Seeking Is there any games where you are like an anime protagonist, op transfer student kind of thing?


Jul 31, 2020

I was wondering if there are any games where you are like a cliche anime protagonist, where you are over powered (not necessary) and other students just wanna get with you or be in your harem. The thought suddenly came to me when I was just browsing and came across one where you are in a school but you are the teacher, I'm not into the whole age gap thing, I'd prefer it be about the same age, and I've seen a lot of anime so I know the cliches and it popped into my head, are there any games where you are the protagonist transfer student. I've seen ones where you start a school but it's at the same time as everyone else, so you aren't a transfer student and more a... well... normal student.

For clarification I don't mind which gender you play as but I want one where you are the transfer student. And if there is one where you are a student and a transfer student shows up, I'd prefer it if the transfer student is like a childhood friend or something. (not tsundere baka abusive character)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, though it's unlikely there is anything that fits that criteria.