Is there a game where the MC resonates with you?


Active Member
Mar 8, 2024
I was a panty sniffer as a teenager

Same with the incest stuff, I come from a family who have always been cousin shagging. I had two stunning cousins
when I was a teen and we were always do the dirty when they stayed over for Xmas.

The best time for me was when I fooled around with a girlfriend's mom.

I was 17 the first time and it became an obsession to always have a secret grope session, stiffing their panties, even
leaving them a gift !


Engaged Member
Nov 12, 2021
Is there a game where the setting feels too real? Maybe part of a game which reminds you of someone you know ?
I was a panty sniffer as a teenager, so any game where you get to sneak in and sniff/steal panties really excites me.
Same with the incest stuff, I come from a family who have always been cousin shagging. I had two stunning cousins
when I was a teen and we were always do the dirty when they stayed over for Xmas.
Night times were experimenting. much better than opening the presents.
Another part would be Milfs. my mate's moms and my mum's friends were always making lewd jokes with me
when I was a teenager. And they were always so comfortable with walking around in just bras during the summer.
Made me into the proud perv I am now lol. The best time for me was when I fooled around with a girlfriend's mom.
I was 17 the first time and it became an obsession to always have a secret grope session, stiffing their panties, even
leaving them a gift ! I think that's why I love these games so much, it's like they see into my brain and realise what a
seasoned perv I've become! :LOL:


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
girl that resonates... Sarah from BADik...
fuck dozens of situations makes me feel like mr pink went to the same high school and we shared weekends during college!
except Sarah as no boyfriendin BADikk, but several details make me go wtf...

As for MC... not really! none of them are smart enough in RL situations,
they tend to get by and out on luck and not on skills!
although i did get caught in the dumbest situations like several MC´s... when i was 12 or 13 ffs!

ofc it might just mean i lived in the 90´s and early naughties!

the character that resonates the most with me would be Axel from Our Red strings!
the way the dude is built was my goal when i was 18... i quited at 21 cause work and college!
i was still 7 years away from being built like that with such low level of body fat and so well defined muscles!
i could have gotten those muscles far far far faster, but if you take the fast track your veins pop out of your muscles
when what you want is a small balanced growth so you do not have popping veins!

but the main ressonation is how deeply he feels shit going bezerk and ready to fight in 5 secs
how he tries to manipulate others, not to gain something but to protect himself!
Basically i can resonate with him and a younger me cause besides the smarts
we both lived on the edge of emotional collapse with low emotional control
being played by greedy cheating cunts who played us like fiddles and exhausted
and drained us emotionally over perceived bullshit slights like cheating...
bitch if i am not lyeing and hiding it from you, its not cheating its me exercising my right to have choices!