RPGM - Kamesutra [v1.13.1] [Naughty Turtle]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Short opinion: It had potential but... don't play this. It's trash, i wish i could give it a 0 but i can't afaik.

    This game is now, idk, 4 years old? You could imagine that a game that started in 2020 is now much more polished and surely have lots of content right?
    But no, this is a pain to play through, no QoL features, everything feels like a lazy copy paste from diverse assets found in the internet and there is nothing worth to justify the boring mess that is to play this game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Sylia Stingray

    I finally got around to playing the v1.13 thanks to the optimized version courtesy of @karist. The original version from the creator was an unplayable mess that glitched out, bugged and broke more times than I can remember. Thank you for your time and effort. Onto the review, and it will be a bit of a long one since I've been following this game with great interest.

    When I first heard of this game a few years ago it showed outstanding promise. It's a porn sandbox game based on Dragon Ball Z where you can play several characters from the series and be as erotic as you want. Imagine if Master Roshi could get away with his raunchy antics, and yet still feel like it's Dragon Ball Z. That was Kamesutra, and it had potential in SPADES.

    It's a simple system where you get a quest and then follow a chain of quest objectives to complete the quest which will in turn progress the game. You start off with Master Roshi and Oolong but can quickly unlock Bulma and Chi-Chi. Chi-Chi doesn't quite get as much love as Android 18 or Bulma in other media so this is actually quite a welcoming development.

    The art is very raunchy. The developer is also the artist who very clearly has a dirty mind might as well be the legendary pervert Master Roshi himself. However, while sexy a lot of art is largely unfinished. Some are rough sketches while the rest are all in black and white. Get used to this. The author is capable of doing beautiful colors on par with the anime itself but everything is in black and white presumably to save time.

    Moving on, the gameplay- it's bad. Naughty Turtle has copy-pasted the sprite sheet from the Legacy of Goku games over to RPG Maker VX Ace, an already outdated engine without much regard to the resolution of characters to the world they walk in. As a result, instead of feeling like a smooth game, the character will snap to the grid and it feels terrible.

    The worst thing is the outstanding number of bugs in this game! I don't know how it's possible but every bug fixed in one update creates more in the next. How is bug fixing a game like this so bad? Did the creator just throw in a million scripts and pray for success, because that's what it feels like.

    Another issue is how the creator REMOVES content from the game. Every update adds a miniscule amount of new content, but ironically removes features. There used to be a bedroom stripping minigame that is now completely removed. A lot of fun content like interactive sex choices have been removed that replaces it with a linear line of text that doesn't even give you enough time to enjoy the erotic atmoshpere before it moves on.

    The amount of content per update is also atrocious. Updates happen a minimum of three months, sometimes even longer. You might get one or two quests and a few CGs, and that would be it. You probably get more removed content than new content. The content in the MUCH AWAITED v1.13 is so lousy, I am greatly disappointed.

    To mock players even more, the creator forces you to start a new file every update, and the game consists of many boring activities before you can actually enjoy it so this is just a giant FUCK YOU to players. The creator does provide save files, but only to Patrons. Even the removed scenes from previous versions are now also exclusive to Patrons.

    Two years ago I would've easily rated Kamesutra a 4. I would've thought by now the game would be abundant in content and feel far more smoother and enjoyable. This isn't the case. Now, I'm being generous by rating this with 2 stars. Naughty Turtle sincerely wants Patreon bucks, but with how poor the overall development of the game has been I think I'd rather just download the game when it becomes publicly available because with such poor management any monetary donation to this project would feel like a massive waste. The final nail in the coffin for me was playing this update with great expectations, only for the game to crash several times and was essentially unplayable.

    TL;DR: Not worth your time. If you are a Dragon Ball fan, just look for an download the optimized version by karist. That version is the only way you're going to be able to play this game problem free.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Rewriting my review to match the current version (1.13.1)

    This is as eurojank a game as you can get. The ambition and scope is way beyond what the dev is capable of. It used to be endearing years ago, but the bumbling amateur dev schtick has worn out its welcome.

