VN - Others - Completed - Kansen 4 ~ The Day After ~ [Final] [SPEED]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Aside from the protagonist being a absolute dumbass in the neutral routes this is probably my favorite Kansen game and the first one i beat without using a guide. it takes place during the first Kansen game. it has some pretty depressing endings but it balances out with the true endings (Unlike Kansen 2) the Heroines in this game are my personal favorite across the franchise and the thing i enjoyed the most about this entry is that it doesn't feel like it has a "True/Canon" Heroine the game tries to force you to spend time with. I could get into more with this review but this entry is pretty underrated and you should honestly just play it yourself, Also some options that lead to bad endings open up entirely new routes once you beat the game once so make multiple saves on decisions.