61.


    I tried a lot to figure it out and its broken as fuck. If I could rate it 0, I would. Why?

    -> It says to crawl in front of an enemy for them to sex you. 90% of the time when you hit CTRL + ALT, it crouches you instead (which is CTRL key). So the enemy kills you rather than sexes you. Sometimes when hitting it doesn't even crouch you. So many times the game also ignores my inputs.

    -> 75% of the time the wall pecker once at maximum erection doesn't provide option to feed.

    -> You can't earn power, which is what determines maximum health, melee damage, and I think movement speed. Supposedly you get it by mating creatures (which doesn't friggin work) or by offering a baby to a dog. Every time I drop a baby near a dog, it ignores it and goes for me.

    -> Most of the time feeding does nothing and you still starve to death.

    -> There is no cheats or gallery, so you can't even smooth out the experience. And as its Unity, I figured maybe mod the .dll but the guy obfuscated the code so I have no idea what does what, even with trial and error. Oh well.

    I might try it again in the future, update the review, but for now its a massive hard pass.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    since the reviews are almost 1 year old im refreshing this a bit. Game is still buggy, but has good content. The content in itself can be repulsive for some, lot of alien anal sex, throat sex and vaginal with pregnancies but hey, you are warned.

    the game has potential but lack some sort of tutorial or at least explanation and a HUD for you life or something would be good, cant understand shit when you are eaten by a dog the 5 first times.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    the game is so buggy and I didnt whats interesting is sex senses and there is map or objects to know what to do and where need to go and mc body move like made of water terrible animation and bad version of jill and terrible imagination of enemies ... if game sex need to be horror and dark and stuff need to learn thing or two threshold road expect weak updates
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love corruption and the variety is excellent. I am anxious to see where the developer takes the game. It is buggy but so far nothing has broken so badly that I've had to restart. The plot premise is weak but if you suspend disbelief and simply enjoy and accept the circumstances you'll have fun.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    }> V <{

    Just another typical female protagonist with a typical story, the mc get kidnapped by aliens without us knowing how exactly and then she is taken to an unknown alien world where she have to survive against deadly and perverted enemies but without any equipment/weapons.

    To be honest so far the game has failed to become a decent playable game, at least for me and here is what i liked and disliked about the game.

    Good Main Character Model
    Map is not bad but could use some more work and details.

    Feeding Infant Babies to Alien Monsters. (i recommend avoiding the game if you are not ok with that)
    Terrible game plot
    Map is really Dark, you have to press "F" Key repeatedly to make it less Dark
    No Actual 3D sex Scenes only a Bunch of Videos
    Terrible Combat Animations
    No Survival Equipment/Weapons
    MC Starve to Death a bit too Fast
    No Food/Water
    No Meds to heal MC
    No Quests/Missions
    No In-Game Instructions on how to Play or Where to Go
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Got a weird taste, but it has some unique eroticism.
    But bugs & difficulty made it unplayable-

    - Dies too easy
    - Starves too fast
    - Enemy kills when feeding
    - No instructions
    - bugs when feeding
    - Out-of-Bound glitch
    - Sound glitch
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    still unplayable even with using save files. mechanics are really bad. bugs are really bad. no instructions at all. the game is different now from previous versions and yet there's STILL no clear instructions or anything.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Quiet Naughty

    I love this game even tho it still needs some work.

    >the animations are awesome and realy hot, very detailed penetration and it does feel like the creator had a lot of fun creating these.

    >the whole horror concept been implemented in a captivating way, it realy feels like it (as long as you dont mind the shitty textures tho)

    >the setting is a little dull and to be honest takes a while untill you get used to it, like controls or knowing what you actualy are supposed to do.

    however I would totaly keep on playing this game with each update since its a realy interesting concept and "story"

    made my pussy wet, good job.

    here some bad things:
    -character feels more like a robot

    -she gets too skinny after a while (i mean. yeah. she doesnt eat anything but cum, but comeon...)

