RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it's like the most feature filled game ever! Every thing you do has a consequence (good/bad) and you can try different play styles (slutty warden, no sex warden, etc). One of the games worth supporting, I highly recommend you guys to try it out!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I very like this game because this's very challenge to defend her virgin and manage budget and edicts.
    but I hope see more fetishes like sexy costume, hairy armpits:love::love: , It would be great if there was body or hair customization because I like small tits, big butt.

    Good jobs love this game
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Sometimes you just come across a gem that hits all your buttons and this is one for me. I dont even mind the grind since this game is so freaking sexy and actually has me enjoy the content more. Well done! Most excellent! Cant wait for this to be finished.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Le epic game, cool ideas and prison managment sim , really refreshing ! But clicking a lot of options in minigames (bar for ex.) just to walk to a table and collect dirty cups is really frustrating(takes nearly 6-8 keyboard inputs and yeah there is a LOT of menu options which fells like not an a cool sexy game but a flying simulator where u have to memrorize placement of every action just to not waste your time) why not just remove junk actions from menu and make them intractable with mouse, like picking up dirty cups with easy clicking on them . In a reception game same apply to a options like calling visitors and taking papers, like just press on a peson square to call him! press on a person near reception table to ask him what he wants and etc. this all feelslike playing not an RPGM but a really annoying MMORPG where you have to grind till blood comes out of ur arse . A lot of time goes to waste in this game , at least animation cut-ins are customizable in options. Chatting and fight logs are unskippable, why just not make it like in a VN games where if you already red its skippable if you holding ctrl button .... drunk bar minigame(???) is really suffering from this, there is like 5 guys chatting and moaning and Karrynn answers on every action, yeah I know there is some guys who like to read every action description, at least make logs skippable... On my 3rd minigame I completely ignored text and was just mashing z button just to make turn faster . Game is a real timewaster, but have a really good potential. 5 stars with all its flaws cuz game is still alpha and I really hope for improvements, if all timewasting things appear unskippable in final version this'll be really depressing. Sorry for bed inglando me from somalia.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The best adult RPGM game i've played, ever. Art, game mechanics, concept, story are all amazing. The best part about this game is the replayability. You can try different builds, explore different paths and enjoy a unique experience each time you start a new game. Most of the games I've tried on this site don't have that quality. Sure they might be amazing the first time you play it, but it gets boring after a while. Karryn's Prison is an amazing game and the devs do a good job. Regular updates keeps the game fresh and interesting and I cant wait for the next patch.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    (V 7.A.i.2) No mods. (Contain some spoilers)

    I liked Meltys Quest, a lot, I tried this one 5 days ago. As for now I'm at around 45-50 hours of play time.
    What can I say, I think I'm enjoying this one a lilttle bit too much. It's sad but now I think Meltys Quest is shitty, compared to Karryn's Prison :/

    The 3 difficulties are fun to play with :
    - (Secretary mode) Easy is, well... very easy.
    - (Warden mode) Normal is well balanced, and not too difficult.
    - (Prisoner mode) Hard is challenging, but not too much, and pretty fun as well!

    The combat system is really fun with the 2 phases.

    The sex system is pretty good too, but only if you take the initiative and your stats/buffs/debuffs are not a big mess.

    Apparently not a shared oppinion here, but I really enjoy the side jobs and the ways you can deal with them.

    There's lot of little details (sounds, visuals) that make the game really pleasant, like the heels sounds in the differents corridors, the diversity of the facials expressions. (If you leave your computer for a while, Karryn start to adopt a dozing pose, seriously, what kind of indy developper think about that kind of level of details?!)

    I'm not fond of rimjobs, it's nice to have the possibility to disable this fetish fot those who hate that. I left it ON, because I don't really care and the game is not only about that after all, If Karryn can be on the receiving side, that will be pretty cool.

    The thing that I'm enjoying the most is the fact that I keep discovering new things! Especially with the jobs! It's always a nice surprise, like the cunni with the gobelins with the receptionist job.

    It's hard to keep her pure, but only because of the quality and diversity of the sex scenes after you had a little taste of them!
    The barmaid scene if really good! (And the one in the cellar when you have lost at the reception/bar/anywhere at level 1 is awesome)
    The bed scene with the guards... :love:
    The bathroom scene! (very very nice angle)
    The shackle room of level 3.

    So far I don't see anything that I dislike in this game.
    It will be perfect with a little pregnancy with all these creampies... but it's really hard to implement this fetish in a game and don't break the pace because of all of the downsides that implies.
    With the increasing amount of semen generated, a lil' belly bulge will be appreciated!

