Ren'Py - Invulnerable [v0.4a] [SwagFire Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good start with a lot of promise. The grammar and spelling need some work and the "gameplay" is nonexistent and purely there to make it take longer, but I could forgive all of that for the art and the premise. The thing right now that is keeping it from being 5 stars is this is a parody game where the vast majority of the content is dedicated to OC women. I can't fathom the decision to have 20% of the content be real characters and the remaining 80% be your fanmade characters. Why even be a parody at that point? Hoping to see more debbie, eve and actual invincible characters in future updates.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    yes yes yess

    i so much fucking ANTICIPATED this game, bro this is amazing, i fucking love it,

    and this is game also so easy to play, love the animation

    *please add hardcore and make the conversation longer during sex scenes, add multiple positions

    Likes: SamHaim
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game if you are into rape/domination/slavery. There isn't too much content yet. Writing is alright. It being concise it the best part; You don't need to read mountains of text to understand what's going on.
    Also, there's an in-game guide and you can easily cheat if you don't wanna grind. I also like the art. Hopefully the game will get more updates in the future.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I really really like the art, it's done really well, and honestly that's mostly what's important in a porn game.

    However, this game has a horrendous main gameplay that involves a lot of clicking and repetitive elements. It's super annoying to have to manually sleep by clicking through 30 menus, and then have to do even more clicking to finish the monotonous quests.

    I disagree with most people that every game needs to be a VN, and I do here as well. But, the dev should really consider removing some of the gimmicky sandbox gameplay and have the art shine through instead
  5. 2.00 star(s)



    I like the parody. I like the specific direction the dev chose for the story, basically getting Mark on board with the Viltrumites. I also like the art.

    What I don't like at all is the gameplay loop. It's a completely boring and linear trainer grinder loop. You essentially follow the laid out story progression without any freedom, but the entire process is a tedious grind for money, stats, going to school, attending class, and "training" girls one step at a time.

    Frankly, it's extremely boring to play through. And each sexual interaction is short and without any build up or a sense of eroticism. Each step relies on the previous steps as a form of build up, but the steps are separate instances and the eroticism/anticipation doesn't carry through. The fact that each individual scene is so basic and ends after like 3 lines of dialogue doesn't help matters.

    There are sections of the game where nothing is happening and you gotta grind a stupid burger flipping job. You make like 8 clicks to sleep, wake up, get to the burger place, work, and get out. Repeat 20 times to buy a costume to progress one step for a girl.

    I honestly have a very hard time believing anyone can actually like this kind of game design. The point of having a map and "sandbox" environments is to give some degree of freedom to the players to tackle things their own way and/or provide an immersive world that they can explore. What's the point of following a completely on the rails grinder where there is only one place you can go that does anything at any given moment?
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played: 0.3a

    VERY early in the dev cycle, but this is pretty promising. The art is excellent and for a porn game, that is the most important thing.

    The story is fine, hopefully its fleshed out a bit later in development.

    The biggest issue is the game play loop. It is VERY monotonous. A lot of waking up, doing one thing, and then sleeping again.

    The map could use an overhaul, the weird hill thing that's being used right now doesn't look great. I suggest using a map more like the one in Taffy Tales, but that's just my opinion.

    Another issue is that theres a LOT of AI art used for backgrounds. In fact, I'm p[retty sure all backgrounds are AI art at this point. (Or art ripped from the show). Hopefully this is just a placeholder to give the artist time to work on the character based art, and theyll come back to it later.

    The only other thing to mention is that theres a lot of grammar mistakes. I'm sure that'll be fixed as the game is polished over.

