VN - Ren'Py - Jason, Coming of Age [v0.11.0] [CoeurDeCochon]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a pretty good game and generally in the upper echelons of the Daz 3D VN's on this site. Good spread of girls, renders that range from good to amazing depending on the scene, and personally massive bonus points for being one of the better hairy/natural body games out there. It's definitely worth a play.

    That said, it's very ambitious. That would be a good thing, more stuff sounds good afterall, but the dev seems to be in that horizontal-development circle of adding new side-flings, making side story games, and remastering old content with very little forward movement. Counting from the gallery there are 22 girls in the game now, granted most of these seem like one-time-flings, but every one-time-fling is dev and player time spent away from letting you settle in with a smaller cast.

    I suspect this may be happening because they were a bit overly ambitious with the core girls also. The main girl, Lexi, has 3 different relationship paths and five pubic hair variations, creating exponentially more scene variation work that I would be scared to dev for too. They seem to have course corrected this some, Lexi's paths seem to be coalescing into a single relationship on-ramp and Maria has a far more reasonably perfect three hair options, so that's good. I think the dev just needs to get the ball rolling now and pick a girl and expand her, it may give them that smaller scope and singular focus they seem to be seeking with all these flings and smaller side-games.

    Usually I try to stick more to content as it is rather than development concerns in reviews, but with how much of the game is meeting new girls without revisiting them so far, it is affecting the content. But that aside, it is a very good VN. If you like redheaded cuties with puffy little bushes or romantic dates with shy traps, definitely give it a go.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A real delight this work of CoeurDeCochon.'s like watching a quality series on netflix, not a game.
    Scenes have an almost cinematic continuity and capture purely human movements or expressions, which give an incredible flavor to the game.
    There are few games where the characters are so believable, almost alive. Women REALLY LOOK LIKE A WOMAN, this guy really knows his stuff.
    Well, I'm glad I discovered this game, it's a gem.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I am totally hooked! I love the story and the ability to adjust the pubic hair of the characters. I might have a bit of athing for a bush. I am really looking forward to more love interests becoming available.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Those like me who are tired of the usual plastic doll-style characters and representations of unrealistic genitalia will appreciate this project and for this aspect alone I rate it the highest even if the imaginative narrative, while still acceptable, does not do justice to the superlative art.

    Diversification of characters by age and culture, possibility to customize pubic hair (for me a master for this type of finishing) make it really interesting and pleasant to follow even if you have to wait a bit to get the update.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, some of the best renders I've seen and I'm liking the story so far. Can't wait for the next update. Also, I named my character Damian... that became pretty ironic by the end of the chapter lol
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fantastic. The renders have a unique style, great lighting and camera angles. The story and writing have a nice flow to them.

    The characters are well thought out and likable, and they look like real people. Don't get me wrong, I love triple D, super model phat ass mommies as much as the next guy, but somehow the LI's in Jason are perfect in their imperfection(the baker in particular, goddamn).

    but what I like most is that the dev nails the visual aspect of a visual novel. don't tell, show.

    I found myself looking out for tiny little details that enhanced the storytelling on more than one occasion. Especially that little reference near the end of the latest update? You'll know it when you see it.

    Great job, dev!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. love that there are so many option, especially that you can keep the bush on the girls if you like. I like the vibe of the game, the girls re really sexy. Nice animations. I like that you can choose the type of relationship with the main character which is a sexy redhead.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The visual chara design is realistic (and beautiful), it's a concrete success.

    The storylines and chara developpments are realistic, concrete pesonnality and different reaction could be find IRL.

    I played it with pleasure and would advise about.

    Thanks for the quality agreed for this beautiful game.

    It's a total win and I will continue to play it for long and follow dev (it's a concrete investement to dev something so good and by some way, touching the reality of feeling desire).

    It's uncommon and so notably pleasant to find someone according a deep investement to make beautiful things.

    Thank you so much : )
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Knut Wuchtig

    When you start playing a game, it gets you , or it didn't get you.
    This one gets me on the first minute. The characters are great and the writing is good. Same are complaining about the quality of the renders. I think they are great. All persons have a personality and are uniq and hot.
    Only point of critic: Updates are rare.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    Some good ideas related to gameplay, writing is OK, but dogshit trash renders

    Good Things

    • some ok banter
    • nice soft music at the start
    • writing isn’t terrible

    Bad points

    • really dated bad renders
    • when MC is the best done character in the game, you know you have problems
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    If I could do half stars I would rate this 3.5. To me this game seems closer to a 4 star game than a 3 so ill give it a 4.

