Seeking Japanese Dungeon Traps/Management Games?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
I want to play a Trap/Dungeon Management game like Dungeon Lord.
I think I have pretty much exhausted all the english translated ones:

So I am looking to see if there are any japanese games that are good that I will try to play with MTL.

Even the Non-Hentai games have disappointed me. KeeperRL is a complete scam of a "dungeon management" game.
Legend of Keepers is another shallow scam.
Dungeons series is basically now a Warcraft 3 RTS.
Really the last good ones is the original Dungeon Keeper series and Evil Genius 1 that had some good trap building.
Dungeon Warfare I guess is good for traps but it does not have much else going for it, it has no sandbox, builder or management gameplay.