VN - Others - Completed - Inyochu: Insects of Insemination [Final] [TinkerBell]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    There were a lot of scenes, but the art is reused so many times and it got on my nerves after a while to see a new scene with the exact same picture as the last sex scene with minor changes.
    The story itself was alright, I like the insect pregnancy stuff but honestly there wasn't as much of it as I liked, the majority of it was just the same few positions with people in the school, or doing porn as seen in a few endings. The demon/insect stuff didn't seem to be a big part of the sex scenes besides in some endings.
    Honestly, the sex scenes felt more like quantity over quality.
    More scat then I was expecting, but besides the insect birth it wasn't anything particularly fucked up or new to me. Kinda boring as far as the more hardcore games go.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Love fucked up stuff, but I have to dock a star since the VN has a habit of reusing poses with some frequency. I don't know if the rest of the titles in the series does this but considering this game is the first in the series it might as well be.

    Now I know that might sound odd or unfair considering the amount of scenes and the voicework and context that accompanies them, but it can definitely be jarring to find the characters in the same pose scene after scene with only the background changing.

    The content on display here is great, mind you. Just sheer, unrepentant debauchery that borders on gore, but fantastical and cartoony enough that you'd not get outright disgusted because of how unbelievable the anatomy is. The characters may as well be made of play doh which works well enough to soften the squick or just straight up make it more titillating and messed up.

    To that point, this VN might be bizarre and unusual but I can't say it's quite as disturbing as Dead End Aegis, the latter of which is just outright despair porn coupled with the same kind of weird smut this one has.

    Still, this VN is a fun fucked up romp all in all. Might not be as strong as Dead End Aegis or as compelling, but fun regardless. It's just the reused artwork that kind of takes me out of it. It can be odd to see the same poses when they could be escalating the novelty of their H-scenes as the bad end routes progress. Our pink-haired heroine get's the worst of it as far as that's concerned.

    Hoping the rest of the series get's translated as well. I'm buying this one for keeps and would love to get my hands on the others if or when they come out.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    DL 16

    Roses are red
    Nightmare is blue
    Buy the game
    Best girl Takeru

    Such a treat to receive extensive translated source material depiction of these influential characters.
    The English translation is well done and allows the reader to better understand the characters' relationships, motives, and mannerisms.
    This, in turn, enhances the experience of being the audience to their unfortunate predicaments.

    Conclusion: The game is worth every cent and made to satisfy the discerning consumer.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually a remake of the original first part of the series. They've added little story content that connects it to the other games, but the artwork and everything has been redone. If you beat everything you can even pose the characters around. Anyways, what makes this series so great is that its the most over the top with its monster birth. Not for everyone.

    The villain of the first game is a little goofy in design and theres a lot of scat. I'm not a fan of either but it doesn't bother me, I hope to see the other games which change these two points translated as well.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A cult classic, I wish more of these were translated on the regular. If you're into hardcore stuff, don't go any further than this. There are other games in this series that I wish were translated, maybe one day.