VN - Ren'Py - Isabella - Chasing Shadows [Ch. 4.2] [badtimetales]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is out of what i thought was going to be an investigation of his (MC) girlfriend but its turning to a dog & a cat?. secondly i choose to let the little girl go but somehow she is still there?. why give a choice and than keep her in the game . The game is at 4.2 and no other women than repeat of old scenes .
    the story started well & now looks like out of focus or just trying to involve dogs & cats coverup to hold on with no actual no story plan how to go forward.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review for Ch. 4.2]
    I can tell there was some effort on the dev's part to at least try and write a good story, but the constant flashbacks, overly verbose dialogue and inner monologue, snail's pace, and general grammar issues make this a slog to read.

    Plus, I just find the story to be kind of boring--things are too obviously telegraphed for the most part so there's almost no mystery to the plot and whenever there's something actually interesting it's lost in a sea of dull dialogue.

    Ultimately, it was just too slow and sloppy to really capture my attention. Don't think it's worth the time investment.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It's hard to pinpoint exactly what annoys me the most in this game but I finally figured it out. It is BORING. BORING BORING BORING

    It's not the Slow burn that's a problem, it's the Boring friggin story. This VN is custom tailored for women. Women who want a romance type game will love this (maybe). Guys who want a GF, if you find the 1/2 shaved head girl (Alex) attractive then this VN is for you (maybe).

    Her character model is just OK to me but you are tethered to her throughout this game. The renders are...weird..good quality but you always get the impression something is off. The people look very dry (best way I can describe it)
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is really mixed to me, Isabella is very beautiful and has an interesting story, but the choices in the game are very lackluster, there are not many choices and the ones that exist don't do much to the direction of the game, there is too much attention on the dog for some reason, that decision doesn't really make sense in my perspective, and also to make it worse there is barely any sexual or even romantic content with Isabella for now when she is obviously the main LI, overall just a 5/10 experience, it could get better as the developer adds more scenes with Isabella in the future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome story, great cinematography, almost like watching a movie. Characters have incredible depth and are authentic. Bit of a slow burn, but in a good way. I loved the complexity of the storyline, well hashed out. Kinda gives an Epstein feeling, which I assume was at the core of this project.
    A+++ Dev!

    Oh, and I wouldn't mind a run at Cath as at least a single time option.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't deal with the protagonism of the dog, nor the protagonism of Alex and her sister, they are all annoying to the story, i don t feel anything towards them, they are there you want it or not, so the game forces to have events with them and dialogues. -1 *

    the renders are bad for a game from 2021 and again, the annoying alex has the same same protagonism as the MC, and she is ugly (for me) being completely honest without filters, the dev wanted to make some kind of Quin from being a dick, and failed greatly in doing it. -1*

    The story starts good even if i don t give a damn about the girlfriend/wife of the MC, she dies and then the game turns into CSI Miami but with tons of Bullshit and conveniences for the MC and the story is just bad, the succesion of events are absurd

    Black guy everytime that appears, seems to be more spy than before, with more epic military spy things behind his back in the past days, when he only is a police officer, not a 007 ... -1*

    Isabella...started good but the DOG makes me hate her after she moves with the MC and the annoying alex to his house, they are both annoying together, isabella is better alone when she seems sometimes unaccesible, if not she becomes boring and annoying , because the dog and the little annoying Alex, i really liked isabella...Damn dev -1*

    The MC is misty, i dont know what the fk think of him, he is supposed to be the shit, but doesn't show it, his character is weird and i don t like it. -1*

    1/5 Ez gg

    Fucking dog and cat , for fuck sake i wish they kill the dog, for real when he was shoted i really wanted it to be dead

    I dont know why the dev thought having a dog cutting conversations every 20 seconds between people would make him look cute, he looks to me as if he was asking me to kill him, the dog is the worst shit this game has besides Alex, does isabella have any sex scenes? i played this game for 3 days yet i didn t see any sex scene or even kiss with her, i m already seeing where this is going, this game is just what it is, and y'all know what i mean, keep milking this bots who gave 5* for nothing worth more than 1*, i hate this for real, such a bad game, the choice i made of telling alex to fuck off (friends) didn t matter at all, why do i have to keep seeing her every day the MC wakes up in the morning as if we were a couple.