    The concept is a DBZ porn RPG. It's a love letter to the franchise written in crayon and jizz. The only real central idea is what if Dragonball was entirely about the perverted characters and not fighting or adventures. Beyond that it's a huge mess of half-baked features, none of which are finished. There's card games, there's treasure hunting, there's time travel, character swapping, there's even a "scan em all" feature. There's also shapeshifting, and a cooking dating game, and a photography collectathon style feature. There's also quests and storylines that completely change from update to update. Some of the art is a match for the show, some of it's literally scribbles.

    And it barely works! It's so bugged and glitchy that you won't even be sure what's broken, just that something is broken. And what's really crazy is none of this game design is groundbreaking, it's just the dev has ADHD or something and doesn't finish learning how to do something before scrapping it or starting on something else. If the dev just picked ONE OR TWO FEATURES and created a game around it (like the card game!) then it'd be great.

    It's not like the assets are original either. Most of them are lifted from GBA dragonball games and slapped into RPGMaker, which introduces its own jank. I'd say give this one a pass, it's just a headache.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a waste of time. It is super grindy and takes forever to do anything. I don't even understand how it is legal for this game to exist as it very clearly uses assets (locations, art, music) from the GBA games like Legacy of Goku.

    Raising "naughty" (corruption) is super hard and you have to know exactly where the events are, or where the magazines are. This is true for some quests as well like finding the Dragon Balls. You have to know EXACTLY where they are to find them. One of them is underwater near the Kami house, but the game doesn't even explain that you can use the turtle to go on water.
    In addition to this, there are things like memories that aren't explained how to use. You can buy them, but no way to use them. At least not that I've found. As a porn game, this game is an extreme failure. It takes way too long to do anything or get to any point to see anything even though it exists in the game as evidenced by the guide. I just... I cannot express how frustrated I am that I have put an hour into this game and have yet to get anywhere close to seeing anything worth seeing.
    There are a million other games on this site that are more worthwhile than this game. Do not waste your time playing it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly probably one of the more truer dragon ball z games on this site when it comes to the artstyle. As of the current version. (v1.7) I have found the game to have a nice amount of content and is slowly starting to develop into the game it wants to be. (Any comments will be based on what I have seen so far through the devlelopment of the game.)

    [So to start, whats the good aspects?]

    -Art: I find the art to be rather nice in the game. It has a unique feel and is sometimes amazing when its completed. The biggest drawback of the art is that a lot of it remains unfinished. Which isn't horrible given its not completed, it just means that the creator will have to go back and complete a lot of the art.

    -Content options: So far theres a few options from photo shoots, to an erotic cooking minigame and even strip poker. Honestly the map feels huge and when completed will probably have a lot of content spread throughout. However at the current point the map does feel a little dead at times but again thats an issue with early versions.

    -Characters: Bulma, Chichi, Launch, Maroon all make an appearence and with saga travel being an option, we will probably see more characters appearing too.

    [The Average]

    =Multiple Characters: During the game you take control of mulitple characters. This game be fun at times but can also be frustrating for certain events for e.g Oolongs photo taking. If you see an event as Roshi, you basically need to run away and get Oolong then come back to take the photo. Which is just a bit annoying. It can be frustrating to have to keep going back to the ship to grab characters when you just want to advance plotpoints. A suggestion would be to make it so you can switch characters quickly. Maybe on the blue capsule corp logos on the floor or something.

    -Fetch quests: Theres a few quests that just feel a bit long/tedious. Whether its gathering 15 carrots, capsules, scanning all the female characters or battling people in card duels. These aren't deal breakers but then can be frustrating without guides.

    The bad

    Bugs: This game does have a few bug problems but that's to be expected of a game in early versions. During my playthrough I had a bug where I couldn't start the happy birthday quest because all my characters kept saying they were too small. Also had one where I left the time chamber at night during the world tournament quest and softlocked myself because I was unable to sleep. Also had an issue with equipping a scouter. Was certain I read there was a button to do it but whatever button it was didn't work, meaning I had to keep equipping it and unequipping it manually.

