RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played.

    Great battlefuck-based mechanics and great graphics. Nice side missions. Replayability is great. At the same time, the game does not get boring at all. Passed each version starting from 0.4 ...

    p.s I ask for a clumsy review - English is not my native language.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What could I say? It's a masterpiece.
    One of the best games I've ever play (and I play alot of games).

    The combat is awesome! Never seen a combat like this; it's unique and amazing.
    The corruption is awesome too: my first run, I was striving to survive the most while trying to get more and more naughty; the second run I just went and lost until Karryn was a complete slut and was capable of defeat everyone with sex. Don't be afraid to lose, go on and lose.

    Great game, a must-play!
    Don't overlook it!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Karryn's Prison is the pinnacle of RPGM battle-fuck games. After playing it, all other RPGM games seem to pale in comparison - it does so many things, all of them exceptionally well, that it would take a whole essay to summarise my thoughts into a coherent review. So, I'll just leave you with my glowing recommendation to play this game ASAP, and if you do, don't be afraid of losing - the true depth of the game will only be felt after a few playthroughs (allowing for plentiful amounts of Karryn violation :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love the game. From the art style, game mechanics, plot, and challenge runs. allows great replayability of the game. Good job to the developer and team for delivering such an amazing game. This gem is definitely a must-play for anyone who is into h games.

    I hope the developer and team continue with their great works and I am excited about your future projects. :giggle:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game but it lags a lot could help to make it smoother.
    all in all its an awesome game the devs did a good job i wish there will be more content but there is already a lot so this game has good scenes and female protgaonist what more can a man ask.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    We all know why you would read a review so let's get to it

    Is it worth the download? Hell yeah give it a try at the very least the sheer amount of drawings and poses there are as well as voice acting warrants at least an honest try at the game.

    • Sex in this game hapens not through "scenes", but exclusively during combat and variants of combat (side-jobs which use a system based on the combat system).
    • It is VERY grindy at the start, like, extremely so, even with the Secretary mode cheats for faster progression. But that leads me to
    • Regardless of how extremely grindy this game is even with cheats on, it adds to the experience and payoff when you finally turn Karryn into a slut after farming for like 2-3 hours.
    • You can see for yourself in the screenshots provided on the original post, the drawings are of amazing quality. They are crazy good and they feed into the aforementioned payoff of the grind.
    • This game has VOICE ACTING, both in English and Japanese, while I'm not a fan of the english actress, seeing voice acting on multiple languages for an Eroge of this style is quite rare, a detail that was not needed but is very much appreciated.
    • To add on the voice acting aspect, or more so, on the dialogues that happen during battle. Karryn's dialogue actually changes over time the sluttier she becomes (she raises her Slut Level by gaining Passives which are obtained for pretty much doing anything even remotely sexual). Seeing that change while you're farming for passives and Sex Skills add a lot to the payoff mentioned earlier.
    Is it really worth the heavy grind? 100% honestly? Yeah, yes it is worth it, this has to be, by far, the best RPGM Eroge I've played, the amount of creativity it must have taken the Remtairy duo to come up with this new combat system and the many other systems like the passives, side-jobs, will power, stat managements and the edicts system. This game is a labor of love tbh and it shows. For the reason we're here to download these type of games, the grind may sound really off-putting, but the H content is so good it actually feels worth getting through the first 2 hours of repetitive grind and forcing yourself to lose. This game right here?... Yeah, THIS IS QUALITY

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game since around v0.7 and I must say, with version 1.0 adding fully voiced battle dialogue (in both English and Japanese) it takes this game from "I recommend it" to "play this now."

    Not only does this game has probably the best battle-fuck system out there (if there is a better one please let me know for "research" purposes), but the gameplay surrounding that has actual depth to it, which is pretty impressive for a porn game.

    The CGs are hot, the voice acting is hot, the fetishes are hot, and, of course, the corruption system is top-notch.

    If you like corruption, gangbangs, and/or good combat systems - or even just tolerate them - give this a try. You won't regret it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game.....ton of fun , i don't mind the grind of it unlike some of the other games that i've played, you want to lose just to see the punish scenes. the only thing that i would give a thumbs down is the bar minigame, if you have low stamina and you get stuck at a table its diffcult to get out of it and back to the bar to regain your health. would like to see a way to change that a little bit.

    Other that good game and keep up the great work.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a porno rogue-like. Expect to experiment, and fail. It's quite satisfying when you get the hang of it.

    DO NOT get this game if you just want to quickly get off.

