VN - Unity - Completed - Karen, WTF?! [v1.0] [Michelangelo da Mouso]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh my god, this game was hilarious! It did exactly what it told us from the start - took us on a short, silly, satirical, experimental journey with some fun sex along the way.
    The choice in music was awesome and deliberate. I loved the magic GMILf aged down to her 30s. I even like the way in which you choose your own name. I won't ruin the fun, but it's worth a quick play to be sure!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I laughed, would love some more wild antics like this (preferably without Step, or at least have an option to remove). Short but sweet, and I respect the grind of 170 hours to pump it out. Glad you stuck to it, Michaelangelo! Hoping to see more from you soon
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    3 stars for this is very good. It's about a 10 minute (if that) porn meme.

    Character models: 4/5
    Slightly sad about the mario growth, but still cute.

    Characters: 2/5
    Mostly joke characters but somehow they had a decent personality setup.

    Sex scenes: 3/5
    (bad animation, not enough changed between frames, not very erotic focused)

    Sound: 3/5
    Most of the sound was obnoxious, some of it was slightly amusing. I did smirk at the ara ara.

    Plot: 4/5
    For a singular scene, a lot happened. A bit too chaotic, but if it were a bit smoother and more erotic focused it may have been a memorable scene.

    Humor: 2/5
    There were moments it was amusing, but mostly annoying. I think the scenario itself was funny and there were some singular puns or references that were funny, but the over the top tongue in cheek of it was... too forced?

    If this had a lot of content... well if it were exactly like this I would end up exhausted and close it. But if it were toned down on the ludicrous comedy, I could see this easily making for a good VN.

    Enjoyment: 3.5/5
    Amusing-ish, and kind of sexy, but not very erotic due to the comedy.
    For a proof of concept this is pretty good.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was so stupid; and from the very first choice I hated it. I clicked through the scenes so fast, trying to see if there was anything redeeming about it. There wasn't. I hated it so much.
    Yet here I am rating it five stupid, insufferable stars.

    It's so stupid, you can't stop smiling- and maybe that's the point.
    Maybe it's because I had pizza for dinner today, and everybody likes pizza.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved what you made Michelangelo. It is short, true, but for a first AVN it is very nice. Good characters, and a good sense of humour. Nice clean and sharp renders all the time you spend on making this pays of. Keep on making good things like this. I sure hope there will be more from you soon.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the concept. But, the sound effects are a bit too crowded for my taste. Making the game playable on mobile with unity engine is very great but the size is really big for 15 minutes of gameplay. I wish the dev good luck for the next project.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The first time I ever decided to go through the most recent games published list and I find this gem. I lost several brain cells in less than 10 minutes but I think it was worth it. This game is the Chicago deep dish pizza of AVNs. Michelangelo da Mouso, more like Michelangelo da Vinci. Games pure art.