    Overall: Overall I see good signs coming from this game. It has actively been improving since it started and is looking like it will develop into a great game if the developer keeps up the good work. It will require the developer to go back and update scenes once it is done but if they do that I can't see it not being good. Only thing I recommend is that the dev sticks to doing one saga at a time if they aren't already doing so. I just worry juggling multiple sagas could cause issues.

  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 213220

    One of the most perfect parodies by far.

    There is still more content missing but so far I really like it. This game gets better and better for its scenes, content and Chichi. Much more Bulma content is missing and hopefully adds Videl in the future
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: 5/5. Love his story about a naughty milf Chichi (that's rare in DB parody). (The story has only focused on Chichi so far so when it's have more contents about others I will update this)

    Art: 2/5. Many of them is sketches, I wonder why he hasn't finished those sketches for a very long time (some sketches have been one year old :cautious: ). Many others are paints over, he captured the low quality scene from DB series and edited them, which result in low resolution scenes. Almost all the decent scenes remain sketches so art is the biggest minus point about this game (when they're completed they would deserve better score, but now is nah).

    Bug: 3/5. The amount of bugs is uncountable after each update. If we wanna experience the fully "fresh" version we have to wait for almost 2 weeks to receive all of his bug fixed patches. But when we got some bugs, send them to the devs and it would be fixed within a week, that's a plus point.

    Dev's activities: 5/5. He's friendly TBH, just DM him on facebook or sent him an email, you will get a solutions for your problem within a week (sometimes 2 weeks).

    Not the best game but it worth your time to play, amount of contents is not much (cause it just released last year, 2020) but has big potential if the dev pay enough attentions
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Corruption of Chi-chi, or Kamesutra 1.37, well, is exactly that, the driving force of this game is your desire the corrupt Milk/Chichi from Dragon Ball. There are other things but those meaningless once you get into the Chi-Chi path and probably the best part of this game. I did enjoy Chichi content, the time room, the Photoshop and the desperate housewife quest so is a good sign that the game is going in a good way in that part.

    Now, everything else is a nice mess, the game give you the change to change the zoom to 150% and 200%, etc, but some icons don't show if is not on 100%. So from the start, go with 100% and don't even bother to change it later, go to the tutorial and grab there the card book. Also, the game makes you change character a lot, things that could be done with a simple transition, you have to go to the ship and change to the correct character for the job (if you figure out who could be, sometimes the game doesn't give you any hint), combine this with a not shared inventory, and other factors, make this game a recipe for bugs, weird interaction, copycat sprites, etc. Even the transition between rooms are buggy.

    Maybe Oolong can steal pantys, don't know cause that part seems to not work for me. Also. why you need to collect certain items to get control of Bulma or get 5 dragon ball to travel in time. Also. the quiz part can be unnecessary difficult for a not hardcore dragon ball fans. You can't go wrong with Triple triad if your a FF8 fan, but if not, could be bothersome for new player.

    This game could be amazing. just need a reprogramming to make everything more simple for the player, there is a ton of good ideas, but implementing all those ideas at the same time, made this game to be unbearable, for a not so Dragon Ball or Chichi fans as a driving force.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    The premise is reimagining the setting of Dragonball around the question of what if the perverted characters of Toriyama weren't merely comic relief, but instead the main characters, and rather than the plot deflecting their sexual ambitions for gags, it indulged them?

    UPDATE FOR v 1.8

    This game is a study in opposites. On one hand, the positive: a fun lighthearted tone, obvious affection for the source material, and good art (when it's actually good, that is, which is not always).

    On the other hand, the game is defined by jankiness, bugginess, and a design decisions that seem opposed to any sort of convenience. I think this is chalked up to the game being too ambitious and too unfocused. It seems to be pulling from multiple genres of games and not being able to fuse them together into anything coherent. There are elements of inventory management adventure games, open-world stat-based RPGs, dating-sim corruption visual novels (with repetitive grind), and card combat games.