    I like what I see so far, from the looks of the renders to the realistic looks of the characters models. 2 of them are very cute Lexi and Alex. It's a bit to early to say but it looks like this game might have a decent amount of branching.

    Tho the branching also a bit of a concern of mine because there seems to be a choice to decide to shave the LI pubic hair 4 different ways. Which would increase the amount of renders needed for sex animations down the road. It seems a bit overkill to me, but if the dev can pull it off that would be amazing as more choices are always welcomed.

    Lexi seems to be the main LI of this game. It's uncertain if she is a forced LI or not to me for those that don't want to play her path. I like her tho so it doesn't bother me.

    The only negative I have to say about this game so far is the MC seems to be one of the more pervy / creepy MC's ive played in awhile. I'm sure there is far worst. But with what amount of content there is already there is a good amount of peeking choices already.

    The only other negative is the LI seem to be just as pervy as the MC, they seem to like him for no real reason other than he is the MC. The only LI that has a reasonable reason for liking the MC so far is Lexi and maybe her sister.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Super great, and also hilarious. Love this game. In particular, the customization of pubic hair and the attractiveness of the models are real stand outs for the genre! I'm excited to see where development goes for this game We will be watching your career with great interest...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The only thing wrong with it is that I found it too early!
    Lexi is great, love all the panty play! More of that please!
    Alex is also 11/10 perfect bigender royalty :love:
    Looking forward to whatever comes next!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    it is a amazing game and fun. i really palying it. i look foward to the finish product. i like play more than one timme. i dont get bored i when i play it.
    its sound good and cool choice you can chosse ind the game. i really love the game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Well... i just finished the first episode and it was just totally awesome and unexpected, really good experience so far, i feel like i truly lived something special, the attention to detail was just out of his categorie, reminded me of my first playthrough of "Summer's gone" and it's for that kind of game that i continue to search in the avn type, thanks coeur de cochon for this little journey, keep up the great work.

    (ps: fellow français)
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts interesting, subtle superpower introduction. The models are really nice and realistic and sexy bodies, especially the love interests. The choices are placed good.

    After moving in it slowly is getting weirder and the writings quality drops. I got the feeling the dev is trying to push the LI progress forcefully.
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    I had to quit after that scene. I still recommend playing it, it is just my opinion. I guess almost 100 reviews and more than 4 starts means, it's just not my cup of tea.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a review of my whole experience with this game, starting with the good - renders, story, breadth of LIs and customization are interesting. Overall, had great potential.

    So why 3 stars: to remind myself in several years time that I shouldn't waste time playing it again because the dev is focused on too many things that doesn't further the main story such as how much genital grooming for the XX number of LIs this will end up having.

    Seen it too many times across this site; overly ambitious dev, trying to please varied audience, without realising it's simple math. Each new feature adds exponential difficulty (i.e. LIs multiplied by pubic grooming multiplied by branches) to completing the game down the road.

    Not much corn for a corn game, hence the 3 stars; goes back to focus and progress. Hope I'm wrong about this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Among the best ever. I usually refrain from giving anything above 4 stars, rounding 4,5 down to 4... But this time the 5 star is not rounded up. Engaging, models are good looking without being uncanny valley flawless.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A magnificent and superb game! I give it 5 stars and highly recommend it, it will change you from all the crap we see lying around everywhere. An original and brilliant story that always makes you want to know more. An excellent musical choice. Very good dialogues, character customization choices that I have never seen elsewhere. And above all, magnificent images with impeccable renderings and surprising realism. Let's also not forget the multilingual coast which allows many people not to be left at the side of the road. My congratulations to the creator for the work provided. Can't wait to follow the rest of Jason's adventures and perhaps one day find itself on sale on Steam.
    Un magnifique et superbe jeux ! Je lui donne 5 étoiles et le recommande fortement, ça vous changera de tous les navets que l'on vois trainer un peu partout. Une histoire originale et géniale qui donne envie d'en savoir plus en permance. Un choix musical excellent. De très bons dialogues, des choix de personalisations de personnages que je n'ai jamais vue ailleurs. Et surtout de magnifiques images avec des rendus irréprochables et d'un réalisme surprenant. N'oublions pas non plus le côte multilangues qui permet à de nombreuses personnes de ne pas rester au bord de la route. Mes félicitations au créateur pour le travail fourni. Trop hâte de suivre la suite des aventures de Jason et peut-être un jour de se retrouver en vente sur Steam.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is actually really good, some slow updates but well worth the wait. the graphic quality is excellent the options available are plenty. the girls you can chose are more then enough with a great range of diversity both is physics, mentalities and styles (never forget about age too). overall the game is really good quality.