    -the grinding is annoying

    -not enough enemy animations/fuck animations. not much Variety

    -the first level is like a mace, realy needs a map or something

    -a lot of bugs
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    This really has potential and does something rather different but inspired/good in terms of content. The problem is that it's deeply flawed. I think currently as it sits, how easy it is to die makes it grindy. It feels like Dark Souls for a porn game which isn't exactly a good match. Maybe it would be if it was a die for content type of thing but really I think the die for content concept is flawed. There's other things that exacerbate this grindiness. I'd normally say stuff like the distance between rooms is excessive but I also kinda get that it creates an atmosphere. I still think something like that is a touch on the too long side. Maybe increasing the runspeed slightly or what would really make a big difference is if the game had a massive amount of content to actually fill the rooms. The combination of the the map being so giant and so many empty rooms also make this worse. I think one big improvement that wouldn't actually change the vision of the game would be to remove death entirely. It's just too much to start over every time and also just make the rooms open by the MC. The game is such a content hunt as is and especially with the scarcity of content, why put up more walls to the already scarce content?

    I think all of these changes (and obviously more actual content to actually fill the space) would help create an actually enjoyable/interesting exploration-for-content in a mysterious don't-know-much/just-start-not-knowing-too-much experience.

    Good content. Good concept. Pretty egregiously tedious execution. Also, lots of bugs it seems (menus that don't show up for feeding stations for example).
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    CTR -X

    Great premise and it has an interesting start. The praise ends there sadly because this game is just filled with bugs. The camera went into the floor after about 10 seconds, interacting with the mannequins with dicks caused the character to disappear and was replaced with a floating box with the scene in it, skip ahead five seconds and the scene is now full-screened and is flashing attempting to induce a seizure within me. Fix the bugs and I'll give it another go.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I get the idea is erotic horror. This is not helped by monsters that repeatedly kill you. It also makes no sense; why should she be abducted just to be murdered like that? Being assraped in multiple encounters until you become one of the monsters would be erotic horror. "She has died" is not.

    Then there's the fact there's no tutorial. All you get are a list of keys and what they do. There are no hints as to what to do - all while you are being hunted. Since hunger is a major mechanic, how do you feed? Since you're trapped on an alien ship, how do you escape? Not providing these doesn't increase the sense of horror. It only increases player frustration.

    Then there's the sex - 2D in a 3D game! Boo! If you're going to do 3D then do it right. I didn't think that anything could be worse than the unexplained dying until I saw this copout. Why even bother making a 3D game, if this is what's up for hentai content?

    Then there's the bugs. If you experiment with the "feeding stations" you can get the station to become hard, but whether or not it lets you choose how to feed, or just locks up, seems to be based on blind luck. And all the while, you're being hunted and even attacked/killed, even while in the cutscene.

    Sometimes you can see what kills you, but sometimes you can't - and there's no report on what killed you either - just a Game Over notice.

    Sometimes a game has so much bs in it that you can't imagine it ever living up to its potential. This is a prime example. I hope the dev can prove me wrong but Jesus H Christ this is bad.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    i love the combo of horror and sex stuff. the atmospheres pretty good, but obviouslly atm the games lacking content in general and is full of bugs.

    id love to see more of this game in the future, iv been craving a 3D H-game with this kind of grotesque setting.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great idea
    An excellent start to a 3D adventure game idea, the mechanics are already reflized and there is a little bit of lore.
    There is already something to lose.
    The game is hardcore at the beginning, then it gets easier when you understand the mechanics.
    I would recommend playing it.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Version 0.303
    What others have already stated.

    - No clue what you need to do
    - Very repetitive and boring actions . Same video plays over and over and over and over and over....
    - Death has no purpose. Just bad graphics and have to start again doing same things.
    - Dark and bland corridors that look exactly the same and easily lost in.
    - Animation is bad. Female protagonist and aliens movement are robotic.
    - Graphics is bad, but acceptable if the gameplay was good. It isn't.
    - Sex animation is bad
    - Sex animation is a set of floating videos. One of my greatest pet peeves is not giving a 3D game the ability to have a free camera (sex) animations.