    Potentially abandoned game in the near future. I tried out this game for 3 days despise hating every moment of alex, the dog, her sister and the mc, just because had all those 5 * and because i had an strong interest in isabella, she is well done with a good story, but treated poorly in the progress of the game, this game had potential, but it was bad executed with LI's that are ugly and annoying foremost, enjoy this thing while it lasts, all for you.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, let's get to the game and how interesting it could be even more if you had more choice options, apart from the hot scenes where you have angle options, Other than that you are very limited to certain moments, There is a lack of choices that can really give impact on the MC that he may regret more in the future.

    The girls
    Jennifer: although you already start the game with loss, it's a case that still intrigues who is really the mastermind behind her death, that's just the future for us to tell.

    Alex: because of her turbulent past for everything she went through with her father's death, her being deceived by the band leader, I even understand more if she was a little more open with him having to know about her past because of her sister, it's missing more attitude from her for now, I'll follow her route and see where it goes and it's the only one she has at the moment :unsure:.

    Isabella: this is difficult to cry a lot and the mc is weak in the end he falls for her charms and as Alex is jealous he doesn't like it at all seeing his male flirting with another in front of him, because in reality I don't like this type of girl who does anything to attract attention, unfortunately it doesn't work for me as a romance option :D.

    Val: interesting, happy, fun girl has her ways of what she really wants if she had more screen time like Alex and Isa she would be my first option for who I should follow until the end, for now I'll leave her as my second option romance in case I change my mind with Alex later :unsure:.

    The other girls still don't enjoy waiting for what will happen from now on or in the future.

    Overall rating: 4/5

    Note: my review is not the best, I took a few hours off my break to play and people insisted that I at least try.

    I'm really not one to review games because in the end it could end up being deleted, which is why your review suggests that it's an attack on the developer, because some developers don't like it when you criticize their game even pointing out the errors and flaws, you have to say that the game is good :LOL:
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is not for me, it's not at all what I expected when reading the reviews, basically every review here exclusively praises the game, so I'm going to do it differently, I'm going to talk about what I didn't like.

    To begin with, as far as I was able to play, the player basically has no right to make serious decisions, we can only watch, the few choices that appeared were stupid, like choosing where to cum, or acting like a creep with a girl who is scared and asked for your help.

    I read in other reviews that the game is slow burn, maybe that's the case with Isabella, but only with her, the "MC" has a very active sex life, he repeatedly has sex with a "friend", without asking if we players want it or not, even Isabella is forced on us, without caring if we are interested or not.

    There are so many animations in this game, none of them are of good quality, I'm not insulting DEV, I even take my hat off to him for trying, it may not be good now, but it will be in the future; however, the ones we have here are not good, with the exception of the sex animations (which are basically 3sec loop stimuli), the rest are unnecessary, and make the game worse, I think it's stupid to watch a long animation just to see a character form a smile, it would be smoother to use stills with a dissolve, it would be much better than this animation, and this is just one example, the DEV even tried to create cutscenes.

    I expected a serious game, with good dialogue, drama, but what I saw was a game where the player has no decision-making power, and the MC acts like a pervert all the time; despite having a certain plot, and drama, it disappears like smoke as the MC can only act like a 15-year-old pervert.

    I'll summarize by saying that it's a good idea, but with poor execution.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Must say I didn't expect all these "Video's". Story is good so far and the characters are refreshing. Alex is quite the firecracker :ROFLMAO:
    Just wanted to say. Going back to the game :D
    Keep up the good work!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    This game has many positive points and honestly, without exaggerating the negative points, even if it has, they are not felt against the positive points

    Positive points:
    The appearance of in-game females is very attractive in their own way

    The females and males in the game are not copies (these days, most games use models that are copies of other games, and this is not good at all)

    The renderings are quite satisfactory

    The animations are great, they have been worked on and the physiology of the models changes inside them, this is great

    The story of this game is very interesting and original, not a copy (unlike most other games).

    The music of this game is great and has a special harmony with the atmosphere of the game

    MC's personality is very great, he is attractive, one enjoys being in his place.

    The personality of the girls in this game is very attractive, they are not boring sluts, they have a strong personality

    Writing is very strong. We are not in favor of long, redundant and boring writings

    and Etc ...

    negative points :

    Nothing ! Even if there is, I did not feel it
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those slow burn games that you need to set right expectations for. It absolutely delivers on what it wants to showcase, and how it presents its story but if you're thinking you're going to be ogling women left & right and skipping through the dialogues to get to the "good stuff", you'd realize that the dialogues, characters, worldbuilding and the story itself is what is the main course, whereas the "Adult" part of the games are more of a natural occurence and not the main feature of the game.
    Its a game that doesn't rely on sex, and infact, I believe it is one of the least "perverse" games I've played from all the ones I have. This isn't a compliment or criticism, its only an observation, and I'm all in for a compelling plot, which builds up slowly with natural character progression, realistic dialogues and tone, grounded framework and Great visuals on top of it. I also enjoy that the MC feels mature and doesn't act like a usual adult 18 year old MC with big dick mode on jumping on every woman in sight like a dog chasing a bone.
    Really enjoyed the experience so far, and very intrigued to see where this goes next, the choices are few and far between but they still feel relevant. Isabella - Dark Paths is a dark horse in the making.
    Go in with the right expectations and you'll really enjoy it, for the rest who want quick fix, its not a game for you.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent Virtual Novel.

