RPGM - Completed - Jumble Jokers [v1.15] [ToraumaCompany]

  1. 3.00 star(s)



    -rename in game.ini: "library = RGSS104J.dll" --->"library = RGSS104E.dll"

    -HAVE TO RUN IN JAPANESE LOCALE(yes it requires restart)...

    -download RGSS-RTP Standard (1.04e)

    -download on page10 the 1.17 version, posted by muninkai. (it will still say it's 1.15, but it actually would be 1.17)

    -and rename folders to have NO special characters. maybe even space is an invalid special character for some games.


    so yes playing the game is a hassle.... and im not evne sure if it's worth it. the rating is based on game not on the hard steps you have to take to play it.

    the hentai is really lacking here. there were some interesting scenarios but it was not really explored at all, just 1 grope scene in a crowd, 1molestation by an old dude and basically that's all your interaction with humans or humanoids, everone else is bugs, leeches, slimes, spiders, tentacles. tree tentacles. it's just very hard to fap to it and everything happens in battlefuck mode and even that is not well animated and gameplay is not fun, grindy and boring.

    but the story is interesting, as a normal game it's a decent time waster, but as a porn game it's trash.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Men, Jumble Joker is really funny and fun game play.
    I came for the H content but honestly the H is just decent but what make me stay is the simple story with a goofy character.
    go play jumble strikers after finish this game.
    definitely recommend
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a Jumbled story and there are jokes. It's “Classic” JRPG, which means it's going to take your time, like most 90s games does.
    The grind is steep. Getting better equipment makes it easier, but still pretty steep.
    The art is pretty much 90s classic. It's not bad, but nothing to be praise for me.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Not going to reiterate everything already said, the game is engaging, art is nice and varied, and there are a lot of sex scenes to encounter. Takes a while to get through and that is pretty good as it didn't feel as much of a grind as a game like this could, the combat sex was fun and adds a great mechanic.

    Well worth it, and reading the other reviews you'll see why.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished this game.
    It's a very good game with RPG style and many scenes.

    - Many good H-scenes for every main character.
    - Art is good.
    - Boobs.
    - Combat system is good.
    - Good but short story.
    - Humor.

    - Pregnancy system is good but has not variety.

    A very good game for me.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game took me 2 days to beat. 8 hours. I was hella addicted by the artstyle and it was one of the few games that refused to work for me initially. Now I breezed through it.

    • Older hentai game meaning it relies on an older artstyle
    • Game aged well overall
    • Wonderful humor and a lot of other video game references (Tales of Symphonia is a great example)
    • The game enjoys having overpowered skills for your characters. Enemies have a lot of HP to balance it.
    • There are a variety of enemies to fight.
    • The RNG isn’t horrible enough when you have a full party that you can’t rescue everyone
    • There’s no real game over if you lose as stated at the beginning.
    • Each character has their roll in battle
    • It’s easy to upgrade weapons and buy items to reduce the damage of hentai attacks and to clean yourself up
    • Healing items are plenty as is items
    • Money is picked up easily in dungeon despite how the story treats it
    • The backtracking isn’t tedious since the game always tells you where to go
    • Final boss is satisfying.
    • The story has a midway twist
    • Escaping is 100% if you can’t bother to do battling
    • Corruption doesn’t change dialogue or ending and only makes battles harder by not allowing you to attack 90% of the time
    • The corruption only makes the game move slower. Its annoying to stop every 3-5 minutes due to tot he characters having an orgam
    • Despite the dialogue option that corruption will ruin a character, you cannot get a bad ending. There is only one ending.
    • There is no reward for maintaining a character’s virginity
    • There is no in between with a character’s sensitivity. You either take forever to orgasm or you’re having multiple orgasms
    • The art gallery is unlocked at the end but you can’t trigger scenes done by the monster units. Only the outside events can be triggered in the gallery.
    • There are a few loose ends in the story not addressed. While one of them is obvious (Estelle wanting to keep her identity a secret), the issue with Lucia’s father is still a problem. He’s shown to be power hungry and just because the ultimate weapon is destroyed doesn’t mean there won’t be problems in the future.
    • Some enemies move too fast or crowd the dungeon. The area with the trees drops frame rate entirely.
    • You need an older program of RPG Maker for the game to work for whatever reason.
    • The transphobic joke at the beginning did not age well at all (The joke should have ended at the mistaken gender. Not doubling down). :cautious:
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I've played Jumble Jokers and it is time for a review.

