Is there a defined meaning to a review 'like'?


Dec 10, 2018
I'm never sure when I should actually 'like' a review. Some cases are pretty clear - if I like a game and happen onto the review page because... some reason, a review that I think is well-written and accurate is an obvious target for a 'like.'

But mostly I'm looking at reviews for games I'm *thinking* about playing. This case seems less clear. A review that convinces me to give the game a shot can be liked later if it turns out to be accurate. I mean I'd still have to remember to actually do it, but at least it's possible to mark in an accurate way. But what about when a review convinces me *not* to play a game? Do I like it? It was clearly useful to me, which seems like a good reason to like it. But I also don't know for certain it's correct. I'm not going to play a game I don't think I'll enjoy just to verify that the review that convinced me I probably won't like the game is actually correct. That would just be hilariously assbackwards.

So, is there a defined meaning here? Is it supposed to be reserved for reviews we find to be accurate or is it just anything we find useful, or is it just whatever happens to strike our fancy for any reason whatsoever?

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Yeah, I don't know the answer either. It's the same dilemma as on Steam and any other store that has reviews you can rate, except the games here are free. So here I'm inclined to "like" a review if I try the game and find the review accurate.


Jun 23, 2018
I can look at reviews at different stages, before and after I play.
I like a review after I play if it was a good description of the game IMO. I never like a one or two liners reviews.
I also like a review if it helped me make a decision to play or not to play the game.. Generally, a well detailed review is really appreciated as long as it isn't written with anger behind it which sometimes you can see.
Also, one that present pros, cons and overall neutral with its tone - that's just make the review more believable and accurate I think.