    It is well written and enjoyable. The characters are endearing and interesting and carry the story.

    While nothing is perfect, I would say the only drawback is you are stuck with one of the love interests from the beginning. And in order to not be involved with them, you have to friend-zone them. Cruel, because this L.I. like the other main L.I. is very likeable.

    I hope the author considers making more VNs after this one is complete. Over many years time, they could have a wonderful set of stories.

    Isabella-Dark Paths, recommended.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, its been months since I've played a game that did not make skip the story, characters are well written, decent animation, good plot, a bit predictive but let's hope you surprise me! Well deserved 5 stars. Keep up the good work!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Before I give it a rating. I give certain categories more weight on my personal rating like enjoyment, character enjoyment and Story.

    Only 3 other games have made me feel sad or bummed out the game was over or I had to wait for an update. To me that just shows how good this game is.

    One other side note : I'm easy to please or entertain I think so I'm not as critical as other people when I review or talk about certain aspects of games , movies etc.

    Renders : There were times where it did look off here and there but for the most part through the entire game they looked pretty damn good. Sure other games may have some prettier renders but I liked them here.

    Animations : I want to give this a 10/10 however ive seen a few other games that impressed me more but not by much. So to me i dont think it would be fair to give it a 10/10 on animations.

    Characters :
    All the character models looks really good I cant say anything negative about them

    Alex : Honestly I love and some what don't like her at the same time. She is really well written has some fun dialogue so a good all around character. What I don't like is how frequent the sex scenes feel with her. I understand you are sex buddies with her but still feels a bit too often Especially in the beginning of the game.

    Isabella : While I feel at the moment Alex has a better backstory / character development. Isabella has some kinda of charm or spell over me that I cannot explain. Even on my personal LI list I put her at #3 despite there being other LI that are straight up better characters. Just one of those things you cant explain but it is what it is.

    Story : Honestly I didn't think I was gonna like it at first seemed like a simple story based on the description. Yet I think this story is one of the better ones out of the 20 or so AVN games I've played since I came back to these games for story and not lewds.

    Enjoyment : This is one of those categories I put more weight on when ranking a game. I'm just not sure if this is tied or slightly under the 3 or 4 games id give a 11/10 on this category. Especially how this game made me feel that sad/ bummed out feeling early one because I got attached to the characters right away. I only had the feeling right away not just cause character attachment but I had a feeling either the game wasnt gonna be super long or something bad was gonna happen and be on left on a cliffhanger. That power emotion from a game is rare for me even on regular games made by AAA or AA devs.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Played it after the remastered version was released. Love the models, they are not ones you see in every game. The story keeps you enraptured and keeps you wondering who did it? The sex scenes are fluid and are more realistic then most games. I would recommend it to anyone who loves a great story, while enjoying said scenes. This one will keep you happy and looking forward to the next release. 5/5 from me
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this game so far. One of my favorites for sure.
    Very well written and intriguing story.
    The renders are great and it has lots of animations.
    Really like both girls. Isa is smoking hot and I can't wait for MC to build something with her, Alex is extremely loyal and very cute.
    Can't wait to see what happens next.

    5/5 Definitely worth playing.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Canto Forte

    This game is gorgeous, it has a story before we catch up to the characters,
    life did not stall to the point of ending right before and did not run amock right after we enter head fast into the lives and desires of the characters.

    MC is believable, he is a relatable grown up slumped between personal hardship and the very good and heartfelt intentions of the two most relatable and closest people he has around. Both of them just happened to have found it inside their hearts, each in their own ways, to welcome MC back into their lives, even after and despite his self deprecating soul decomposing plunge into grief.

    This game has a pace, it has a plot, following MC as he rebuilds his work flow
    and his self confidence, while being immersed into the lives and exploits
    of the people around him.

    This game takes twists and turns that string MC along and creates all sorts a situations where MC can have a say, pursue someone, throw some opinions in there and see where they get him.

