Ren'Py - Invulnerable [v0.7b] [SwagFire Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game, it needs a longer story! For the visual aspect, it does use AI only for the background, the rest like the characters and CG are made by themselves. It's really good, I'm looking forward to the new updates later!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first release its very good. The art is amazing but the story does progress a little too fast. I personally prefer this pace as I can get the scenes and know the story without feeling like I read an entire book. The concept is my favorite part though. Enslaving an entire planet on the orders of his father is a crazy twist on the show. In this alternate timeline Mark was prepared by his father from birth. Everyone on the planet also mistreats him . This is likely because of his psycho and unlikeable personality. Hes also a lazy scumbag from what we can tell. Falling asleep in class, cocky and beating up Todd. It makes sense why a lot of the characters are mean to him.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Fine for a first release, but not incredible. It's clear that there was significant effort put into this game, but it's also clear that a lot of corners were cut, leaving it a bit rough around the edges.
    The concept is extremely solid, it's an Invincible parody game where Mark is tasked with enslaving Earth, especially the women because it's a porn game. A lot of the scenes were very well-made, but the writing falls a bit flat a lot of the time. The characters largely feel very flat and their dialogue doesn't speak as much to an underlying "personality" as it does to their "role" in the story. The teacher defies because she has to in order for her to end up being enslaved and humiliated in the way the dev intended. Eve goes along with Mark's plan because she has to, not because Mark had an especially compelling argument that appeals to her as a character. The plot comes first, and the characters seem to come second, often sacrificing consistency and verisimilitude for their progression. There's nothing inherently wrong with turning a blind eye to a couple of logical gaps, but this game tended to do it a bit too much for my comfort.
    Overall, the writing just felt like it was playing it a bit too safe. I liked the idea of Mark enslaving all these characters, and there's a lot to enjoy here, (especially the blackmailing of the teacher, that had a lot of very hot scenes), but I think that the dev is just holding themself back a bit too much. The characters seem to be trying to be "realistic" in an inherently unrealistic premise, which just leads to their corruptions seeming rushed. Eve joining forces with Mark doesn't feel earned to me, because there's no stretch of my imagination that can justify the girl who "kinda has a crush on Mark" deciding that he deserves to be the supreme leader of Earth. This game has an inherently unrealistic premise, and it's a parody game, so let Eve be more obsessive at first, or make her already look up to Mark as some kind of role model and have him abuse that aspect of her. Sure, it's not like the show, but you're making a porn parody, it's not going to be like the show.
    As far as the art goes, it's also a mixed bag. The H scenes look great so far, and there's some very promising light animation on occasion, but outside of the lewdness, there's not a lot to love here. Most dialogue happens with stalk-still, unchanging sprites that display no emotions beyond their default (the one exception being, once again, the teacher who displays a grand total of two expressions that I can recall, angry and angry-with-mouth-open). This contributes to the problems with characterization, as the characters don't really pop as much as they could.
    From what I can tell, many of the backgrounds are AI generated, which I'm not a huge fan of, but I can excuse it for backgrounds as they don't necessarily have to be perfect. The characters themselves seem to be actually drawn, or at least there's significant effort put into making them look good and consistent, so I can't really take points off there in good conscience.
    Other minor gripes:
    -Some typos/confusing dialogue tags (narration being placed in character text boxes, etc.)
    -Sound effects often don't seem to work as intended (kissing sound effect in Eve sex scene in particular)
    -groundwork is laid to make this game a grindfest, and I hope it doesn't come to that as repeating actions to pad the runtime isn't engaging gameplay

    Some hopes for the future (in reverse order of importance):
    -I'd love for Eve to be more submissive towards the MC, as she currently seems to be set up closer to a romantic partner, which clashes a bit with her helping Mark rule the world, as well as seeming like a missed opportunity to have a submissive redhead with big tits in the game (though that might be more of a personal thing lmao)
    -More dialogue sprites for the characters (though I understand that's a time consuming thing, it really adds a lot to the game to be able to see them make even basic variation in expression)
    -Most importantly: more commitment in the writing. Writing is the most important part of a porn game, and it's this game's weakest point currently imo.

    Overall, definitely worth a play, and shows great promise, but not a standout title in its current form.

    If the dev(s) read(s) this, this game shows a lot of promise, and I love most of the relationship dynamics it seems to be angling towards. I really hope you succeed in making this game all it can be.