Is this enough to satisfy patreon


Oct 21, 2020
Lets say, hypothetically, I was developing a game which "allegedly" had taboo topics that went against the patreon tos.

In this game, the mc has a wife and three daughters.
Now I've been told that in this game "sexual situations" may allegedly arise between the mc and the daughters. These sexual situations, if sources can be trusted, may go as extreme as penetrative sex. And lets say, that allegd....

The daughters are all over 18 years old, they look and act like proper adults.
All sexual act of incest are consensual, if it were real life not even the most relentless of prosecutors wouldn't be able to prove the acts were coerced.
That being said there are nonconsensual acts in game, mainly with the wife(for the more evil playthrough). While it isn't exactly marital rape, it does swim dangerously close to it. Though, it is mostly you coercing sex from her rather than using force and raping her.
Well that's the context.

As for what I'm doing about the tos:
I will only post links for it here and on discord and won't link it on the patreon, though this doesn't matter much according to their rules and idk how much it matters in practice. I will also let the player choose what relation the daughters have to you and your wife with the default being "apprentice or something". Idk if this is enough.
Idk what to do about the nonconsensual stuff either.

I've seen other games that are way more blatant in either/both incest and rape and they are doing just fine on patreon. Is it that patreon just doesn't care, or do the devs have special tricks?

Also I know about subscribestar and other platforms. Firstly I haven't been approved by SS yet and I made an account almost three weeks ago. Secondly I'd like to have both patreon and SS


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
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Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
You'd be best off creating a 'taboo'/uncensored patch for said game. Still not a guarantee you'll be safe, but you can play dumb as long as you keep the patch away from Patreon, keep the clean version on Patreon and upload the patch here and if they ever see it, just say someone here on the forum made it (and that you have no control over it). The character in your game will be living with the landlady and your three new roommates. Does it make sense? No. Does Patreon care? Not really. That's really the only way to go about it. The other games you mention will eventually get the hammer, provided Patreon doesn't change their TOS at some point (unlikely unless devs leave in mass for competition that allows said violations). They're playing a game of When, not if.

As for SubscribeStar, their support sucks pretty badly, and that's being pretty generous. A fan from one of my games took it upon themselves to message them on my behalf and asked them to activate my account over there. Once you upload/publish your project, it might be worth a shot to ask to someone message them about it. Just have proof that you own the project ready for SubscribeStar (usually a screenshot of your project with your logo or an image of your code with a logo, if I remember correctly. It's been a minute.). Good luck on your game. Hypothetically, of course. ;)
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Oct 21, 2020
If you have to ask, it's illegal.

And incest is banned, why would consent change anything? Nor does changing the word from rape to coercion for that matter.
Yeah thats all true.

I suppose I'm not asking if what I'm doing is allowed or morally right, but rather if I can get away with it and what to do so I can get away with it as long as I can. And unless I haven't looked closely enough the worse patreon can do to me is not that much, just take away a revenue stream, I, as of writing this don't have yet.

And I'm not familiar with maritime law, but I'm pretty sure downloading most things off of this website is way more illegal than violating patreons tos.


Oct 21, 2020
You'd be best off creating a 'taboo'/uncensored patch for said game. Still not a guarantee you'll be safe, but you can play dumb as long as you keep the patch away from Patreon, keep the clean version on Patreon and upload the patch here and if they ever see it, just say someone here on the forum made it (and that you have no control over it). The character in your game will be living with the landlady and your three new roommates. Does it make sense? No. Does Patreon care? Not really. That's really the only way to go about it. The other games you mention will eventually get the hammer, provided Patreon doesn't change their TOS at some point (unlikely unless devs leave in mass for competition that allows said violations). They're playing a game of When, not if.

As for SubscribeStar, their support sucks pretty badly, and that's being pretty generous. A fan from one of my games took it upon themselves to message them on my behalf and asked them to activate my account over there. Once you upload/publish your project, it might be worth a shot to ask to someone message them about it. Just have proof that you own the project ready for SubscribeStar (usually a screenshot of your project with your logo or an image of your code with a logo, if I remember correctly. It's been a minute.). Good luck on your game. Hypothetically, of course. ;)
Thanks og


Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2018
It sounds like some sort of patch file would be needed to go anywhere near Patreon.
And yeah... if you have to ask... the answer is "no".

The secret to Patreon seems to be "don't get caught". Though your biggest problem isn't Patreon, it's the people who download your game. Patreon probably don't have the time to curate all the content on their site. So if they take a look at your game, it's most likely because someone has reported it to them.

Doesn't matter that this is all fantasy. The daughter's aren't 18... they PIXELS! Pixels don't have an age. Even the adult movie industry are only required to certify that their ACTORS are over the legal age and are not related in any way that the law cares about. And lets be honest, it's not Patreon... it's their credit card handling companies.

One other note of caution... as has already been mentioned, if you do end up going down the patch route... don't publish the patch under any name that could be linked to either your game or your Patreon account. They have previously penalized AVN developers for content hosted on 3rd party websites - not just the stuff posted directly on their own website.

Finally... Nobody ever calls their ladylady "Landlady" except apparently in AVNs... she's "Helen", "Tricia", "Dawn", "Yvonne", etc. If you use the words "Land Lady" or "Roommate" more than two or three times during your whole game... you're doing it wrong.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I want to remind that technically Patreon consider as being incest all "family-lookalike" situation. What mean that, if reported to Patreon, even the landlady games would fall under their ban hammer. Same for step-mother and step-dad situation.

Games are rarely reported, but still it happen time to time, even to those who tend to act with caution.
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Jul 6, 2021
I too have been thinking about workarounds.

Some games have, via patch or inherent, the ability to give pet names or relationship titles to characters. "Being a DIK" for example has an interface built into the in-game phone that lets you give "pet names" to characters. If you want to call one "mommy" and another one "sis", there's no obstacle to that. (Although your introduction to the characters isn't written that way.) But this has been sufficient to allow the dev (DrPinkCake) to be both on Patreon and Steam.

I don't think people can sensibly object to your game if they have to literally backspace "roommates" and type in "brother and sister" themselves. But the thing about people is that they rarely limit themselves to rational actions. So it's always an issue of whether someone is willing to complain enough for Patreon to want to do something.

Trickier is non-consent, because there are so many degrees of it. Stories generally depend on something unwanted happening to someone, and in a sex and nudity thing that unwanted event might relate to sex and nudity. Would Patreon object if your MC tackles a girl and rapes her in an alley? Absolutely. But what if a boob is grabbed, a dress is lifted, a towel is stolen? Or consent via blackmail? What if the MC is the victim, or it's between two NPCs and is treated as a bad thing?

Personally, I would find the obvious workaround more offensive:
Bad Guy: "I have you trapped and I am going to look at you smolderingly."
Female character: "You're evil and I hate you, but I'm just so turned on that I want you to fuck me right now!"

But hey it's consensual, right?

I don't think there's an ideal answer, because it's such a gray area and if there was a clear line people would start poking at it to find loopholes. So I think the best answer is to try not to offend anyone and be open to changes if asked.
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