RPGM - Completed - JK Molester Train Seeding Uncle [v2.1] [digital onahooole]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    HOLLY SHIT WHY S SO DAMM HARD TO LEVEL SENSIVITY I CAME TO FAP NO TO A TOUCH A BUTT FOR A HOUR AN THE PLAY THE GAME HOLY SHIT THIS WAS TEDIUS afther that sit the game was great but kind of short of content its was nice but god dammit the start was bad just for the start i gve t a 4/10 if t wasnt for the stard t would be a 7/10 and for some lack of content too. just full save or wathever (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    Very little can be expected from a game like this

    It doesn't set any false expectations, you know what you came for, you got what you came for
    But in the end, what you came for was the fast food of porn games

    The grind for sens is a tiny bit tedious, and the reward isnt really all that much
    As for the molestation, i can't say i enjoyed it, you can't really do anything until a large portion of sens allows you to max out her pleasure
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Slow-build up, great phase where the build up is paying off and then suddenly you can do anything, going from barely fondling her tits to forcing a blowjob.

    Average in terms of train molestation games. There are better ones, tho they are usually much harder.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Short but sweet molester game. Grindy, but rewarding once the options start opening up. It's a bit of a puzzle to figure out the most efficient ways to increase her sensitivity level which is necessary to perform actions that would otherwise end the session (no game overs in this game).

    A lot of the methods are figured out or you can use a cheat/save, but i actually don't recommend that. It's worth it to stick it out and play around with the game system until that crystal moment when the pleasure bar is maxed out and you can do almost anything in the options menu - very exciting.

    The endgame is slightly disappointing as the total amount of animations is limited, and there's no rewards in the form of story progression or cg scenes that depict any events outside the train (no taking her to a bathroom stall/love hotel for eg.). You do get the option with the latest version to change hair/clothes colours, give her a preggo belly, and options to adjust the gameplay experience although by the time you unlock these modes you'll have seen nearly all the animations. I also wish we got a bit more voice acting as the amount of lines is equally small but what we got is still good.

    Still, this is a great game worth playing out for an afternoon of fun
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    At Dlsite, this game has 5 stars and for obvious reason, IT"S GOOD.
    You wanna a good "touch/feel" game, this game has everything with small size. It's just consumed you sometime for grindy first. The point is you need to increase sensitivity of the girl. When it goes above 100, then the real game start (and you can save time by use cheat engine for that)
    Good Art, even has jiggle physic at some scene, has more customization after you get the girl pregnant. And the most thing I love about this game, is you can combination action - behind and in front, panties, phone sneak below, so it's made more variety.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    compared to all the trash out there, this game is good. I wish there would be different girls with different personalities and such, cause you can finish this game pretty fast. Overall though, for what it is, its very good.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This is nice. It's just your run of the mill molest game. Might take a few tries to get the correct order, but once you do you are pretty much set. The artwork is nice and is fully animated. You can even have sex with her once pregnant.
    It's a 1 to 2 hour in length experience, but it's definitely worth it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Worth a quick fap, play it.

    My #1 complaint is the progression is too abrupt. It's not like other comments say-- you CAN be ballsy and try to pull a fast one on her and still get away with it-- but even if you do, it does feel like once you get to the point of insertion, she's okay with anything after that.

    But I enjoyed it, and probably will come back to it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is good a little to grindy but just fuel the fantasy of arrasement you are doing to the virtual girl, its not a 5 stars for me because it doesn't have many positions but is good non the least, it need a little bit more story and more endings in my opinion , but if you count it for what it is a mini game its a 10/10 you play it ,you fap to it or finish it and you go with your life,
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    any name you wish & !used

    Completion%: Collected every photo of one panty color

    It is a simple molest game. You get caught when discomfort is maxed (which just goes to next day). Discomfort increases slower when sensitivity is higher. The start of the game is a bit grindy but after sensitivity go 100+ you can explore most things other than turn around. (no upper limit on sensitivity) The UI is a bit slow at times but as sensitivity gets higher it doesn't really matter.

    you can take upskirt imgs with 37 variants for each panty color (the devs missed/didn't bother making cum on her ass variants (i.e. bate close to her))

    sometimes the animation bugs out e.g. dick out when dick not out

    When she get pregnant the game is cleared. Game doesn't tell you this but you can change the girls costume in option after you clear it. You can keep playing with her having a belly (or not)

    the girl is cute
    The train sound is bad. voice is decent
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simple but just great. The grind feels exhausting at first but you quickly get the hang of it and the game offers you more action than a lot of games. I would rather have a game like this with decent action than having a story rich with barely any action. These are porn games. They have to be lewd and this one does it great! I just hope there was more than 1 girl to play with. Maybe a collection will be made if enough interest. I don't know.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It's quite a decent train molester game. Despite it's a bit grindy at beginning before the her sensitivity over 100. but you can always get a save and skip the grinding. But I feel the fulfillment you get the final goody after grinding is quite satisfying.

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    The girl looks cute and you have quite some option to change her looking after you finished the game. Some of which reminds you certain anime girls.

    The animation is smooth and hot, despite there is some tiny flaw when you are trying some complicated combinations in the end game.

    The game mechanism isn't that complicated, much much simpler than Mansha 300(oh, it got a proper name "Train capacity 300%"). I get much more fun in this game for the 2h I spend here than mansha 300. A well deserved 4 stars in my humble opinion.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The most important thing you need to know when deciding if you wanna try this game is:

    It takes time to get to the "good stuff".

    That means actual real time, looking at bars filling up while hearing some soft moaning. One particular attribute (sensitivity) needs to go up, before you can try doing different things to the girl. Before that it's just a lot of light touching, that probably doesn't even count as erotic.

    So without starting an argument on gameplay quality, and the time these types of games should take before they "surrender the goods", it's all up to your patience (took me around 1 hour to end the game, the objective is pregnancy). Basically if you like the "molesting" tag, and you feel like ugly bastards deserve love too, this is probably gonna do the trick. If you are just curious about it, then it's not worth it. You could always try looking at something else on another screen, or clean the house while the bars fill up. Videogames shouldn't work that way, is my stance.

    I'd say this is a 5/10. If you have some patience and you like the tags, give it a go. It's serviceable.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is slow at the beginning. The more sensitivity she has the more stuff you can do without increase her discomfort meter. The only punishment in this for being caught is the whole day being reset again. The game does provide you with an picture of the her stats e.g. the amount of liquid taken in, the amount of photo taken etc.

    There is a bit more content after completing the main purpose of the game. The game also offers you an restart button which allows you to set specific conditions e.g. the amount of sensitivity the girl starts with and if the day counter should be reset or not which means dealing with the whole discomfort meter again, which also reactivates the main mission again.

    An okay game with not an lot of story. It would be interesting to know what happened at the end like if something changed in the girl and she decided to date the mc or not.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Gets the job done, not as slow paced as it seems. You go from groping for like ten days, then it ramps up straight into fucking without using most of the other options. Hint, use smell to increase pleasure and decrease discomfort at the same time. Good for a fap or two cause the animations are pretty hot.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I hope you have a second monitor, so you will be able to watch something entertaining on it while this game plays itself. I personally watched the 5th season of Office.

    This game starts painfully slow, most of the time you will just wait. It will take around 10 game days to go further than touching butt, and after sensitivity will hit 100 you will be able to do everything. Witch for me was having sex twice, then exiting this game and deleting it. Because there is nothing there., just a couple poor animations.

    So I give this game 1 star for the creative usage of rpgmaker, probably the most unfitting engine for games like that. But that's about it.