    This is a sexual game no doubt, but it is primarily a GAME first.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    [v1.0.5h Full]

    Good, great even,

    but there are annoyances like:
    • upgrades that come with downgrades;
      • Even when using game tools to get +1 edict/day, not missing choice base rewards (starting title, emperor's gifts) struggled and got annoyed at managing money, having some days when doing anything was too expensive.
    • various fight methods making some skills seem like a waste;
    • complex game having too many things to keep track of;
      • Passives are a complete mess- while the majority encourage slut growth, some flip-flop form increasing to decreasing combat capabilities based on Ero-state.
    • some % events are annoying without being rewarding;
    • edict tree not always making sense;
    • Masturbation is weird- why isn't it the sexual skills tab, why does the prompt stay after orgasm, where's any indication for it to be available?
    • new game configuration is kind of ass-
      • why ask to keep equipment and passives, when edicts (even the always available shop, personal and training ) are reset? Non-easy (which is unlock restricted) game modes have time limits.
      • Cheats are still called cheats, when all but 1 make the game more difficult.
    Other than that,
    SEMINGLY FULL FINISHED GAME with great art, great animations, mostly great gameplay, good sounds (even voices), fitting story, (seemingly) many ways to play!

    If it were less tedious and more informative, it'd be damn near perfect.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a good game with many possibilities to play. really enjoyable

    most rpg is gringding so its just common boring problem, but yes you can make many build choices (though some ending make u rush everyting)
    u know .. the d'ck killer route
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    Full discloser, your not gonna run into the following issues on a casual run. Corrupt Karryn to your hearts content and do the minigames only when you want to see something specific or new, not for the stats or money. But I, massive M that I am, have decided to due a 'virgin' run on Warden difficulty. And it brings the numerous flaws in the 'game' portion of this porn to focus.

    I've played this one for a longggg time, it's been an experience seeing it grow and the team should feel proud to have made something this quality, good voice acting to. The combat is simple, but it invites experimentation and can be quite difficult on the higher settings; prison management is a balancing act between short term necessity and long term gain and the passives are a nice system that help flesh out the 'corruption' side of this game. There's nothing I don't like about this game.... but there's to much of it.

    The higher difficulties can be a challenging prospect... in the early game; by end game, a good build can outpace the enemies even at the highest difficulty. Making riots and bosses a chore. Why? Because stats raise with minigames, and if your smart then your doing the minigames... for hours upon hours.

    Every floor has at least one job, each job can take 5-15 minutes to complete and if your grinding for money or stats then you'll due all of them everyday except for the days you challenge the new floor. Which takes 2-3 days to complete, when you generally have 10-20+ days to clear each floor. See the issue? At the rate I'm going I'll have sunk a good 50+ hours into this one run!

    The minigames aren't particularly engaging, especially if your Karryn isn't a slut (yet -.-). Your stats and skills don't effect them in any meaningful way and the tedium only increases with time for most jobs. The ability to grind them for money and stats also kills most of the tension with edicts, as you can compensate for lacking funds or a higher difficulty without having to weigh opportunity cost. I don't even hate the minigames, they can be a bit fun and Karryn is sexy; but they detract from every other element that I like in these types of games.

    My advice to the devs, remove the stat boosts from minigames and speed them up... by ALOT (the bar minigame is my go to sleep aid nowadays). Decrease the money you can get from minigames them without selling your body by a fair margin while removing edict points entirely. Decrease the time you have to conquer each floor while decreasing riot chance, but substantially increasing riot difficulty . The game now provides a challenge for 'pure' Karryn players who have to manage short term and long term needs. Do you focus on personal power or economic gains, is the money from an edict worth the increased chance or danger of riots, safety/opportunity. The game now holds a real challenge for 'pure' Karryn players who will need to struggle to afford the price of purity. Meanwhile 'corrupt' Karryn players are no longer forced to spend days doing nothing but sleeping so they have enough Edict points to actually use the money Karryn has... appropriated and can spend their time 'reforming' these scum („ಡωಡ„) .

    It says a lot about the quality of the rest of the game that the minigames don't stop me from playing at all. As porn, this easily gets a 9/10, very sexy (if very grindy); as a game, I would struggle to give it a 5/10, the tedium kills any and all pacing and urgency.

    If your looking for a good challenge run, then I recommend a sex only run. Limit yourself to only sexual techniques and try to complete it before a certain slut level. That way you get both sex and gameplay, shocking I know.

    PS: For a virgin run, don't upgrade the bar selection until your satisfied with it's reputation. Tips are the main source of minigame income and pale ale is weak as shit, so you can spam drink all night without issue @^▽^@ .
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to start off by saying definitely do give this game a chance, you might enjoy it.

    I would like to rate this game higher because I respect the developers, they worked hard on this game and they deserve the money they got. They fixed bugs, revamped systems and delivered a finished product in about 2 years. The art is good, the combat is original and the management system is complex.