    HAppy following the adventures of MC and friends is this game state of mind.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 3.3

    Great game, one of the best plot-driven AVN's in development. There's a lot of intrigue and mysteries here to be solved. Some good suspenseful moments. Alex is a compelling, sympathetic LI, very attached to her at this point. Dev is doing very good work here!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: Chapter 3.3

    Writing style is overall very solid... competent and effective.

    Story is interesting and enjoyable so far. Some of the parts are a bit far fetched, particularly when it comes to a certain bit of technology, and there's a certain level of contrivances that are pretty typical for the genre but overall it's been good. It's easy to digest, yet full of mysteries and intrigue slowly unfolding, and it kept me hooked and wanting more.

    The characters are great. All the gals and guys are likeable (when they should be - Alex's sister is insufferable), unique, and nuanced enough to be a joy to interact with in the story... all while not knowing if I can actually trust any of them in game as full of intrigue as this one is something which I love. Some of the known "bad guys" are definitely a bit over the top and cartoonish but not as quite as bad as a lot of games.

    Models and renders are beautiful. Isa alone could make this worthwhile, but Valerie and even Annoushka are also stunning. While there are some stretches that seem to have longer dialogues with only minimal renders the author uses them effectively as needed and a lot of attention is paid to the expressions of characters in each individual renders even when they're only shown briefly.

    Sex scenes are serviceable but lacking. The animation itself is decent but parts of it feel pretty robotic, particularly watching the head and facial expressions. It's like watching two animatrontics having sex. There's also a noticeable disconnect between what's being said during them and what's being shown. Things like "Faster!" and "Harder!" are usually followed by the animation not getting any noticeably faster or more intense and the MC continuing to just slowly poke poke thrust. Overall a lot of the scenes are simultaneously a bit sexy but lacking in passion and intensity. As much as I love seeing the bouncing boobs... I'd prefer if effort was was put into being more descriptive in the writing of the scenes. Most of the writing for the sex scenes are just really short dialogue.

    The background music is decent, varied, and fits well. There aren't a large amount of other sounds and none during sex scenes which I didn't feel were needed anyway.

    Small nitpicks that could be worked on:
    -Too many unneeded animations. For example, having an animation for each time we move from one place to another seems like a waste. I can imagine a car drive to get from point A to point B so I don't really need it animated every time we're traveling unless it's an important scene that involves travel (like the bike ride with Isa, though that was the shortest despite being arguably one of the few to actually make sense to put in the extra effort into and highlight). While there are some animations that do add to the presentation, there are lots of other shorter but unnecessary animations that often don't really add anything.
    -A lot of stopping on black screens that aren't necessary and you don't know if you should click or not until nothing happens for a bit.
    -Some renders have a lot of noise that could be cleaned up. It's not a ton, but parts where it's present it's really noticeable.
    -Occasional clipping with clothing/model
    -Doorbells can be startling in the game, so either tone them down a notch or warn people to turn the sound level down
    -A lot of people asking about why the MC is looking into his wife's death after "all this time" when it's only been a year seems strange as that's not a lot of time when it comes to a loved one having passed away. It comes off as odd and insensitive while I think it's just poor phrasing.

    Personal completely subjective takes:
    -I didn't personally care for Alex physically/romantically. I love her snarkiness, teasing/banter, and her jealous faces/remarks but she's not right for my personal tastes. Having to start out with her and most of the sexual content being her scenes so far wasn't horrible but not ideal if you're not really into her.
    -I found the nipples a bit odd looking. Almost all the girls have the same nipples/areolas with just different colors/textures and there's something about the plastic-looking pencil eraser tip with indentations in the middle look to the nipples that just didn't sit right with me.
    -The cum shots/facials I really appreciated but had slightly mixed feelings on. I really loved the effort put into them (though some were a bit weak compared to others) and the choices that we get for doing them in certain scenes. Everything is awesome except the texture. If that was improved a bit they'd be top notch.
    -I'm loving the slow buildup with Isa!

    This is definitely a well put together AVN that deserves more attention so give it a shot. I'm looking forward to seeing where this one goes quite a bit!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Just found out about this game and I can say I'm very much intrigued about it, the mystery revolving MCs fiance pulled me in. I also like these animations between the scenes like when MC drives from a location to another or these little things like coffee steam and all these little transition moments that gives the game an extra touch.

    Aside from some minor dialogue inconveniences, typos here and there there is not much I can complain about so I'm very curious how this will continue and hope dev will manage to finish the game and the story he wants to tell.