If you are on the fence on trying this game, just take a look at the teaser photos of the thread. If that doesn't entice you, then this game isn't for you. Simple as that.
Kaiju Princess is a fairly simple and barebones relationship simulator where an alien in the form of your wildest otaku dreams comes to dwell with, and satisfy the MC in exchange for 24/7 pampering.
The invader in question, Xao, is the emotionless type clueless of the world she's inhabiting, and it's your civic duty to make her appreciate it through the power of your dick. While sexing the heroine and forming the relationship with her and the MC is the main focus of this game, certain story beats will occur that will cause a shift in focus and the game starts to open up.
The game may seem overwhelming in the first hour - on top of trying to dig a well in the dry tunnels of Xao's vagina, you will be confronted with work obligations, taking care of Xao's need for food and a clean room, and fulfilling a deadline that, if uncompleted, call's the game over screen. However, you will quickly find that the deadlines are fairly generous, to the point where you will have plenty of time to do whatever you want in the game if you focus on that task for a few in-game days.
In that sense the game's strategy is pathetically simple. The same goes for the sex minigame where the crowning achievement is getting Xao to experience euphoria in the 4 targetable spots. Unfortunately, the game does not succeed in really allowing this until you progress far enough in the game to get a new option in the minigame, which proceeds to make the entire thing moot. The gameplay is thus, unfortunately, a grind that lasts far too long and the pay off is subjectively not worth it.
The game strings you along with unlockables such as new clothes to dress Xao in, CG unlocking, two additions to the sex minigame that makes certain body parts easier to squirm, and other passive unlockables to buy that ironically, make the grind quicker. Even then, it's very manageable to unlock everything by the last, giant deadline.
The game's shining points are then, it's story and art. Xao is a fairly interesting heroine as far as eroge game standards are concerned, and watching her warm up to not only the MC and the world she now occupies is a fairly fun treat. Her dialogue and speech manner is charming, notably calling the MC something to the line of "accomplice, caretaker, sex partner, and friend" at intimate moments. The drama of the game and it's story progression is also fairly interesting, even if the game fails to tackle the moral dilemmas that would surely plague the MC, the defacto common man.
Like I said at the start, if the art compels you to download the game, speak to that part of yourself and just enjoy the game. I suggest you don't grind out any part of the sex minigame and allow it to last as long as the MC runs out of stamina to bust. Because unfortunately, that one angle is all you get - so enjoy it to the fullest rather then grind for points. The game will be a day of good fun, so enjoy it despite it's flaws in gameplay.
Kaiju Princess is a fairly simple and barebones relationship simulator where an alien in the form of your wildest otaku dreams comes to dwell with, and satisfy the MC in exchange for 24/7 pampering.
The invader in question, Xao, is the emotionless type clueless of the world she's inhabiting, and it's your civic duty to make her appreciate it through the power of your dick. While sexing the heroine and forming the relationship with her and the MC is the main focus of this game, certain story beats will occur that will cause a shift in focus and the game starts to open up.
The game may seem overwhelming in the first hour - on top of trying to dig a well in the dry tunnels of Xao's vagina, you will be confronted with work obligations, taking care of Xao's need for food and a clean room, and fulfilling a deadline that, if uncompleted, call's the game over screen. However, you will quickly find that the deadlines are fairly generous, to the point where you will have plenty of time to do whatever you want in the game if you focus on that task for a few in-game days.
In that sense the game's strategy is pathetically simple. The same goes for the sex minigame where the crowning achievement is getting Xao to experience euphoria in the 4 targetable spots. Unfortunately, the game does not succeed in really allowing this until you progress far enough in the game to get a new option in the minigame, which proceeds to make the entire thing moot. The gameplay is thus, unfortunately, a grind that lasts far too long and the pay off is subjectively not worth it.
The game strings you along with unlockables such as new clothes to dress Xao in, CG unlocking, two additions to the sex minigame that makes certain body parts easier to squirm, and other passive unlockables to buy that ironically, make the grind quicker. Even then, it's very manageable to unlock everything by the last, giant deadline.
The game's shining points are then, it's story and art. Xao is a fairly interesting heroine as far as eroge game standards are concerned, and watching her warm up to not only the MC and the world she now occupies is a fairly fun treat. Her dialogue and speech manner is charming, notably calling the MC something to the line of "accomplice, caretaker, sex partner, and friend" at intimate moments. The drama of the game and it's story progression is also fairly interesting, even if the game fails to tackle the moral dilemmas that would surely plague the MC, the defacto common man.
Like I said at the start, if the art compels you to download the game, speak to that part of yourself and just enjoy the game. I suggest you don't grind out any part of the sex minigame and allow it to last as long as the MC runs out of stamina to bust. Because unfortunately, that one angle is all you get - so enjoy it to the fullest rather then grind for points. The game will be a day of good fun, so enjoy it despite it's flaws in gameplay.