Is there any topic for authors?


Sep 10, 2016
I've been following the forum for some time (including thanks for the great work) and I do not remember seeing a topic for storytellers.

Lately I even see some of the developers attending the forum, and I would like to raise some questions.

1) Do we have authors in the forum?
2) Do we have programmers / developers in the forum?
3) Do we have people willing to share these stories?
4) Would it be okay to post stories on the forum?

Well, that's it overall.

PS: sorry for English, it's not my native language.
Aug 6, 2016
So I can answer the first two questions as I am not too sure about the other ones. Yes there are devs here. I am one of them, but unfortunately i do not have a complete build to show for it. There are others like Archast, who is the author of five days. And there is a programming/dev area on this fourm. . Hope that helped :)