    Jumble Jokers is a good game. It has a decent story, some teaching moments (imagine that in a Porn game) and nice H scenes.

    The game is very combat focused with H scenes in them. What makes this game stand out is in the way which the H scenes come about. In combat you can get captured by an enemy. This will initially incapacitate the character. You can then choose to rescue the captured character with one of the other characters, this will consume their turn though. Or you can decide to not do that, and instead just hit the enemy.

    It goes via these stages:
    1. Captured
    2. Enemy encroach
    3. Enemy insert their dick
    4. Enemy cums inside.

    More enemies can pounce at the same character and progress the stages in just one turn (with the exception of the turn where the character is captured).
    Anyways, the combat is really nice, if a bit grindy.

    The story is also decent and with some humor, which is really nice. It even have some teaching moments - like treat the nature well etc. Anyways, the story is not particularly deep, so don't play it for the story.

    Now, there are pregnancy in the game and some variety in monsters - but iirc there are only 7-8 monsters that you can encounter. They can also all impregnate your characters, but its the same every time. I think its a missed oppertunity really - while they can get pregnant, there isn't sprites for them - so even in the last state of pregnancy you won't notice anything different. Furthermore, giving birth is always an egg regardless of it being a spider, rodent or slime. The cool part is that you can meet and fight against your offspring.

    Lastly, I'm a player who values to play optimally. Thus I don't like losing on purpose. Luckily, you unlock the gallery once you are finished.

    Here's the sum of it for quick(er) reading:

    The Good:
    • Good humor.
    • Well thought-out combat system and capture system.
    • You progress somewhat fast.
    • You can play optimally and still see the gallery.
    • Decent H-scenes.
    • Avoids most of the unnecessary time wasting by often reminding you on what to do.
    The In-between:
    • It gets grindy.
    • The combat can quickly become repetitive.
    • Kinda low on monster variety - or at least on interesting (to me) variety.
    The Bad:
    • I had a lot of trouble getting it to work. It finally solved itself after I used Locale emulator.
    • Pregnancy is really shallow. You always birth an egg, and there is no visual difference on the characters.
    • The H scenes in combat cannot be skipped, they are repetitive and once you get very sensitive they will happen all the time.
  8. L
    5.00 star(s)


    Once you have locale set to Japan, *and* a Japan Locale Emulator, the game works flawlessly.

    It's lighthearted and more fun than most because dying isnt the only thing to worry about.

    Played the sequel before this and the original seems to have more content/more interesting story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game serves a rare niche with multiple protagonists each with their own corruption stats. On top of that, corruption stats actually matter for gameplay. With 4 different girls, every player can find a favorite for themselves. The gameplay and story are nothing special, but the writing is humorous and the CR is really nice too. Overall I just really like this game because of the multiple protag corruption.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, mid battlefuck.
    It's based on a Party Fight Combat, so the H-scene occurs when there's a bondage happened to one of the party member. :sneaky:
    There's no clothing system in the game, i don't really mind that. The characters design is still beautiful. ;)
    The story is humble, with a happy ending. :)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    ~2 hours of gameplay. the game is as it's named, a joke. lots of jokes and memes in the story if you're into that. the h-attacks are prob the only redeeming thing about the game. the art is ok. you can pretty much skip any battle that isn't a boss fight but oddly enough have to grind a bunch to face the final boss that can softlock you.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like the genre, but this one has to be my least favorite one.


    - Your characters getting grabbed actually has an impact. It permanently influences their stats and makes them more susceptical to it. This gives it a bit of weight.

    - few H-sounds or effects. very little immersion with only the full censored pictures, that to me personally lacked dept. It very quickly felt repetetive.


    -a bit of grinding and content

    -The game to me felt very lazy. it took the RTP maker assets and used them with very little originatily. It .. didn't feel like it fitted the story. This game seriousily lacks polish. I'd probably LOVE an improved version with this, uncensored, with a bit more gameplay elements and challanges to distract from the grind.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the CR game I enjoyed the most!
    The art is good, the difficulty of the CR feels balanced.
    I like the jokes in the game. It cracks me up sometimes!
    Overall, it's a great game! Love it!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Typical and funny game history with decent comedy. It has beautiful art, plenty of H content (ecchi attacks with nice zoom in ), lovely characters, creatives events and battle rape system.
    If you're a fan of battle rape with monsters, this is for you. I´m waiting for the sequel
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Weird name, great game.


    The CG is excellent with a decent variety, but there are no voices. I'm a little disappointed that there's no swollen belly effect considering the impregnation mechanic.

