RPGM - Completed - Jumble Strikers [v1.25] [ToraumaCompany]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a pleasant experience.
    • Boring corruption passives
    • Grindy to get them
    • No defeat and therefore no defeat CGs, you just get teleported to the start of the level, kinda lame imho.
    • Was made by the good developers that care about their game. Game had a guide inside on how to get all the items and skills conditions, also an image with explanation about statuses and how to cure them.
    • All non-boss encounters are skippable.
    • Your party members can get get pregnant by every mob, but most of the time only an egg comes out. Overall pregnancy system is mediocre.
    • Good art.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, mid battlefuck.
    This game is a sequel of Jumble Jokers with the same battle mechanic and story structure. :geek:
    An instant five outta five from me. ;)
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Bondage Queen

    I was a little shocked after playing this game to see how high of a rating it had on here. Maybe I've been spoiled by superior battlefuck games which have released since this, but there's nothing here that hasn't been done better in other games.

    Gameplay - 5/10
    The fights are competent and reasonably balanced on Normal difficulty (enemies have too much HP and fights drag for way too long on Hard), but it's nothing more than fighting groups of the same enemies over and over - every area is almost entirely composed of one type of enemy - not that it matters since every enemy behaves more or less the same. The fights become somewhat more interesting later on once you unlock more abilities, but it's nothing special.

    H-Content - 6/10
    If you're into bestiality or pregnancy, then this game has the goods for you - I'm guessing that's a big part of all the positive ratings. I'm not into these things so it's difficult for me to judge.

    H-Integration - 5/10
    But I couldn't help be very disappointed that all the battlefuck sprites are just the same reused poses over and over - this really takes away from the potential uniqueness of the enemies and battlefuck. There are erotic statuses you can contract during battle which last afterwards - pregnancy, itchy nipples, worms in the womb, etc - but once you figure out who to talk to or what to buy, it's a simple matter to remove any and all of these conditions, rendering them basically pointless. It just doesn't come together.

    Story/Writing/Characters - 4/10
    Story is okay, characters are trope. Basically a time traveler comes back and has to kill the queen of bugs before it turns humanity into a seedbed. I like the idea, but the story is so short it can't really go anywhere.

    Overall, it's probably worth a play if you like bestiality, otherwise avoid.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game, totally was worth my time messing around with the heroines as I basically just used the status afflictions to raise their sensitivities and a few battle losses(basically let them get raped and you can quit the battle as a loss) and the final boss of this one wasn't as bad as the first game. Though all the pregnancy endings were cute to some regard (the heroines basically taking care of their kids except the mage girl's pregnancy end {sorry, spoiler for some}) It makes me wish this circle was still continuing to make games.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Jumble Jokers was one of my favorite H-Games for its blend of humor, sex scenes and gameplay. Jumble Strikers continues that trend with a new story, humanoid enemies (for the first time in the series), and even more absurdity. Not much has changed gameplay-wise, which is a shame, but why bother trying to fix what isn't broken?
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very solid gameplay with a well implemented battle rape system. It can be a little repetitive, but the core gameplay is engaging enough that I never felt it was an issue. This is a game that demands at least a little bit of thought and strategy from the player without being punishing, which is always welcome. There are a few CG events featuring human NPCs, but there aren't a lot of them, and no bad ends that I found; the focus is very much on girls being raped in battle by (mostly insectoid) monsters. If that's what you want look no further. I've already sunk 12 hours into it, and will probably sink a few more.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game was a pleasant surprise. A little better than the previous game in every aspect. Good gameplay and nice CG. The only downside is that it is only a several hours long. Thus one star reduction. Hopefully they will release another game. Will look forward to it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    Fantastic game.
    Fairly short and easy to clear with "All-Virgin" even if you do a bit of grinding.
    With minimal effort you can get an all clear in only 4 hours unless you decide to spend some "fun time" with the games lewd capabilities.
    Normal difficulty is properly balanced with encounters that seem to scale at speed with your part strength that usually requires you to have a grain of strategy.
    If you're looking for something quite a bit more difficult and forcibly lewd, then you'll want to turn on Joker's Mode which makes all enemies stronger and you'll want to equip all of the cursed items and maybe even don't rush to rescue your captured teammates.

