wow this game is buggy as hell
1. no save functionality. game autosaves on exit and only allows 1 load slot slot. which is stupid for a game this buggy, this early in dev, this difficult to get right (1 dev on unity)
2. I am told to capture a woman. go explore.... go right, go up, fall off the map. walk back unto the map, go right, go down. see enemies
3. defeat enemy. "you have 0 captives". click capture "you capture her and take her to base"... i am still there. click on her again "you have 3 captives", capture her a second time "you capture her and take her to base"... i am still here... manually retreat to base.
4. base has 2 captives. don't know what the deal was with 3
5. I think i need to break her? no explanation on how it works. confusing UI
6. managed to get bound sex missionary... it thinks MC is in but actually he is humping the air. stress level does not end the session at 100% stress so i can just keep on going until all stats are at max.
7. mindbreak requires clicking just the right pixel on the mindbreak button to work
8. impregnated on first creampie... subsequent creampies do not impregnate. make sense... but it is subsequent creampies for all women not just the first one.
9. after MB offered to make adjustment to girl mode. could not change it from default mindbreak. ended session.
10. took MB girl to goddess and gave her. went back to remaining girl. started session. tried to do it properly via the mind functionality, it said something about masturbate. check mind... oh, she is already mindbroken. but also not. some things think she is some don't due to game not being able to track more than 1 slave. Her reactions show she isn't mind broken, but the mind GUI shows the mindbroken menu instead of the normal menu.
11. I can't exit... try mind breaking her again. well it lets me re-mindbreak her. I can just keep on doing it but it still won't let me out or change her reactions. quit the game because i am stuck
12. multiple of the positions I tried were completely bugged. like the girl was a 90 degree angle to what she should be and was thus clipping through my torso
so... 10 minutes into the game on v0.06 and I gave up.
wow this game is buggy as hell
1. no save functionality. game autosaves on exit and only allows 1 load slot slot. which is stupid for a game this buggy, this early in dev, this difficult to get right (1 dev on unity)
2. I am told to capture a woman. go explore.... go right, go up, fall off the map. walk back unto the map, go right, go down. see enemies
3. defeat enemy. "you have 0 captives". click capture "you capture her and take her to base"... i am still there. click on her again "you have 3 captives", capture her a second time "you capture her and take her to base"... i am still here... manually retreat to base.
4. base has 2 captives. don't know what the deal was with 3
5. I think i need to break her? no explanation on how it works. confusing UI
6. managed to get bound sex missionary... it thinks MC is in but actually he is humping the air. stress level does not end the session at 100% stress so i can just keep on going until all stats are at max.
7. mindbreak requires clicking just the right pixel on the mindbreak button to work
8. impregnated on first creampie... subsequent creampies do not impregnate. make sense... but it is subsequent creampies for all women not just the first one.
9. after MB offered to make adjustment to girl mode. could not change it from default mindbreak. ended session.
10. took MB girl to goddess and gave her. went back to remaining girl. started session. tried to do it properly via the mind functionality, it said something about masturbate. check mind... oh, she is already mindbroken. but also not. some things think she is some don't due to game not being able to track more than 1 slave. Her reactions show she isn't mind broken, but the mind GUI shows the mindbroken menu instead of the normal menu.
11. I can't exit... try mind breaking her again. well it lets me re-mindbreak her. I can just keep on doing it but it still won't let me out or change her reactions. quit the game because i am stuck
12. multiple of the positions I tried were completely bugged. like the girl was a 90 degree angle to what she should be and was thus clipping through my torso
so... 10 minutes into the game on v0.06 and I gave up.