VN - Ren'Py - Jury [Ep.2] [Nickle3DArt]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good renders and good story. Tons of choices that have effects to the LIs that you go and to the story and make the game even better. Tons of LIs and each one has different personalities and its hard to who to choose because they are all interesting. Great game and recommend.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    So many paths to choose with a bevy of beauties. The models are great and with all the paths, there is considerable replay value.

    The story is good and am digging the sex scenes and overall lewdness.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is what all VN should be like, choices that matter. Okay so you need a little Suspension of disbelief when it comes to the story, being on a real jury is boring so this makes it a little more hollywood style. Whats great about the game is time. there isnt enough time to do everything so the choices you make determine who you speak with, you won't be able to see every girl in 1 sitting.

    Do all the girls want to jump your bones from the get go... well yeah kinda but again its a VN its supposed to be a little better than reality. If i wanted a game where all girls ignore me i would just go outside. I've played through it 3 times now and im still seeing things i didn't in the other 2 playthroughs and ive only changed up my choices in small amounts. There is a lot of content here already and i'm looking forward to seeing where it goes... as for the accused... so far i think she did it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this! Okay, a couple of the LI's are familiar (Lily, Heather) but still, it's a creative way to keep us all in an enclosed space, and the MC is likeable (apart from a couple of sophomoric moments). I like the dynamic btw the female jurors and their harem king, and it's just fun to see what happens. Kudos!!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I am not sure what AVN everyone else is rating, but to me, this is just not good. First of all,... there is no way in hell any sequestered jury would be interviewed on tv. FFS... then the MC is the only dude?

    The MC is dressed in a leather jacket and looks like some 50's reject who time traveled to the future; plus he gets an erection from being patted down by a cop. The LIs are all shallow and very typical. You have the agressive one, the shy fish out of water type with a "how to talk to men" book, a couple milfs for good measure, blond bimbo... should I go on?

    Then there is the story... does the dev really think being sequestered is like staying in a 5 star resort? It's like a freaking vacation with a bar et al. It's just ridiculous. And of course, mr magic cock doesn't really have to do anything to get them to all want to jump on him.. Whatever. The only part I liked was the intro but once we got to the bus of jurors, it all went downhill pretty fast.

    I am not sure what there is to like about this one other then the dev seems to have some talent as the artwork is pretty good but download it and check it out for yourself.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I did not expect to find such a complex game at random. First time I hear of it, it's a hidden gem. Really extensive. The models are nice, the characterization is great and every LI is unique. It avoid most tropes that we are used to.
    It could use a gallery though.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Visually, is a feast for the eyes. The artwork is stunning, creating a visual experience that complements the narrative beautifully. The attention to detail in the design of characters, environments, and key moments enhances the immersive quality of the game, making it a true visual treat. The interactive element of the game is where truly shines. The choices presented to the player are thought-provoking and impactful, influencing not only the immediate outcome but also shaping the trajectory of the entire story. The branching paths and multiple endings add a layer of replayability, encouraging players to explore different choices and witness the varied consequences that unfold.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Somewhat unrealistic premise, but don't let that keep you from experiencing this game, which is promising to one of the all-time greats.

    Renders, dialogue, characters & personalities are all very good to great, and there is enough variety for anyone. Also, replayability is high, but I would very much appreciate a walk-through :)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall Rating:
    per 1000Magnificent(assessment after chapter 1 v0.01)
    1. Graphic10%100100Perfect renders.
    2. Female characters20%97100A great number of attarctive female characters, at least 2 tens and 3 nines. Their personality is also quite deep though sometimes a bit cliche.
    3. Plot20%86100The story is a bit far-fetched: it's hard to believe that jury participants get a luxury hotel at their disposal and it's totally not convincing why the MC helps the reporter for nothing while doing illegal staff. Still, the plot is very interesting, well-written and the dialogues are natural.
    4. Mechanics40%94100This is the best part of the game. Each decision has a significant impact, there is plenty of different paths in the game which is quite rare. There's relatoins building and main character building through your choices. The game is mainly MC's point of view and there's only one short mini game which can be forgiven. It's really one of the best mechanics in VNs I've seen, still there should be some choices added, like to reject the girl who comes with alcohold to your room at night or choosing not to help the reporter.
    5. Sex10%88100The sex scenes are very good and they occur naturally, no repulsive kinks.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: The idea is interesting, but the experience is not captivating.

    Models are just passable. Only very few of them are more or less cute. For instance, MC says that pink-haired Lily is very beautiful... To me, she doesn't seem beautiful at all; besides, her model was used in dozens of other games. Aimee looks like a well groomed lady, but she doesn't seem like 27, more like 37. Maybe Katie has kinda pretty face, but her personality isn't very appealing.

    The renders quality is just average, so why 13 Gb for only Ep.1?

    The dialogs are pretty bland. Not much humor or anything remarkable.

    The interface is rather nice.

    Some music tracks are good, but some are annoying IMHO.

    So it's not a bad game but it didn't seem attractive to me.

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good first release. Tons of nice girls and routes so you will have to make multiple playthroughs. Sounds are decent, plot seems alright though its still early game, a few minor bugs but nothing major at all. The music is basic. The renders are nice. Unfortunately the game is MASSIVE its 13gb but the compressed version is like 900mb and like 95% of the original quality. Very promising start.