    If the developer(s) continue to put work in, this could be very good. For now though, it's just fine.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is great, but the gameplay is extremely monotonous. I've never seen a trainer THAT monotonous before. The entire gameplay in this game is just "go to work -> sleep -> repeat 10 times -> see 5 lines of text and 1 picture -> repeat again". Sooooo boring...
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Game have good potential.The sex scenes are similar to SHELTER and Stellar Dream so they can be good.It also have gallery so you can revisit scenes with is big plus cause there are some games with dozens of scenes but don't have goddamn simple gallery(but the interface can be updated of course).Why I'm give the 4 star?Well game I played is in version 1.00 and it have problems that I think will be fixed in next updates.The main thing I can think is static faces in dialogs.Like when Mark is upset, happy or worried he have same happy dumb face as always.The next thing I can say the city map can be better.Also I can add suggestion to author if he read to add characters progress bar with multiple endings(cause now it have oly one bar with general progress)like some of them can help you with your goal to enslave planet(not slave ending) or slave ending or simple killed ending.Hope this review helped you.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    has a slight bug when you are skipping and go in and out of buildings. Overall good lore that uses inspiration on the Marks of other realities/multiverses, and still adds new and good characters, i hope they add the hq version of amber too (blonde). I read all the Hqs and i therefore completely aprove the storyline, not that it needs to follow close to the lore, but it becomes funny and somehow more rememberable, Atom Eve NEEDS to have a impregnation route, she is the best girl untill here, and i hope mark descends to the dark path too so we can make the cashier pay. The incest is going pretty well, just don't have much of that "weight" as it should have, i know the "pet" view on their side but idk, at least the alcoholic debbie is on the board.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Everything is good, but I found a problem. When I click scene changing button like 'Go to sleep' or 'Back to map' while skipping with Ctrl key. I can't explain in words, just it looks like somethings twisted. If you want to test, click scene changing button while pushing Ctrl key.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I know everyone already said this but ill say it again. The game has a lot of potential, the art is amazing and the story is heading in a great direction. I'm already heavily invested on what may come next. I'm going to hold off on subscribing until the dev launches a few more updates. It happens too often where these types of games get abandoned. The dev said that they are committed to launching an update every 1-2 months. We will see. I think they could easily garner a massive fan base if they continue on this path
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game, it needs a longer story! For the visual aspect, it does use AI only for the background, the rest like the characters and CG are made by themselves. It's really good, I'm looking forward to the new updates later!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release its very good. The art is amazing but the story does progress a little too fast. I personally prefer this pace as I can get the scenes and know the story without feeling like I read an entire book. The concept is my favorite part though. Enslaving an entire planet on the orders of his father is a crazy twist on the show. In this alternate timeline Mark was prepared by his father from birth. Everyone on the planet also mistreats him . This is likely because of his psycho and unlikeable personality. Hes also a lazy scumbag from what we can tell. Falling asleep in class, cocky and beating up Todd. It makes sense why a lot of the characters are mean to him.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Fine for a first release, but not incredible. It's clear that there was significant effort put into this game, but it's also clear that a lot of corners were cut, leaving it a bit rough around the edges.
    The concept is extremely solid, it's an Invincible parody game where Mark is tasked with enslaving Earth, especially the women because it's a porn game. A lot of the scenes were very well-made, but the writing falls a bit flat a lot of the time. The characters largely feel very flat and their dialogue doesn't speak as much to an underlying "personality" as it does to their "role" in the story. The teacher defies because she has to in order for her to end up being enslaved and humiliated in the way the dev intended. Eve goes along with Mark's plan because she has to, not because Mark had an especially compelling argument that appeals to her as a character. The plot comes first, and the characters seem to come second, often sacrificing consistency and verisimilitude for their progression. There's nothing inherently wrong with turning a blind eye to a couple of logical gaps, but this game tended to do it a bit too much for my comfort.
    Overall, the writing just felt like it was playing it a bit too safe. I liked the idea of Mark enslaving all these characters, and there's a lot to enjoy here, (especially the blackmailing of the teacher, that had a lot of very hot scenes), but I think that the dev is just holding themself back a bit too much. The characters seem to be trying to be "realistic" in an inherently unrealistic premise, which just leads to their corruptions seeming rushed. Eve joining forces with Mark doesn't feel earned to me, because there's no stretch of my imagination that can justify the girl who "kinda has a crush on Mark" deciding that he deserves to be the supreme leader of Earth. This game has an inherently unrealistic premise, and it's a parody game, so let Eve be more obsessive at first, or make her already look up to Mark as some kind of role model and have him abuse that aspect of her. Sure, it's not like the show, but you're making a porn parody, it's not going to be like the show.
    As far as the art goes, it's also a mixed bag. The H scenes look great so far, and there's some very promising light animation on occasion, but outside of the lewdness, there's not a lot to love here. Most dialogue happens with stalk-still, unchanging sprites that display no emotions beyond their default (the one exception being, once again, the teacher who displays a grand total of two expressions that I can recall, angry and angry-with-mouth-open). This contributes to the problems with characterization, as the characters don't really pop as much as they could.
    From what I can tell, many of the backgrounds are AI generated, which I'm not a huge fan of, but I can excuse it for backgrounds as they don't necessarily have to be perfect. The characters themselves seem to be actually drawn, or at least there's significant effort put into making them look good and consistent, so I can't really take points off there in good conscience.
    Other minor gripes:
    -Some typos/confusing dialogue tags (narration being placed in character text boxes, etc.)
    -Sound effects often don't seem to work as intended (kissing sound effect in Eve sex scene in particular)
    -groundwork is laid to make this game a grindfest, and I hope it doesn't come to that as repeating actions to pad the runtime isn't engaging gameplay

    Some hopes for the future (in reverse order of importance):
    -I'd love for Eve to be more submissive towards the MC, as she currently seems to be set up closer to a romantic partner, which clashes a bit with her helping Mark rule the world, as well as seeming like a missed opportunity to have a submissive redhead with big tits in the game (though that might be more of a personal thing lmao)
    -More dialogue sprites for the characters (though I understand that's a time consuming thing, it really adds a lot to the game to be able to see them make even basic variation in expression)
    -Most importantly: more commitment in the writing. Writing is the most important part of a porn game, and it's this game's weakest point currently imo.

    Overall, definitely worth a play, and shows great promise, but not a standout title in its current form.

    If the dev(s) read(s) this, this game shows a lot of promise, and I love most of the relationship dynamics it seems to be angling towards. I really hope you succeed in making this game all it can be.