    Everything feels like it gestures towards a scatter-brained vision where the creator wants the game to be everything all at once, and it hurts the overall experience. Constant bugs, laggy scripting, and miscommunicated mechanics plague every moment of gameplay. Characters exist in multiple locations simultaneously because the author's programming knowledge of RPGMaker is unfortunately not up to the task of managing all these different instances. Entire questlines feel broken (the latest Yajibrobe cooking quest completely wonked out halfway through for me). I think this is because the game is too big and has too many triggers firing at weird times, creating unforeseen ripple effects. Do Action X3 in Questline B, and it breaks Questline G, so the game thinks Action Z12 has already been done. Or these actions keep triggering over and over, like the same journal entries "unlocking" every single time I progressed a quest.

    That, and the game is really clunky and incovenient. Actions you will be taking constantly are made into pains in the ass. You have to travel between locales in the world all the time, and to do so you have to trudge back to the ship, talk to Bulma, and navigate a clunky menu. Switching between characters should be a single, omnipresent menu-option (going back to the ship to do so is awful, because you'll be swapping constantly). Different characters have abilities that are needed to progress quests, and sometimes you'll have to go back to the ship, swap the character, trudge back to the quest, do an action, then trudge all the way back to re-swap to your previous character. And throw on top of that individually-instanced items (meaning they only exist in one place in the world) means you have to juggle which character has these pieces of equipment, so sometimes you'll have to swap characters just to unequip an item to then swap back.

    Obvious fixes would to be just to make travel a simple button press (Bulma just asks where you want to go with every option listed), swapping characters a simple button press anywhere, and quest-related items important items that are tied to their own button that all characters have access to all the time.

    Despite all this, I like the game. It has charm, and it has vision. Its rough edges are something I'd love the dev to fix, because I believe they are making something fun. They need to refine what they have, make it more convenient, and iron out the bugs. I know we all love new content updates, but a few QOL improvements and patches would be much appreciated.

    Update for 1.11:

    I played this again, with the cheat engine mod. Getting to play the game this way really threw into stark relief just how spot on my previous observations are. Many porn games start out with a bundle of erotic/adult content as the carrot, and the gameplay as the stick. The key is finding the balance. This game, however, unfortunately takes the stick part to a whole 'nother level.

    The unique thing about K: DBZE is not the grind you have to do to get to the content. That's actually on par or even a little below what you normally find in the dregs of smutgame crap. What stands out to me is how rickety and shallow everything feels. You are teased with a wide open world, a big map full of npcs walking around to interact, tons of content variety, but it's all so janky and buggy you feel like it's breaking in slow motion. That, or it feels like a 1990s personal website with "Under construction" on every page. 80-90% of the game feels like a placeholder, and the sheer tedium of navigating the world or finding the critical path through side quests is padding or gaffer tape meant to distract you. Using the cheat mod just for the character swap/teleportation and time skipping really makes this obvious, nevermind circumventing the time-sink gameplay chores (refreshing your MP to do abilities, reacquiring consumables, etc).

    So, this game still needs tons of clean up, both in bugs and design philosophy. The dev needs to cut out everything that is a chore, which is a lot of their interlocking, fussy mechanics and minigames. This would reduce the complexity of things and reduce all the bugginess. Which in turn would free up more time to make the content of the game better and flesh out the world some, with less placeholders and half-finished ideas floating around.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    REALLY love the latest updates (1.1). Apart from the bugs, kudos to the dev.

    The world tournament storyline is really a pure evil genius. Never crossed in my mind you create some perv old man and desperate milf scenario involving time chamber and tenka ichi budokai. The plot (compared to already available scenario) is the best at this moment.

    I am genuine DBZ fan, and really you guys successfully manipulate my mind so I cannot look back in the comics the same again (yes I was reading back vol 18 and thinking what the hell happened with chichi when piccolo train gohan).

    Okay I sub you in the Patreon then.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is a refreshing take in a general genre that is mostly limited to walk/talk simulators or JRPG-potion chugging grinds.

    The Porn is ok, nothing spectacular, but nothing bad either.

    Things that could be improved: More raunchy cards, porn as awards connected directly to the core game play loop, and so on.
    Less money grind - I mostly skip past the opening part by cheating cards, there could be difficulty options.

