RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This one's great. Allows for a really wide variety of playstyles in combat, and the corruption over time is really well done. I love the system of constantly unlocking permanent traits to reinforce it. The art isn't really to my taste (I mean those boobs are frankly ridiculous), but its more than good enough for a great wank y'know.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, the concept has a lot of potential for the 'corruption' genre and is also good for those who want a challenging 'virgin' run.

    Also, the side jobs are pretty dope and have pretty good replayability values.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best erotic games I've played so far.
    I've always been a fan of Sex RPG games such as Kamidori Alchemy Meister, Sengoku Rance, and Ambrosia

    This game easily came close, or even surpassed those games for me.

    The thing I liked the most about the game is the title system that works like a very unique kind of corruption mechanism. (Although there is also a separate corruption counter)

    I kept trying to find all of the unique accomplishments I could get in order to get Karryn even more corrupted, which would in turn give me more scenes.

    There are a LOT of those titles that you can earn, and it gives a new depth to the game, which already has a lot of depth even without the system.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Just great game and i love the art, a different prespective of sex attack/ endurance or sex battle in general, some games impements different ways to enhance sex battles that could result in them being unique from a mechanical stand point. This game is great for someone who enjoys a tactical approach to the sex battle or someone who wants to control a woman to become clean in the end or tainted. Hope they improve more, but as of now its great as it is!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely loved trait system.
    The only thing that i think should be added is idle option during the battle.
    I'd love to see expansion of femdom part of the game.
    Also, is there any way to speed up the battle?
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    version [v0.8.m]

    Even if the game is not finished yet it's already incedibily good especially when compared to the majority of lazy and repetitive games in this category.

    Maybe what I would like to see added are some more flavour text and events when talking to the inmates when not in combat and the possibility to strip and equip toys voluntarily.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Start this on easy. That's my advice. Its no fun to have to hit an enemy thrice - 4 -15 times as much because hard mode made him too damn butch.

    Do that and you have a (mostly, fuck the third floor and its 15 enemies summoning 15 more enemies fights) balanced RPG with really poorly thought out progression, wherein the fastest way to get strong is to simply never finish any floors and repeatedly rest until you buy all the good shit, because you can't lose a floor until you first take it over - apparently the entire floor being in disaray under a big bad boss man is a lesser deal than literally 4 groups of 2 dudes wondering in circles.

    The goal is to pass edicts which costs points and goal gained daily to get stronger, unlock new minigames, etc. But passing days has a chance of making 'conquered' areas rebel, which lowers 'control', which lowest another value I forget the name of each day if its < 0. So just keep control over 0 or never actually conquer and you have infinite days to pass for infinite money and edicts.

    Now if the core gameplay loop is so fucked the best way to play is to essentially not play, and the balance goes to shit later, even on EASY, why am I rating it so high?
    Its because its hot. Very hot. You start with your arrogant cow titted warden stomping weaklings, then she gets groped one too many times and starts liking it. So they grope her more. And she likes it more. Until eventually you unlock the ability to tit fuck men into submission. You collect passives doing this, which stack, making you gain x lust (ie tit lust, how much you want your tits groped) per turn or start with it higher.
    Then you add the loss rooms (first floor is a blowbang, second they try to fuck you, third is for tit fucks) and minigames (being groped/fucked a secretary, drinking cum out of a mug) which also have their own passives and make it easier to spam the action you want.
    Its just a really fun, gradual system, although it can feel TOO slow-paced at first.

    The combat itself is, when an enemy that took 2k damage doesn't suddenly take literally 7 for no identifiable reason, decently fun. Because it ties into all the above. Enemies will just grope you if you get too horny (they don't rape, really, they specifically only grope Karyn when she wants them to), which they can tell better if you buy the right edicts.
    But a lot of the time enemies will just take no damage from anything or your baseline lust becomes so high that you have to tediously spam 'lower butt lust' every fucking turn so they stop fingering her ass if you aren't into that.
    Could really use chastity items or a way to lower lust at the start of fight beyond editing the save to remove passives.

