Feb 14, 2022
Jock Studio Development Update #12

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Fellow Olympians, we’re back with our promised January Development Update, the first of the new year! We ended 2024 with a bang, with the release of Jock Studio Demo 2 [BETA], and we hope that everyone has had an amazing time playing and experiencing this new demo for Jock Studio! Please read the full post below, as it contains updates and information for all fans of Jock Studio!

Jock Studio Demo 2.1 – Optimized Version

First up, while we’re so happy to see everyone enjoying Jock Studio Demo 2 [BETA], like we mentioned in our updates last year, one of our first goals this year was to provide an optimized demo, which we’ll be calling Jock Studio Demo 2.1! This optimized demo will contain bug fixes for many of the common issues that have been reported, and we’ll provide detailed patch notes on its release for everything that has changed!

Please be aware that, due to the various changes in Demo 2.1, old save files will need to be deleted and game data will be erased on the new version. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Bug fixes aren’t the only things in Demo 2.1 though – we have a couple of additional features being added too! Check out the details below:

Jock Studio Demo 1 & 2 – Together at last!

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First up, a much-requested feature was to merge Jock Studio Demo 1 and Demo 2 together, and we’ve done exactly that! Demo 2.1 now contains all of the contents of Demo 1 as well, and when you start a new game, you can choose whether to play through Demo 1’s full contents, or go straight to Demo 2.1!

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Not only that, but Demo 1’s images have all been added to the gallery, and should unlock for your viewing pleasure! Try and collect all the currently available scene images and comic images, Olympians!

New Animated Scenes

Finally, we had originally planned to include animations for the Filming Scenarios at the end of Demo 2, but unfortunately, we ran out of time prior to our Beta release. We are happy to announce that, as of Demo 2.1, all six character’s Filming Scenarios will be animated and added to the game!

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Demo 2.1 Wrap-up

That’s all for Demo 2.1 updates, but we hope that everyone enjoys a much smoother experience, as well as these new features! We don’t have an exact release date for Demo 2.1 at this time, but please stay tuned for more details very soon!

Finally, we know that many people have been requesting an Android version of Demo 2. At this time, our team is still researching Android development, and will inform everyone if it becomes available. Please bear with us as we continue this development process!

Superbacker Character Designs – Sprite Poses!

Next up, while most of our team has been working on Demo 2.1, we’ve also had our art team working with our superbackers to provide designs for their character’s in-game sprites! Check them out below:

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There’s lots more to see for Rowan, Ash and Tyler, and we’ll continue working with our superbackers to bring these characters to life, but we hope that everyone enjoys this development sneak-peek of their sprites!

Jock Studio Demo 2 & BLits Survey

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Finally, we’re closing out this development update with a survey! We’ve loved reading all of your feedbacks and thoughts about Jock Studio Demo 2 [BETA] over the last month through various social media sources, and we’ve noticed several consistent feedbacks across that timeframe!

If you have a few minutes, please take the Jock Studio Demo 2 & BLits Survey, and give us your thoughts and feedback! It really helps us with our development, and gives you, the fans, a chance to help us shape Jock Studio’s development as well as future additional BLits endeavors! You can fill out the survey at the link below:

We expect that the survey will take about 10 minutes or less to fill out. Thank you for helping us shape the future of BLits!

As a thank you, anyone who fills out the survey will receive a one-time discount code for use in our webstore – you can take advantage of 10% off any item* in our store with this coupon! Additionally, we’ll be giving away a prize to one lucky winner! The prize will be your choice of: a Gentleman Studio Yoichi Figure, GS Aiden Figure, your choice of body pillow cover, or any single digital item from the BLits Store! Thank you for your time, Olympians!

Please note – 10% off does not apply to Jock Studio Pre-Orders or Inner Pillows. Thank you for understanding.

Closing Word

That’s all for this development update, Olympians! We’ll be back at the end of February 2025 with our next development update, containing our first development diary of 2025, as well as more information on Demo 2.1’s release date!

Thank you as always for your support, and if you’re interested in supporting us more, check out our Itch.io page or Jock Studio page on our website and pre-order your copy of Jock Studio now!

Lots of love,

ooohhh I'm looking forward to Ashe
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Sep 25, 2020
I think there's only a few gay VNs in which the romanceable guys are vers? Most gay VNs I know have their sexual roles be either strictly top or bottom, rarely ever vers. Or side, if that's a thing...
if you are talking about Japanese VN, they are old school in which vers doesnt exist in the dictionary, though lately they start to explore this, as for the others, they used to looked up to these Japanese VN as theyre the root, so maybe like still figuring things out
Nov 9, 2017
Okay so I've finally gone through and played through most of the routes in the game (Avan is the last one I have to do) and so far my faves are: Zayne, Yuuto, Leo, Derek, and lastly Bryce.


