RPGM - Completed - Isekai Incubus [v1.3 Uncensored] [Merkonig]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    1 - It's not animated, just pictures.
    2 - Slow battle system, you have cooldown after each attack, enemy attacks you even when it's not his turn, so if you are thinking to much or you wait to attack then your turn it's skipped. The game forces you to wait after each attack, and if you wait to much then too bad, because your turn was skipped.
    3 - Impossible to beat the Dark Wraith, even online you can't found a tutorial or something. My only option it's the Uninstall ...
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I bookmarked this game a long time ago and saw the update as a good reason to finally play it. The art and premise seemed like a good fit for me, but it was just disappointment after disappointment. After "finishing" the game, I can't help but think that some of the other reviewers live in a different reality. Seriously, is there a previous version that is more complete before a rework or something? I can't rationalize giving this game anything other than 1/5 with how badly it fails to deliver on the content you expect from it. No one should play this game. At least I only lost 2 hours of my life on this.

    First off, there is no conventional understanding of the word "completed" that can be used to describe the current state of this game. Just because the creator acknowledges that they are abandoning the game and abruptly ends the plot does not mean the game is complete. There's no resolution to any of the plot points - the game just ends. I didn't even realize that the game was over at first because there are no credits after the final event and instead you're just dropped back in camp with nothing else to do. I had to double check the forum because I thought maybe I downloaded an unfinished version of the game or missed a quest.

    Worse than the cancelled story elements is that almost none of the main NPCs that you work with throughout the game get scenes. And half of the scenes in game are between random NPCs that don't involve the MC at all. Big titty oracle, knight, and elf from the preview images? None of them get a single scene. These are 3 of the 5 main NPC companions you travel with in the game and they don't appear nude a single time. The scenes that did make it into the game are repetitive and vanilla, considering that the MC is a literal sex demon. I'd maybe be more forgiving of the game getting hastily wrapped up if there was at least a finale to give all the unused characters a scene, but there's nothing. I felt like I was baited into playing the game, chasing a prize that never existed.

    I was planning to write more about the game. Like how this is the single most miserable iteration of rpgm combat I've ever experienced (why the fuck even put combat in your game if you're going to do this?), how much fetching and backtracking each quest has, how the character and item progression are nonexistent, how every bit of basic rpgm qol is missing, or how off-putting the sex sound effects and screen shake are. However, if the creator didn't think this game was worth finishing then I don't see why I should finish thi
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5762614

    The story is poor and you don't get a lot of freedom when it comes to not sharing your supposed exclusive wives. Also builds you up to be some super powerful demon only to render you helpless whenever the plot needs it.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    1. Battle system is so slow and boring
    2. Silence does not work the enemies still cast spells just fine
    3. Final battle with wraith is impossible.. over 10 minutes fighting it than one spell even when silenced that is instant kill! so when it's getting near death it casts an instant death spell that does well over 2500+ damage.. so you can't win

    How the hell can anyone rate this game as anything but shit? You can't win at all.. it's impossible. Battle system is slow and boring also.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I wish I could give this some more stars, but I got stuck and couldn't proceed due to how the game is designed (unless I cheat I guess, but meh...)

    As other reviews state, battles are pointless, you only level up from sex, which is tied to the story (no repeatable sex scenes to grind, no pun intended). I messed up with the level ups and just can't for the life of me get past fights anymore.

    Loved the sex scenes though. It's sorta like... vanilla+ sex. It's just a lot of normal sex but in excess, going on for hours with tons of cum.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    v1.0B public

    + I like the art
    + I like the plot
    + I like the fact MC is a male with a bitch breaker. So rare to see those on males.
    + I like the womb tattoos
    + I like the waifus. grade A good taste.
    + I like that there is a visible effect that indicates where you can transition maps.

    - can not change the name of the MC.
    - MC's personality is a somewhat annoying.
    - combat is real time and quick, so you better press buttons fast. very annoying and frustrating.
    - combat grants no XP so it is pointless waste of time
    - manually converting LP to XP is tedious and pointless
    - maps too big which is tedious walking simulator
    - manually converting merch trash into money is tedious. all enemies only drop monsters drop cores which you can only sell to merchants for money... just make them drop money
    - only thing to spend money on are potions. Only use of potions is for combat. better off just running from monsters to avoid pointless fights that convert your HP and MP into more potions. unless you need to accumulate potions for a tough boss fight
    - escaping combat is tedious
    - game is linear open world. It is basically a VN with walking simulator segments breaking it up. You cannot choose to do things out of order. After every event you simply wander around lost until you find out the next spot where the linear plot occurs.
    - most monsters are venomous which is horribly annoying and tedious
    - dungeons are tedious. They constantly make you fight monsters every few steps. You roll to encounter an enemy every step you take while in a dungeon, unlike normal exploration where you see monsters on the map and can avoid them
    - every map is a maze designed to make you get easily lost. you have to memorize the right path as you go back and forth
    - ususally you have japanese and the english translation showing up at the same time one above the other. I wish I could actually select a single language to show instead.
    - Quests tend to be tedious. For example:
    -- Example 1: go to tree of life, it is in south forest. walking simulator through 5 maze maps. get there "oh no, not enough candles. go all the way back to the house, grab candles, walk all the way back to the tree again"
    -- Example 2: "find 7 piles of literal dirt in this massive maze map". seriously?
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This one is rough. It's a great idea of a h-rpg. However, it sucks as an rpg.