    Most of the stock resources are appropriate to the setting and well-chosen, although there are some really low-res objects or enemies.

    The only straight-up bad thing about this game visually is that, like a lot of RPGM games, there's no proper fullscreen support. You have to know to press Alt+Enter and then it stretches the square window to fit your probably rectangular screen. I know it's not entirely the developers' fault, but there are mods for this.


    I'll get my biggest complaints out of the way first.

    One: I don't like the enemy roaming. There's no intelligence, tension, anything to the minor encounters. There's just an overabundant swarm of way too many enemy groups that you can escape from with 100% success rate with no consequences. It slows you down when you're wandering and you basically only fight them when you feel like it, or you need levels. Speaking of...

    Two: Level grinding. It's no secret I don't like level grinding, and it's here in this game too. The characters lampshade the trope by breaking the fourth wall about it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's level grinding. In a game this short, why bother? They should have phased out experience points in favor of piecemeal progression only; equipment, consumables, skill books, etc.

    Oh, and you shouldn't get the milk leech. The leech only causes the girl it affects to lactate for a single panel from a single breast, and the status effect is "ache" which features no breastmilk whatsoever but interrupts her in combat and can cause a stuttering, slow movement glitch. Milk leech san, I am disappoint.

    Good stuff about gameplay:

    This is one of the few Hentai RPGs that actually plays better by virtue of having character classes and being porn. As Claire and Lucie point out early on, you can use one of the characters as a sort of "meat shield" by allowing her to be the one to get fucked by the monsters, which draws their attention away from the characters who are doing the actual fighting. But the more a girl gets fucked, the worse she gets at fighting, as she will have orgasms more easily, longer orgasms (orgasms stun you) be more likely to be targeted for sex (can't act when pinned down for full penetration) etc.

    This adds a whole other layer to the party dynamic, basically allowing any of the girls to level up as a tank. You just have to be careful not to let all the girls become perverted or you'll spend the entire fight pinned down, not taking or giving damage and not being able to escape. That stops being hot and starts being frustrating after a while.

    I recommend using damage-dealers Claire and Amelia as meat shields if you want longer battles with more sex, or use healers Lucie and Estelle for sex if you want shorter fights. Of course the most fun is getting all the girls broken in and wasting time getting impregnated, but there is a story to finish, if you care about that sort of thing.


    It's fun. The writer obviously has a good sense of humor which shows through the translation. The translator leaves little notes here and there for jokes that don't really translate, which is a clumsy way of doing things compared to using a substitute joke, but at least it's not a machine translation.

    There's nothing too grim or sexually explicit in the main story. In fact, you might be able to play the whole game with only three very brief perverse scenes. It's good enough to get you through and probably won't turn you off between battles. It's nice to see a porno where the girls actually have a personality beyond how they fuck, and they're very entertaining.

    The local worldbuilding is kinda weak. The Garrison doesn't feel like any kind of substantial settlement. It's FOUR buildings that look individually like they belong in a city, but we're allegedly on the edge of some untouched wilderness. It's not a big deal, but I've seen so much better in very similar games.

    There are miscellaneous events that can happen at the Garrison which are sort of like side quests and result in mildly perverted scenes, sometimes with material rewards. It's basically, "Do you want to let this girl get lightly molested?" "Yes." "good, here's a chikan scene and a stat book."


    Definitely worth the time. I came like crazy before getting to the end. If any of this seems appealing to you, then definitely check it out.


    Wait, why is it called Jumble Jokers? Could we get a TL note on that?
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit grindy, but has enough tentacles to go around. The story is a joke, literally. It has some bugs, literally. And it censors some stuff, literally. Guess they didn't want to get sued y Dr*gon Qu*st or M*nster H*nter.

    Excellent translation, even kept the jokes in. Well worth the adventure and effort to read every line of dialogue.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    - Decent gameplay
    - Some nice jokes
    - Good art work
    - Impregnation and pregnancy.
    - Guide in the missions (so if you skip for a mistake an important text you won´t be punished)
    - Fucking spider, they don´t have ANY other FUCKING animal to put there?!?!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for a good fap, this is not the best I can recommend. But if you are looking for an RPG game this game is quite interesting. Character are good, story is not bad, and there are some jokes as well so play it if you want a decent game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, overall. Typical japanese H game history (not a very good thing for me), but with beautiful art, plenty of H content and light censorship.
    If you're a fan of battle rape, this is for you. I for myself love it, and its nicely done here.