New Member
Sep 24, 2024
Really like the CGs, they are amazing!

I had a buggy start and the game gets stuck at the energy drink part (sometimes, like 50% of the time) and doesnt let me save/reload so Im forced to exit the game and lose progress. But I was able to finish a playthrough with Bryce.

I want to edit save files to unlock the rest of the gallery. I see there are 2 save folders NaninovelData and SaveData. The first one is in .nson and I was able to edit it using online editor but it didnt take effect in the game. The SaveData folder has text files but they seem to be encoded. Appreciate any help!
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Feb 14, 2022
I wish the game also features a filming session like the ones in Japanese AVs where the guy is given a handjob or blowjob until they finish, typically with an interview before. I just want to see the jocks pant and squirm while we milk them

Bonus points if there’s some post-orgasm teasing. It’s unlikely but one can dream.


Feb 7, 2023
Damn. Didn't even know that scene existed. But then I feel like I'm missing most of the stuff during the free roam portions of the game
You can interact with both Matt and Jaques on Wednesday, but they won't have any +18 scenes with you, since neither of them were made to be Ace's romantic partner.

Apparently you can meet Matt on Thursday, but when I tried unfortunately the game crashed and I gave up trying his route (for while), as for Jaques you don't have that interaction on that day, only the ones at the club.

Maybe. If he gets enough fan love than maybe they'll make dlc of him like they did with Taiga in CB.
and that's the problem, I heard that the team doesn't want people bothering them about Matt or he'll end up like the Naoto that everyone wanted but ended up only appearing only in the patreon and not as an alternative romance option for Yoshinori.
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Sep 25, 2020
and that's the problem, I heard that the team doesn't want people bothering them about Matt or he'll end up like the Naoto that everyone wanted but ended up only appearing only in the patreon and not as an alternative romance option for Yoshinori.
what a very sad world we live in uwu


Mar 26, 2019
and that's the problem, I heard that the team doesn't want people bothering them about Matt or he'll end up like the Naoto that everyone wanted but ended up only appearing only in the patreon and not as an alternative romance option for Yoshinori.
...this may be an unpopular opinion, but sometimes people can get too carried away with their demands when it comes to their VNs. Pestering the developers for something about their work, even if it's never in their plan. Sometimes to the point that a work is dictated by the patrons especially, because they're supporting the devs. So the patrons feel like they're within their rights to demand something they want

I dunno, I'm just rambling, but I respect the devs' decision not to give in to everything their patrons' wants. They have their own stories to tell and characters to develop, rather than letting the patrons dictate them on how the story should go, who should be romanceable, who's the antagonist should be, etc

Again, I'm just rambling
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Feb 7, 2023
I'm 50%/50% on this, like, fans can get in the way more than they can help with these interferences, but if they hadn't given Taiga a route, JS would probably only have 5 jocks like in CB, Yoshinori would probably never have gotten his own game, or they would have included the option of having a versatile character which was also thanks to Taiga stans.
There are some of Matt's phrases that can be taken out of context, like him being able to be in any position in the filming club, or being curious about what the relationship between two guys is like, besides, as I mentioned above, mikkou's subs have already seen what Matt looks like without his clothes, it may take a while but he should show up... by the way, they gave hope for something related to Naoto, but given the way that someone there apparently doesn't like this character, I don't expect anything very relevant or interesting.
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Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

and that's the problem, I heard that the team doesn't want people bothering them about Matt or he'll end up like the Naoto that everyone wanted but ended up only appearing only in the patreon and not as an alternative romance option for Yoshinori.
That would be very really sad. I thought he was very attractive, one of the most with Derek, with the best personality. I would have prefered playing as him rather than Ace, too skinny for my tastes. Just seeing him topless as a side character is already an improvement from the first demo. I shoud really try the new one when I have time to see more of him.

Good continuation.


Feb 6, 2020

Это было бы очень, очень печально. Я думал, что он очень привлекательный, один из самых привлекательных персонажей вместе с Дереком, с лучшим характером. Я бы предпочёл играть за него, а не за Эйса, который, на мой вкус, слишком худой. Даже просто видеть его топлес в качестве второстепенного персонажа — это уже улучшение по сравнению с первой демоверсией. Я обязательно попробую новую версию, когда у меня будет время, чтобы увидеть его получше.

Хорошее продолжение.
There is no dispute about tastes. Ace as the protagonist is the best option. Because he's a Lazy ass. cg6-1.png sx1-1.png cg6-1.png sx1-1.png
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