I noticed it, but few people seriously like to bring numbers on obvious hyperboles.
Two of your assertions are just plain incorrect and the last is an opinion. The first game shows up on dec 14 2022, to say every single day or trend is beyond exaggeration when there are now only 94 games on the site. Given that 22 are completed and only 5 are abandoned and many of the others are receiving regular updates, a cash grab is also beyond exaggeration. Which leaves laziness, which is an opinion, so not really sure where hyperboles comes into it?
You also seem to only reply about the opinion part (laziness) and the advice on ignoring that content. It seems to be not just trying to share an opinion but also to discredit the dev's with the cash grab assertion which without evidence is pretty unfair.
The reason I consider AI lazy is simply because it's easier than the other ways of doing it,
and using a computer is easier AND cheaper than hand drawn or hiring models. Using a more powerful tool to help do a job does not make people lazy. You also left out the part where even if the do use those tools they still need to put in work and effort to design and code their games.
It's strange how in their AI threads it's always about the art but no one mentions the bug riddle game. If they are so lazy then you would expect it to carry across into the other parts of their games too.
we get some slops from Honeyselect and Koikatsu, but at least it feels like more human touch is involved in the process than copying some art style with a prompt.
Not liking the visuals is one thing but take those away and there is A LOT of effort and work involved in making a game and updating it. So calling these kinds of games slop purely base on the visuals and calling the dev's lazy is unfair.
And I avoid using ignore, because some games can have partial stuff that's not entirely what's tagged.
not really sure what that means.
I know this sounds like a rant, but there is geniune curiosity involved also.
Curiosity about what? the only question you asked is why there are new ai art ntr games every single day and there aren't.
It can be worded better obviously, but this seems to be not an unpopular opinion if you go into those threads; as it's asked or memed about.
You can't really say it's "not an unpopular opinion" as the majority of members don't join in discussions, it's a vocal minority and of those it's an even smaller group that have joined the AI art discussions and you will find there are just as many on either side. (for and against)
Also how popular an opinion is doesn't make it right. If people took into account the game mechanics, the story, the writing, the absence or presence of bugs as well and then formed an opinion it might hold more weight but they judge the games and the devs on a single factor and then call them lazy and cash grabbers (this happens in other threads too).
As an example :
If you took your car to a mechanic and they did a full service on it and when you went to pick it up you saw them using a car wash instead of washing it by hand, would you call them lazy and a cash grab?