    The battles literally don't do anything but slow you down. No one levels up from it, since the way you level characters is from sex. But sex is tied to story events so the leveling system is locked to how far you are in the game. Plus if you mess up the distribution of the points you can end up having a lopsided team.

    The battles do provide items that the monsters drop and I believe money. But I don't need the money because the only thing that it is used for is the pointless battles. So they just slow you down and pad out the story.

    Furthermore, the padding is a lot of pointless walking and dodging of monsters, cuse I don't wanna fight em. You go back and forth a lot and the worst example of this is going through 5 maps to get to a meeting point and then you are told that the lady in charge of the ritual forgot a fucking candle back at her village, 5 maps back. It is the worst case of backtracking so far.

    To sum up the bad: battles are pointless and annoying and do not contribute to the game in any meaningful way.

    The good is that the art is interesting and the story is interesting, it isn't the greatest story I've seen on the site. But it is an interesting twist. One of which I want to continue to see where it ends. How sex is used and the characters are designed is the only reason I give the game 3 stars. I am also a little baised because the kinks are my favorite. Over the top proportions, crazy sex faces, lite corruption, and a lil cucking. If those aren't your favorite kinks then you'll probably not like this game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    Isekai Incubus is a pretty decent, middle-of-the-road RPG smut game. It has some decent strong points, and a few big flaws that all even out to equal an average experience of its type.

    The title is basically the pitch: You are a young man who dies by after being smushed by a car, and is transplanted into a fantasy universe by godlike forces. Getting run down by a car is the death of choice for the isekai genre. It's like free real estate- you don't have to characterize the protagonist or their death beyond the occurrence itself. So, that's the isekai element. The incubus part of the title contains the small twist: you're turned into a male sex demon by the very god that plopped you into this straightforward fantasy world. Your sexual characteristics are dialed to maximum: your dick is enormous, you have effectively infinite stamina, and you cum buckets (literally). Any girl you copulate with becomes your concubine.

    So, turns out, your abilities and natural human decency combine to provide us with the little twist of the premise: you're the only one that seems capable of saving the world from the greater evils. The devil you know, and all that. So, as you accrue women for your harem, you also right wrongs, and make friends of foes. That's about where the game is in its development.

    For the good, the writing is light-hearted and the characters distinct. The art is somewhat consistent, though the anatomy is all over the place, ranging from feasible physiques to extremely exaggerated. There's a distinct forward motion to the plot, which helps.

    For the bad, and there's a few big ones- you'll want to make use of the cheat options, or even go further beyond and install a cheat plugin. There's too much emphasis on the really dull aspects of RPG Maker; the combat. Common mobs actually take a lot of effort and time to beat for a smut game. It gets grindy and repetitive fast, because it's not fun to begin with. RPGM is pretty archaic unless you spice it up, but there's none of that here.

    And secondly, this is the first time in an adult RPG Maker game that it's stuck out to me either way, but good god, is the map design bad. Using the default tile set, there are multiple-screen maps you have to trek through, and backtrack through, then trek again through, back and forth, over and over. These maps are very, very blandly designed, but they are also big for this kind of game. So you can actually get lost and waste time going in circles a bit before you get to your destination. If you put down the game because of the maps, I certainly wouldn't blame you.

    What would help improve the game: Rework the map/dungeons to be much more simple, or more interesting and visually distinct, screen to screen. Reduce the "challenge" of the fight (i.e. give enemies about half their normal HP pools to accelerate the rote combat), or give the enemies or attacks some flair or personality (either via bespoke assets, or sexually themed animations, or something).

    Some more appropriate content would be nice as well- interacting with your concubines and harem would be good. Outfits and relationship-based stats instead of any emphasis on boring RPG Maker combat would be more interesting.

    There's many worse games out there, but Insekai Incubus still has a lot of room for improvement.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art-style! Fascinating battle UI and storyline! Such a wonderful masterpiece done by Merkonig! I was seriously amazed by everything in this game so far. Especially the ahegao part which is my personal fetish. Merkonig is really the man of culture. I admire him from the bottom of my heart. Hope he keep up with his good work and don't get too stressed.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the game good art and a new xp system its quite hard because the posion is annoying as hell and you cant buy antidote yet if you can just dont fight de demons try not to fight then since they wont give you any xp in the tree of life dungeon i recomend disabling the random encounters because there is not that much antidote and you will need to keep going back to the village to rest if you dont want to get a game over that is and the mini bosses are quite easy thy dont give poison effects at least for now but the sleeping effect is quite annoying the last boss from the tree of life dungeon is a mandragora when the evil seed appear kill it or every character will get a insta k.o and if you want to lvl up someone lvl up the mc because the other characters are not always with you so it will be quite hard if u dont do so but u just need to put him to lvl 6 if you want to end it tho at the bandit den you gonna need a lot of potions and life herbs since u will be only with oka and jane wont be there to heal you and try to get every single chest you see hope i helped u and good playtrough(my first review in this site and about ero games really loved it sry for bad english and so hope i helped)
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1134959

    The artstyle is very nice in my opinion.
    The gameplay is typical.
    I like the characters that are in the game.
    In conclusion a solid game and im looking for more.
    Its a bit short at this time but it will be longer due future updates i think.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy fucking shit.
    I went into this expecting bad MTL and grindy combat, instead, what I got was some pretty well-drawn and decently paced sex scenes with a somewhat decent plot.
    In my honest opinion, even though this is just v0.4B, it has a good amount of content already, and I hope the dev sticks around to finish it