    To summarize;
    If you want a balanced game, pass.
    If you want to jack off quick, pass.
    If you want a slow descent into sluttiness with the ability to choose specifically what Karyn gets off to (ie my karyn is a virgin even at the end-game, because the game gives some bonus for that), then play it. Its one of the better corruption games around and especially if you want the girl to ENJOY it, genuinely, not just be raped until he 'mind breaks'.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Unreal Bober

    One of the best RPG Corruption female protag managment games so far with addictive gameplay, cool characters and fap potential. it become on one place in my hearth with games from oneone1 and cursed armor.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpgm games I've played. Managing edicts is important even on normal mode which is nice compared to games of this type. Art looks really good and is not censored and there is also plenty of replayability due to the amount of edicts that can make the game feel different.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great battle system, great artwork, and substantial updates. Try it!

    I'm about to play version 8 for the first time, and want to share the love with everyone on the forums. Though apparently that takes 200 characters...
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is something really special. Incredibly ambitious, lots of fun, and one of the most unique approaches to H-Game design I've seen. I've got so much to say for the positive that I'm just gonna get the complaints out first.

    The uptake is a bit rough. Once you get knee deep in the game's systems it's fantastically deep, but getting there isn't easy. It can be overwhelming at first, information overload with all the systems & helper NPCs. A streamlined tutorial, like say a "Level 0" to ease you in would be welcome.

    That's the only major gripe. Everything else is minor. Minigames feel fun at first, but actually get less fun the further you advance in them. A few too many reused / inconsistent assets, like an orc that visually turns into a human when you sleep with it. But overall impressions are still phenomenal.

    Graphics - Fantastic. It may be RPG-maker, but the custom drawings will far surpass anything from other games. Only gripe is a lack of additional female models / characters. I like Karryn, but if she's not your type then you're SOL

    Gameplay - This is where it really shines. The early rock-paper-scissors of the battle system belies it's true depth as you unlock additional abilities, especially charm/intimacy options. This is probably the first H-Game where people will actually say, "I'm gonna challenge myself with a harder difficulty," because it's just that good.

    Story - The concept is fantastic. I'm the type that skips through written dialogue in these generally, and you're not going to get the next great American novel here, but the strength is in the ideas and world building. This prison concept is fun and well executed - there was a lot of thought put into how this building operates, how the pieces fit together, how the inmates respond to the warden's actions...

    If anything I have too many good things to say about this game. If you haven't played it and you're still reading these reviews, stop it. Go download it now. Prepare to invest some time, but it's worth it. Oh boy is it worth it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The best, if not one of the best, eroges I've played in my life. I had to make a review because it is that good. Highly recommend playing it and supporting the developers through their SubscribeStar page. The game is so good that I felt like I had to support the developers for how much enjoyment I got out of it. This is one of the few games I consider perfect, even though it's not even complete.

    The artwork is very good. The game contains MANY scenes and MANY variations of each scene. The game also appeases to many fetishes ranging from the basic boob fetish to feet/rimjob fetishes (No NTR available though). The art is top tier quality work. The only issue is that there is not exactly simple CG artwork. Every "scene" is played out through gameplay at the moment.

    The gameplay is amazing and original. It has high replay value because of how the game integrates its erotic scenes with the management gameplay. You can choose to do certain actions to activate certain scenes, and there are MANY scenes and variations. It is fun to test all possible actions to "unlock" many scenes as you progress further into the game. You are not provided with any erotic skills in the beginning, since you must unlock them as you make your protagonist sluttier and more corrupt (there is no gallery yet, but it's definitely fun to play and grind the game to see some action). My input does not even describe 20% of the actual gameplay. Go to their site if you want to know more specifically about the gameplay.

    It's very simple. You play as Karryn, and you control a prison. It is up to you on how the game progresses. The writing and localization is pretty good. The dialogue feels natural. It is definitely not a quick fap, as described on their site. You have to grind and put time into the game for proper progression and enjoyment. Additionally, reading what Karryn says during the gameplay improves your experience.

    Final Thoughts
    It's really good. Just play it bro. Make sure to support the developers if you enjoy the game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Best H game ever.

    The gameplay is amazing, original, and it blends perfectly into the H aspects of the game.

    The art is also top notch and the hardest difficulty is a great challenge.

    The only minor complain is that the minigames kinda become a little too grindy after some time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Thought I already rated this game, but here goes.