    But, long story short, I'm a guy who likes to work a bit for H scenes otherwise they feel meaningless but this game is the extreme of that. You have lots of grinding to do, limited edicts, small income, constant riots etc. Riots are basically forcing you to clear a level again with enemies that scale with you, repetitive combat made challenging, yay.

    Then there's the fact that if you do get fucked mid battle, you basically have to wait minutes for them scenes to be over, you can't skip them and they can even repeat for the same enemy type in the same fight. You have to sit there for and watch that goblin climb up Karryn's ass and blow his load every time your lust gets uncontrollably high which also triggers the rest of the enemies present to fuck her. To top that off, you also have to 'play out' your turns and manually select valid options, well, whatever you can since you're locked out of combat options (later on you do get an action that skips 1-5-10 turns, but still, later on). It's so tedious that it ruins the whole combat experience for me and any prospect of replayability.

    If you want a decent game with adult elements and you don't mind being stunlocked by repetitive combat scenes go for it but if you're looking to bust a nut in less than an hour this game might prove to be quite frustrating.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I have to rate this game a 3 out of 5, knowing a lot of people probably won't be happy with me over it. Let me explain.

    I don't really play this 'genre', of female protag. I think it's fine if you want to play that role/tag but it usually isn't for me. Interestingly enough, what got me to play this game (opposed to others I've seen before of the same type), was the fantastic art. I really appreciated Karryn and her scenes. I have played very few games like this after the fact, simply because art is a big deal to me.

    But I'm kind of disappointed with how this game turned out. The story with the guy (who sends you there to make you "strong" lol) made me not want to cheer for him at all, instead going full on corruption route (which is rare for me, even in these types of games).

    The voice was a huge miss tbh; it felt like they hired/used the first voice actress (or actor, Idk) they they could find. The voice is nothing close to what I was expecting; I would assume somewhere closer to either deeper/higher pitch. Not a big deal for most, I'm sure, but it brought it down an entire star for me. As someone who was looking forward to the voice being added, I am kinda upset about the choice.

    Overall a solid game and I could even describe it as a "good" 3 star, but I'd be hesitant to play it again. I know the multiple endings give it replay value, but again, with the voicing and the reason to not support the guy in the beginning, I'm more inclined to play it once (the whole way through) and have a somewhat decent memory of it.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I thought this was a good game overall. It has some really good, somewhat-gradual corruption. It has cut-in scenes in combat rather than traditional scenes. Over time, the text describing these gets more and more lewd as you acquire new passives. There are no traditional H-scenes, and everything is delivered in the same form of this combat system.

    As someone who prefers traditional H scenes over combat H, I wasn’t the biggest fan of this system. Overall, I would say the quality of everything was good, but the amount of content left something to be desired, hence the 4-star rating. I would say the amount of unique H content was probably equivalent to a game with about 30 HCG. Definitely a game worth playing, but probably not worth paying more than $10-15 to me. This might be different if you really like in-combat H scenes.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    guys you should try this game and support remtairy "
    because the story game is so awesome and the character very atractive
    i try this game from 0.4v which is still available 2 Level and Level 2 still not subjugated.
    and i start following remtary ( the creator )
    fun facts, Remtairy very accepting of complaints and bugs in the game,

    For Story : 8.2
    Batle : 8
    art : 9.1
    Sound : 9
    minigame : 7.8

    btw Karryn (The Mc in game) makes me Horny Happy i mean. XD
    dont forget you can buy on steam or support remtairy on patreon.

    PS : im sory if i have bad english because im not using translitor
    #Thank You
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fun little game, although something unfortunately kind of grindy and tedious at points - particularly if you're trying to actually, you know, get lewd. There are no actual set smut scenes and events play out like you physically defeated everyone in my experience, so if you're looking for something with a more concrete narrative then you'll be disappointed.

    One thing in particular that stands out is this game is also actually a somewhat challenging game if you set it to normal mode. Personally I would recommend away from it and just play on easy, which treats it a bit more like any other title on this site. The challenge is there, but you could be playing a more proper game for that sort of entertainment. To each their own, though!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Aside from the art the game is kinda boring, and a little bit unfair (?) interm of difficulty especially if you are going for empress (?) route, the amount of money you get is kinda low and some mob can just easily one shoot you. Idk maybe because i play melty quest before and expecting this to be like that kind of game. I hope the dev planning to expand the game like making karryn extra lewd during the mini job/game or something, the mini game aspect is pretty stale it has potential but i hope it's not just this.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Full version, hooray) I had been waiting for it for 2 years. Playing you feel how much time and effort have been invested in this project. You won't know how good this game is until you play it. Bought it on steam. Worth it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Why are you reading the reviews? Go play this game now. I don't care if you already have, go play it again. Yes, It's that good. One of the best porn games you will ever play. I bought this game on a 2nd steam account to support the creator because I want them to make more of these bangers.