VN - Ren'Py - It's Just a Game [v0.3.2] [DigiDec]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very impressed with this game. Going in, I didn’t expect much for such a young game, but I was blown away.

    This game is a lot of fun. The story is well-crafted and written in great English, which is always nice to see on this site. I am very interested in how the "sims" will continue to affect the women in MC's life.

    Speaking of the "sims," they are bringing a lot of interesting possibilities for erotic scenes, which I hope to see more of in the future. With them, the developer will have no constraints on genre or time period. Magic and futuristic tech, or fairies and aliens, won’t feel out of place. Heck, even changes in art style wouldn’t be an immersion breaker. I hope to see some crazy stuff in the future.

    The art in the game is great as well. The characters and environments look awesome, and the erotic scenes are hot and plentiful, which was a very nice surprise for such a freshly released game. No blue-balling in this one.
    And whats important to add is that they are not the vanilla type. There is promise for some wild stuff in the future.

    Would recommend 10/10.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game seems to be able to mix genres in an extremely efficient and compelling way, you get the office vn, the vr vn, the harem vn, the bimbofication vn, and the futa vn, all wrapped up into one without it feeling overblown. I am amazed at simply how many different ways the author has gone in the story without it feeling over the top, can't wait to see more!
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    I just downloaded this game today and experienced it, it's really great from the content, sound and images and options.

    hope you can continue this work because the way the story is told really captivates me
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really dont tend to rate games as a pirate I feel I really dont have a say in the matter unless the dev ask for it. I have played and Im playing a good couple of games from very different thematics, and there have been just 2 games that when they end I get vary frustated because of how good they are and this one is by FAR the one game that has make me feel that way. At the star it got me intrigued, the uptade after uptade it got better, this ast update was facking awesome, really hope Im one day avilable to give some money to the dev!!!!!!!!!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, I love this game. I have a hard time putting all the things that are great with it into words. The extremely compelling story, the dialogue and characters, how well it blends the sexual aspects and the normal ones together to create this immersive masterpiece.

    I cannot for the life of me recommend this more. It kind of makes me sad that I can't rate this higher, because it shouldn't be close to all the terrible games that for some unexplainable reason get high ratings. Top 5 on the site for sure, I am looking forward to the next update because the last one really blew my mind.

    TL;DR: Amazing game, I urge you to try it. I am very picky when it comes to the media I consume and man, this is just fantastic.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I normally don't play games without animations. This one is worth it.

    From a technical aspect this game is fairly top notch. The writing is sound, the prose is appealing, the scenes are framed well, the models are attractive and everything in general is quite good.

    From an artistic point of view this game gets better the further in you get. I probably wouldn't have rated it 5 stars if it weren't for the current ending. The lack of animations simply would take a star for me, but damn it's such a compelling and well told story. I can't wait to see where this one is going.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Is the game good? Yes. Do I recommend it? Yes.

    This is a game where the kinks it has are more than just an afterthought and in games where that's the case, the story and plot falls by the wayside more often than not. Honestly, it was beginning to feel like it until that is, the newest update 0.3.2 - now this is a gamechanger.

    The intro and setting up of the world is actually really interesting. The technology of virtual reality and everything it entails has always been something that has interested the modern youth because of the boundless freedom possible. The plot is actually centered around that curiosity of what if? That's how our story kicks off and it's well-written - so much so that I can't really find any fault in it. There's no problem with the pacing, there's a healthy amount of sex sprinkled in so that no one is left wondering whether this is even an adult game or not, and the sex scenes themselves aren't mindless and are actually part of the story.

    Next comes what I like best, the dialogue. The dialogue in this game is amazing, it's very authentic and extremely entertaining. The characters never prattled on about something unrelated and when they do end up using jargons because of the MC's job, the average person can follow it without needing to have a PhD. In fact in the recent update, our MC has this sexually-charged conversation with a character I was still on the fence about that was so electrifying that that encounter alone already made me a fan on that character.

    Speaking of characters, they're all great. They feel real especially because the POV isn't strictly tied to the MC which gives us moments where we explore how the other characters are usually like, and as you play more of the game you as the MC find times where you can have an honest conversation with these characters which reveal more of their personalities and motivations in a natural way which is so much better than some third-person exposition.

    Since we just talked about characters, let's go next with how they look - the visuals. These are very well-made renders and it really shows how well the gradual changes appearing to the people closest to our MC. On top of that, all the girls look hot so if you combine that with the amazing dialogue and the great renders, I haven't once seen a sex scene that I wanted to skip.

    All of these elements combined make for a really, really entertaining game that I was kind of doubting before the newest update because I thought that the status quo of having sex with girls as they're slowly corrupted is going to stay the same until the game eventually peters out. Which I have no problems with, the rating would more or less still stay the same because It's Just a Game - an adult one where I can get my rocks off.

    Then 0.3.2 came out and all of that changed. 5-fucking-stars.

    My message to DigiDec: Amazing job guys, this is some really good stuff. There isn't much I can chime in for because with how well the game has been going so far, I have full confidence that you don't need the masses telling you what to do. Keep up the great work, I'm definitely looking forward to what comes next in Act 2!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The models, dialogue, story and character development is all very well put together to form some interesting and fun/enjoyable situations and relationships. I found myself reading the entirety of each page of dialogue, just love that it was holding my attention so well . For v0.3.2 in particular, that cliffhanger was just perfect, no spoilers but what an excellent job keeping me interested for future updates.

    As others have mentioned animations would be nice but overall 5/5. Looking forward to what DigiDec has in store for us in the future.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. Mick

    This is an absolutely fantastic visual novel.

    The premise alone is worth the read. Add to that the unconventional visuals, the fun twists, and the engaging characters, and you are in for a treat.