    This game is by far one of if not my favorite H-game of all time. I won’t go too much into the pros since there is so many and I’m sure other reviews have gone over them. I will say that if you like games with corruption, “bad states” or weaknesses gained over time or sub/dom play styles and BFRPGs then you will probably love this game. I am rarely ever impressed by the thumbnail images for h-games, but I was for this game and was not disappointed.

    To keep this short, these are really the only complaints I have:
    • The sadism/masochism system (basically submissive/dominant) does not make sense in many cases. You can gain sadism from using certain skills like handjob or anal sex (might have been changed) and sometimes just from being forced to do it. This is a pretty common complaint though and some of these skills no longer do this, so I’m sure it will be changed in the future.
    • There is a decent amount of grind in this game. This is most apparent when doing the hardest mode or trying to lose on purpose, but especially on the first play through the content is so good you won’t notice it usually. There are cheats/mods to lower the grind, and you can lower the difficulty when doing a new game plus (but you can’t raise it on that save file). Quick tip, there is a setting to increase text speed which I missed in the beginning and was pretty frustrating without.
    • This game isn’t complete yet, but already has many hours of content and the story is not very important anyway. Thankfully you won’t need to wait too long as there is a big content update coming this month and the game will likely be finished around December/early 2022. I don’t think you need to wait for it to be finished, the game is already fully fleshed out and is just missing some of the last enemy types, one side job and the ending story content (and edicts). The developers are the most consistent and professional I have ever seen for an H game, consistently pushing large updates every 3-4 months and giving progress reports weekly.
    Still these downsides are FAR outweighed by the good portions of this game and the developers are very communicative and fixed many of the issues already. This game is a must-play imo.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game even if still a wip, the gameplay doesnt get tiresome even as you repeate the game.

    The minigames are fun and the difficulty is fair.
    The art is amazing, hope to see more of it as the game as of May 2021 leaves in a huge cliffhanger.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Good fucking game, great art, enjoyable gameplay, surprisingly relaxing progression considering you don't have to worry about save scumming.

    My only issue currently is that the combat quickly gets impossible to win and as soon as you take on a single side job, your slut score goes through the roof, making winning in battle even more difficult.
    The level cap is pretty inconvenient as well, if only because you enter into the game supposedly being this severely powerful badass, yet I can't overpower the level 2 boss.

    Still a very fun game that is actually posing a risk to my health since it's not healthy to maintain an erection for more than four hours.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Karryn's Prison has the best H-Game gameplay - H-content integration bar-none. My favourite game on the site as it's actually a great game and hot. Best played from a female perspective where you don't want to be violated (because you will be), this causes defeats to be more exciting.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll begin by saying that the game has neat and well developed mechanics.

    The art looks great as well.

    Combat was interesting.

    Overall I really enjoy the passives and title system.

    The one minigame i played was pretty cool and fun.

    So what's my gripe? It can be summed up by one word. Speed. The game plays abysmally slow. I can only presume its because of processing because I can't imagine this being done intentionally (and i all options to reduce it to minimum). I played the bar game once on max time. I didn't check time at start but I'm gonna guess it took 30 mins (while it felt like 2 hours) and I coulda done that 4-5 times before hitting the fatigue restored per day. And thats with minimum gear, based on the description Im guessing its gonna double or more when you got upgrades and reputation.

    Fatigue starts incredibly early. At a mere 20% you start getting penalties.

    The game was fun but It feels like it wastes so much in pure waiting time when nothing happens. When I need to use Cheat Engine speedhacks to make it bearable something has gone wrong.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically, I dont know what to say, It's just the best game out there, at least for me.
    The only thing that i'd like is even more stuff to do or someway to customize karryn ( I know there are mods but they doesnt work in some CG, i want something included in the game that works propely).
    Anyway as i said, its simply awesome.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Hentai Dream Gamming

    Amazing corruption game with a ton of contents.
    The graphics are impressive (especially if you are into big breasts and boobs).
    The combat system is complex with a lot of elements to consider (your stance, your stamina gauge and of course your lust/desire).
    The management system of the prison is quite complex too and you can have a lot of different strategies to gain money (implying of course to get a bit dirtier :sneaky:) or corrupting the guards etc.

    This is the kind of rare hentai RPG maker game we would like to see more...