RPGM - Completed - It was Heard that Nun Would Do Anything with Her Big Breast For You If You Did Something Useful [v1.00] [Hoi Hoi Hoi]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For those who are looking for a short game with heartwarming romance, this is the game for you! The theme of true love is highly prevalent in the game. with the main nun developing feelings for you as you help her out and give her gifts, eventually culminating into a very satisfying ending of reciprocated love.

    Is there NTR?
    Do not fear NTR, for things may not be as they seem (See the *Good Ending* for the TRUTH).

    For those looking for NTR heavy games, maybe look someplace else.

    In short - Not really.

    Gameplay is simple, with battles utilizing a turn based combat system similar to advanced wars (move to tile, then attack enemies in range). I found the battles to be extremly simple/straightforward, and quests to be even easier to complete (there are only like 4 or 5).

    For those looking for some complex RPG or battle system, this is probably not the game for you. For those more focused on story (and even for those who hate battle systems), play this.

    I have nothing to complain about here. The animated portions were amazing. 10/10 would cum back for more.

    A great game for fans of short story-focused RPGs with great animated lewd portions and themes of true love. You want big butts? big tits? big...heart? We got it all baby.

    Once again, do not be driven away by the worry of NTR in this game. Don't be a wuss and TRY THE GAME.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I love Hoi Hoi Hoi but man I strongly dislike his combat system and this game has it.

    - Good animations and scenes
    - A couple different endings
    - Quest system
    - Gallery at the end of the game

    - Combat system is atrocious
    - You gotta manage your time well, if not it's game over
    - There isn't many scenes unfortunately
    - The MC is a wuss and a crybaby

    I'd just recommend getting a full save and enjoying the gallery, the gameplay isn't fun and you are better off saving your time.