    All in all - a good game, hopefully development makes it great.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Art's pretty great (when it's completed) but man the engine is god awful. It's a pain in the ass...just to move around the map.

    Don't play it, don't try it. You're just gonna be furious knowing this could be a decently fun time if it wasn't such an infuriating technical mess.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The game seemed to have too many glitches, from West City being destroyed to magically being rebuilt after going to the shops, or the inability to play cards with any of the NPCS. The game seemed to have too many grindy tasks that didnt lead anywhere, plus there were many points in the game that were unavailable which made progression of a storyline even more unappealingg.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    well to be honest the game have some nice art, some other way to be improved... also a real tribute graphics to the series, so i like it, some skills unique and easy mechanics, thats why i like to play it, the card sistem its pretty good and fun, but sometimes the rules are kinda ahm hard to get it, to be honest i would like to the Tutorial give you a demo of how to do it

    Some issues, the music isnt playing, ahm sometimes the ICONS doesnt show up and you have to re-activate it each time you switch characters, isnt very helpfull have a lvl up, since doenst help or lead you to any important progress since you character didnt battle or something direct, Archivements well , its kinda useless since lot of the marks are impossible to fill up

    Some negative points, runs kinda slow on some devices and pc, for the game quality, no offend but it would be run more smooth, the walktrought is really really useless to be honest, beside the answers on the quiz tournament didnt tell you much about items, locations, quest, events and how to get/unlock scences, the music, sometimes dont work, some NPC are bugged,or you cant interact with them, i use my V 0.6 save, also delete all and re-start the game and the same issue keep going

    I hope it be better on next version, and include actually some scenes or at least full complete 1 character with all options, i mean, all events unlocked to have a full clear rute on at least one, since it havent happened allmost its WIP , and well that its kinda a killing mood, since the updates take really long time between each one and well, isnt much to do
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Stars! ... I am an Old School DBZ hentai Otaku... What can I do? ... :giggle: ... any thing about Akira Toriyama and / or the characters of the DBZ Series have me glued to them.. and if there is a little help from Hentai, even much better! (y)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fun and has good sences and its is just the begging and has a ton of potenticel the stripe game is super fun in my opinion and looking forward to the next updates and the 6 characters also like the interaction with any npc
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    The games got some potential, but its really buggy rn and the black and white drawings are rough. Also versions arent compatible so you might be smart to wait a while if you don't want to re-do the grind work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I cant wait for more developing of this game bcuz it seems promising plus I love dbz hentai that rpg base so Im looking forward to this development progress, therefore, keep up the good work Naughty Turtle. I'm looking forward to more of this game and I hope cheelai and android 18 is on this game
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Most of the still art is show scenes with some editing. the animation is just black and white placeholders. The quests are partially implemented or bugged and don't work. I would highly suggest waiting till completion of a saga before even trying.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    hm.. i appreciate every porn game approach in the DB universe and with Master Roshi and other creepy guys aswell as the hot girls with massive curves but... the rest...

    - idea
    - universe
    - girls
    - right male protagonists
    - quests
    - skills
    - day/night cycle

    - not very clear gameplay
    - kind of annoying and exhausting gameplay
    - (i need to get SMALL but i can't interact with Oolong, Chichi should swim in river but she doesn't, i should transfrom into husband with Oolong but can't switch to him..?)
    - its the original iconic but outdated artstyle with white/black sketches between as naughty scenes...
    - too small window you can just zoom

    I personally REALLY like the idea and that its not a just fuck game but.. a little bit less confusing and easier gameplay wouldn't have been a bad decision + the window play is too small and there are other DB gams with some hotter - more up-to-date artstyle would have been great/would be great to get inspiration of those.

    If i need to switch between characters make this more obvious and less complicated please... and i bet i can't see roshi bang and suck chichis tits - and if then in white/black sketch stuff where i can't see everything.... i am quite certain...

    hm... great idea with too high aims and some exhausting and unclear implementation + not really rewarding, outdated/recycled scenes...