I've lost animations


Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
This is a weird one. I've lost my ability to view the animation portion of all my games. I was playing "Lewd Island" when I realized it. The renders all display fine, the game plays fine, but when it comes to the animations, the screen goes black. The text during the animation still displays, but no picture. I thought I might have a problem with the game download, but when I loaded some other games (Melody, DMD, etc.) same problem. What did I do? How do I get my animations back?


Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
Nah, thanks much but no go. Tried reloading drivers, everything. This is an old system and I've been contemplating a new one for some time. I guess the time is now.
I would start with trying to update your graphic drivers. And in case you have both integrated graphics and a dedicated graphics card make sure that you are using the dedicated graphics card.

Thanks, but no go. Tried reloading drivers, the whole bit. This is an old system, and I've been contemplating a new one for some time. Guess that time is now.
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Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
Renpy can be picky, there was another thread like this a while ago where some different possible methods to fix were listed, give those a try. The last post about headphones is a little weird.
OMG! I mean like OMFG! You are not gonna BELIEVE this!!!

You see, shortly before I encountered the problem, I moved the computer desk. At the same time, I threw out the old system speakers because they were crackly and didn't work right anyway. Never much gave a poop about the audio anyway, so until I came up with something, what the heck.
Then...and somehow I never put the two together...I lost my animations.

I made this post, got the suggestions, which I had suspected were the right things to do, and have been pounding the websites, downloading drivers, trying this and that, to no avail. Finally, I'm ready to give up.


I didn't go anywhere else, I just sat here and said, you're freaking kidding me...it couldn't possibly be...
So I plugged in a pair of headphones.

My animations have returned.

Excuse me now, I'm going to go pound my head on the wall while laughing hysterically!


Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
BTW, Thank you very much, funog1, however weird the post you saw was, I'm happy that you mentioned it here. Can't believe something so crazy as disconnecting your audio device would affect visual animations. But oh well, like you said, Renpy can be picky.


Mar 2, 2017
BTW, Thank you very much, funog1, however weird the post you saw was, I'm happy that you mentioned it here. Can't believe something so crazy as disconnecting your audio device would affect visual animations. But oh well, like you said, Renpy can be picky.
No need for thanks on my part, I just dug up an older post I remembered reading at some point.

The whole thing seemed so bizarre to me I ended up scouring for a reason why this happens. Apparently any version of renpy prior to (except for for some reason) required an audio source in the video files even if there was no actual sound, something about proper time sync. So if the video had "audio" in it and you don't have something to play that "audio" the game will not render the video...
Tested it by disabling all my audio devices and playing Melody which has the video+"audio" and bam black screen.

TL;DR for anyone else that comes across this thread looking for help, plug in your damn headphones. (y)
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