    If you're looking for a fun and interesting story, with a varied cast of intriguing personas, you should check this out. Well done DigiDec.

    Besides, if you find that it isn't your prefered flavor of coffee, remember...

    It's Just a Game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Usually when you see a full-on 5-star game, it's one or two reviews from friends of the dev or whatever -- but LORD. This is deserving. I join the carousel of praise for a game that checks all the boxes. One of those "count them on one hand" games.

    Great story, amazing tech knowledge that actually means something, real-life people (and bots), and a level of quirk that just blows my mind. The familial sexual power subtext is gorgeous. ( The whole virtual game idea of Mom, sis, etc. gaming how to best present to MC, while he spies, is great-- Mom in ABBA gear, waah!) I love it.

    Only quibble I have is, as usual, about TASTE. Specifically, BUTTS. The dev is obviously, as most seem to be, a fan of Sir Mixalot. I am NOT. The characters of Qai, Natalie and Zoe are more my preference. But "De gustibus non est disputandum", as they used to say, back when sex was something humans enjoyed like artichokes and gelato.
    Nonetheless! Thank you, DigiDec, for sharing your talent. I look so forward to future endeavors!!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    wooooh ... pure enthusiasm! The game hits the nerve with me "Hooray the girls don't look like glossy super models". I really like the look of the characters. I'm also pleased that I don't get a toothache when reading the text like I do with some other games written in shitty English.
    I don't think the story idea is bad either.
    The only thing I would like to see are animations .... but still 5 stars.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    It's been a long time since I came across a game with dialog that's actually readable.

    This game just gets things right. The only thing it doesn't have is animations. Under normal circumstances I would give it a 4/5. But it's a new game and I have no intention of stopping this 5 star hype train.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not every day you encounter a new game that is packed with high-quality content and huge potential.

    The dev utilizes the theme of VR/simulation in an innovative way to present a unique and refreshing story. The elements of conflict and mystery are displayed coherently, and every scene and plot progression feels natural and connected. This alone already merits at least four stars for me.

    Initially, I had some reservations about this game because the renders from previews were not that "pretty" by Daz 3D standard, but I'm happy I was proven wrong since the lack of "impeccable beauty" actually makes the characters feel, how to say, more "real", which does in some ways echoes the blur of distinction between virtual simulation and real life in this game. Also because of the stellar writing, the characters feel like real people in this world, with their interactions natural and believable. (but I still don't dig the Mom's bimbo renders, that's just kinda over-the-top display of MILF slut. I really hope her future transformation won't be as ugly as that) This is also one of the rare sights in the current pool of AVNs.

    The sex scenes, while decent, could be further improved due to the lack of animation, but this is not much of an issue for me since the story is already worth the ticket, still just a heads-up and a minor opinion.

    Overall, even though there's still room for improvement, it's one of the best sci-fi AVNs I've played especially in its alpha state. Definitely worth playing.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great characters and pacing of scenes, perfect balance between porn and story.
    The VR/Simulation setting lets you cover a lot of genres and themes and the dev has made good use of that.
    The renders for the most part look amazing. There is a high level of attention to detail when it comes to the charcter design.
    Might have been frustrating playing wihtout the walkthrough mod as it lets you see the scenes on all branching paths.
    Has a decent amount of content so far, took me a good 2+ hours to play.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's Just a Game [v0.2.1] [DigiDec]

    The Good

    -the story plot allows for a lot of creative ideas which has been used quite well so far
    -different characters in appearance/body type
    -very good job done in the threesome scenes playing the mc very dominant without having to feel like a third wheel
    - has music that fits the setting

    Things that are not bad but could be better

    the sexscenes have no animation which is not necessarily bad but they could use a few more renders to better show the buildup from the beginning to the climax

    it would also be good to have a few more moneyshots (beginning of the penetration closeup, creampie closeup, pov blowjob face where the LI looks you in the eyes as an example).

    all in all a good interesting game that varies a bit in quality in the sex scenes where there are some really good ones and some still have room for improvement but definitely worth playing
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    As of now, the game has a lot of potential, so five stars is an advance payment...

    Writing is pretty good, keeps you engaged and it seems that Digi is a native speaker.

    Renders - high quality to me and all characters have something unique about them in terms of appearance.

    Sister is my favorite character so far, there is some mystery about this girl... Let's see what happens. It seems like story is developing quite quickly.

    Overall, so far an interesting product that can become something extremely great or end up average, but I think that the dev has a right mindset, so I believe in the former.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the progression, excellent writing and really good renders. The story makes use of some maybe over-used tropes but does not overdo it and has some unexpected twists that are refreshing. Things going on in the story and character relations a cleverly thought through, believable to some extent. The scfi elements in this story are also quite good!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is actually interesting. Not often that I spend time to read every word in a ero vn. It is also coherent, with each consecutive scene and plot point making sense. There are a good number of decisions to make, making it feel like you have an actual influence over the story. The character models are really hot, and especially so with their beauty marks and skin imperfections. The dialogue is different with each personality in this diverse cast. The CG is really good, and the sex scenes are very hot. Furthermore, the planned tags look really good, allowing for plenty of degeneracy and kinks in future updates. All in all, a very promising game at the moment, and cannot wait to see how it develops!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Hard to say if this game will end up being good or bad, but I can tell you that right now that it's looking very promising. Good writing, hot scenes, hot girls, this futuristic cyberpunk/VR premise is always interesting. Also, the planned tags look great. Overall, try it out, it's pretty good so far and if it keeps this quality or improves then it will easily be a 5/5.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A very promising game. The setting is intriguing enough, the writing really comes through. The dialogues have just the right amount of seriousness. Good renders all around. The sex scenes might need to step up a little tho. Looking forward to more updates.