    All-in-all, a very enjoyable game with some decent replayability and really nice H-scenes.
    Definitely good for a fap unless you're opposed to non-human sexual encounters, in which case you might enjoy more vanilla games instead.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a good sequel.
    It has good Art, it's clean, simple and pass everytime.
    Great Humor and the scenaristic was grapped from the precious work like you drink a Coke.
    The gameplay is a researched Tweaked one, the level of mosnter is strangely balanced but playable and manageable.
    And the simplistic but cool hot sex scene is pretty Attractiv.
    Well made Sequel.
    PS: if you mess with the save they will know ;):sneaky:
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1249133

    This game is crazy good. The battle rape system is one of the best out there. Also the amount of statuses, awesome quality of art and mild humor make this very enjoyable. Why do I give 4 stars and not 5? Because it lacks events with random npcs. The city feels kind of dead as most npcs have no purpose. You're also unable to get reactions according to your status from npcs. If that was included this game would be one of the best.

    If you enjoy fighting monsters without really caring if your female heroes get molested instead of winning then this game is for you. I tried playing it without molestation and rape but that's almost impossible as the enemies on standard difficulty are too tough for that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This (and Jumble Jokers) has some of the best synergy for RPG mechanics and fap material. Strikers doesn't bog you down with pages of exposition explaining the narrative, nor does the story drag on. It's short, sweet, and snapshots everything you need to get in and get off. Your interactions with monsters has consequences and I love that kind of integration. The translation is great and gives the characters their own personalities, getting in some nice tongue-in-cheek jokes while still making everything feel cohesive.

    While I would give this 5-stars any day of the week, my biggest gripe with the game is how tame the pregnancy content actually feels, despite it being so integrated into the the story and gameplay.

    I look for games that have corruption and pregnancy mechanics obsessively; for the quality this game has, I'm hurt that there really isn't a pregnancy belly variant for the girls. It feels like it's missing half the fetish when the girls talk about their bellies, but they're still flat (save for the minor amount during the birth scene). If they're going to be burdened with pregnancy, I want them burdened with pregnancy. It's like getting an 89 on a test when you know that if you studied just a bit harder you could have broke 90+. This is a game on the cusp of perfection for what it does but it's just not there without that missing component in my opinion. That said, I very much enjoyed the game, and I appreciate that pregnancy isn't game ending (very annoying when it is). For sure one of the top games I've played in the hentai world.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game strikes a good balance between Gameplay and H content. Its mechanics are easy to understand. It also allows you to play it in any way you want. The game does not force the story on you or blocks H content behind massive amounts of diologue to read.

    You are allowed to create your own party of characters. so if you find any character not to you liking you can remove them to not see any H scene content of that character.This gives the player a lot of freedom in how the game displays H content.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Positive points
    + Great art!
    + Pace isn't too slow where it takes too long for H to happen, and it is not too fast either.
    + Animated H!
    + Interesting dialogues.
    + Decent degree of customizations for settings available.

    Negative points
    - Bug or monster sex focused (Based on personal preference, I know. But I'd love to have more humanoid sex)

    Overall, I just love how almost every aspect of the game is well done for me. 5 Star, no question!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The simplicity yet decent battlefuck turn based system in this game is why I think makes the game enjoyable to play, not too much stressing. And multiple character with their own unique ability and skill makes the game event more interesting
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has one of the best battle-rape systems in an RPGMaker game. The turn-based combat is not too tedious and it's not crazy long. Most of the scenes are focused on the battle-rape aspect and monsters so if you're into human on human action it might not be for you.