VN - Unity - Completed - Jerez's ArenaⅡ [v1.0.0.7] [Eternal Alice]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    • Gameplay : 3/5
      - Management and Turn-base fights gameplay, is reaaally good
      - However, there is too much bloated stats, bloated skills, and inconsistent naming. Complexity is not a con, but it lost its meaning without harmony.

    • Story : 4/5
      - Well written, and thoughtful execution when connecting different point in the story.

    • Characters : 5/5
      - Tsundere Princess type
      - Cute and Obedient Ninja type
      - MC is powerful and a straightforward leader

    • Art : 5/5
      - Static scenes, but man. They're beautiful art. Voiced as well. The highest selling point for this game.

    • Overall : 4.25/5
      - This game requires some thinking, but satisfying to do. The scenes are high tier, and the story makes it good as well.

      - My nitpick, I demand a better treatment for my dear ninja girl.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Same as first one just different characters. What I said there, works for this one too.
    Art, amazing. Story, exists. 1v1 fights in titular arena, good fun if you trained properly and didn't just fuck, literally, them up and down.
    Giving it 4, so +1 compared to 1st one because I like characters and scenes more in this one.
    Decent (management and trainer) gameplay, decept fap material.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Really liked the game.
    The story is short but good, the art is good and the characters are likable. The game is not very grindy and to be frank, fairly easy, especially with Koharu as the gladiator (then it is a walk in the park). The conquest mode is a bit of a challenge, but it doesn't have any CG or story in it.
    The only downside is the lack of description for various skills and items. You don't know the difference between two skills cause the description is the same but the cost and TP required is different.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the gameplay and the trainer system is nice. The characters and writing are nice, but there are point where it's an automatic death without having autosave to go back. Just save more often I guess. Overall, it's a good game and is an improvement to the first game
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is a improvement from the previous game , balancing between good art and enjoyable game play , basic sound and less grind. hope the will me a next game and it will getting better for a good series of train/build hentai
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Jerez's ArenaⅡ [Final]

    The game is very good, it has a lot of content, fun, with good gameplay and a very accessible tutorial. A good detail is that it has several languages, as well as a good audiovisual aspect. Additionally, it has quite a few H-scenes and of good quality and without censorship, the downside that I would give it would be the absence of animations and a certain lack in the variety of characters.

    I give this game a 9 out of 10.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Objectively, I give it a 4 star and if I rate by personal enjoyment, it would be a 5.

    At this point, I haven't played the prequel,Jerez' Arena. But I did play Ghost Marriage Matchmaking and is much superior than Jerez's Arena 2 imo.

    Very fun and challenging time management game. Skill management kinda matters if you win or lose. E.g. fighting the last boss, I used Phys Tank Sigrid and lost. So I swap my Sigrid to Phys Attacker Sigrid with a minor enemy def debuff.

    Character(Including MC) are alright and have personal goals. Sigrid>MC>Koharu

    - Ghost marriage matchmaking(GMM) has better characters/characters has more "info" about them.

    For e.g. when you drag the game(GMM) or perform X no. of action A, you trigger minor side events with the ghost girls.

    For Jerez's Arena, excluding the main events, there almost 0 to barely any side events(Not counting fighting mini bosses) compared to GMM. Atmost are MC X Girls scenes, which doesn't provide any insight to their likes,dislikes,hobbies etc.

    - A lot of skills, but very little skill details and even less opportunities to test them in Story mode.

    Atk Skill
    E.g. Atk Skill A's detail is that it is a physical attack, Atk Skill B's detail is that it is a physical attack.

    I don't know how much dmg they do
    The only thing I can compare is Number of times you can use, "Kind of like Pokemon's Moves PP", which is important: More number of times is better,

    TP consumption, which rarely matters,

    CD, cooldown. I barely faced any issue especially when I have a lot of other skills to perform while waiting for CD. As long as you have one atk skill that has 0 CD, then CD will not affect you.

    and Cost, which doesn't matter especially when you have limited amount of skill slots.

    Side Skills
    But their side skills are fun to use: Buff, Debuff, status affliction, healing etc.

    - Game Mechanics/ Tutorial

    A bit confusing and I had to recheck the tutorial via ? button multiple times.


    Hp: Arena Hp and assignment stamina( Leftover Hp doesn't affect the amount of HP you start with during fights, the only thing that matters is the max hp(Arena HP)

    SP: Also assignment stamina

    AP: number of times you can do an assignment

    Str: Phys and/or Spell Dmg

    Phy: Phys Def

    Willpower: Spell Def and affects how many TP you gain per round during fights

    Agility: Which fighter start firsts(Higher the better), dodge rate and hit rate

    Sex skills affect sex skill hitting rate and benefits in sexual assignments

    TP is basically SP in any normal RPG games but it regenerates every turn. you need it to perform skills during fighting

    Shop: Increases Max faucilities limit and Max AP
    Gym and chamber: Unlocks advanced trainings
    item store: unlocks more item

    Upgrading faucilities will increase expenses incurred each turn.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The games main selling point is pretty much the art, which is gorgeous. The gameplay is also good, as it requires some thinking about how to manage the girls stats and abilities. The power-level is a little wonky though. However since it's a Visual Novel you'd expect the story and character development to be good, which it really isn't. Though that might be because of the "slightly better than MTL" translation, which butchers everything a bit.
    Overall it's alright, though a small letdown compared to the prequel