    Just one thing that really need improvement is the dialog/chat in the upper left. Most of the time I don't see what some guys say because of the flood.
    I haven't see an option to extend the number of lines displayed or something like that, just a timer before the phrase disappear.

    Sorry for my potato English. Here's a used one to apologies :poop:
    Have a nice day.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Time for a dissenting opinion. While I think there's a lot of things that Karryn's Prison does right, and it is absolutely teeming with content, the drawbacks of RPGM for a game of this depth make it sometimes interminably grindy and tedious.

    You have to give credit where credit is due. The kind of depth in mechanics this game has is unbelievable. It borders on actual RPG territory with the different kinds of systems at work here. Edicts mirror skill trees where you can either increase your combat skills, mental skills or build your base. You have to manage your finances so you have more edicts available wile also making sure your control and the order in general doesn't fall below a certain point since it results in a game over. At the same time, low order means higher income so it's a fine line to balance. The combat has a lot more depth to it than your regular RPG affair. And there's a metric ton of titles to be gained all with different buffs and debuffs. So for someone who turns to H-Games for gameplay as well as the H-Fix, this is a godsend.

    At the same time, it is this very depth that turns out to be the game's undoing at times. I honestly couldn't keep track of the myriad titles I was bestowed and all their collective buffs and debuffs. There were too many. The combat sometimes moves at an absolute snail's pace because of the RPGM system and everyone doing or saying something. My biggest gripe is the usage of the combat-like system for non-combat activities and NPC interactions. I hated having to do the waitressing job through the combat system. It was a chore. Took too long. Sucked the fun out of everything. The receptionist bit was even worse. While the scenes were exciting, it was a chore to actually get to them.

    And as other people have mentioned, you can't actually control the way the battles or the scenes go since it's reliant on your relevant desire. That makes it annoying if you wanted something in particular. Which brings me to the combat, it has two relevant phases to it but it got old pretty quickly for me. As a result of the sheer time investment and grind I encountered, even for the non-combat portions, combined with running over the same areas again and again, I gave up on enjoying the game past Level 2.

    Don't get me wrong, the concept is amazing and the execution is fantastic, it's just that the game engine isn't built for this kind of depth and it shows at times with the sheer interminable nature of some tasks. Also, I don't really like oversized badonkadaonks. Good god, she needs a wheelbarrow to lug those honkaroos around. The character art isn't my jam but that is completely subjective and I think was more than made up for by the sheer quality in scenes. So that's it in a nutshell. Worth the 4-5 hours of gametime before one gets bored.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game concept, art is great, sex scene is so aweseome, had side action job such as waitress and receptionist job which make the game is more fun to play. The variety of the passive skills also quite good, its improving along with how many time the protagonist has sex with the prison inhabitant
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    This game has excellent mechanics that intertwine with the slow corruption of the main character into a complete slut (or her slow transition from being rather timid to being a full out dominatrix). Not many h-games have skill and management systems this in depth, so it's worth checking out if you're even slightly interested in some unique gameplay.

    While the artwork is pretty good, the h-scenes themselves leave a bit more to be desired in my opinion. They're plentiful and sexy but can get repetitive pretty quickly. Still better than most games out there, but in comparison to its actual gameplay, the sex stuff isn't exactly groundbreaking.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the deepest and most rewarding games I've ever played on this site. Replayability is very high, artwork is well done, gameplay is fun, and general grind is alright. Sometimes battles and jobs can be kind of long. Otherwise, the base building, the numerous amounts of scenes, and the incredibly extensive corruption mechanic make this a gem.

    Fantastic work!
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    By far the best H RPGM game I've played in years. The combat is entertaining and the sex is good. Highly recommend playing it, especially since there's varying difficulties and a lot of different ways to play. This is a fun game with sex scenes rather than your typical trash with cg's. Only wish more stuff was animated but the art is good enough that I'm ok with it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It is currently one of the best RPGM sex games you can find on this site, provided you're into sexual encounters simulated as 'battles' and do not mind your fetishes translated into a language of complex stats. But as a gamer familiar with the lewd genre you probably know how these games work: you start as a Lv 1 Pure Virgin and slowly build your character up to Lv 69 cum-guzzling Buttslut, enjoying your descent into depravity in the process. Or decide to stay a pure virgin for as long as you can, which kinda defeats the purpose of playing a porn game in the first place... unless you're the ultimate tease/denier lv. 100 Edginglord who's gets rigid on frigids. Either way, you'll find plenty of unapologetic male-gazing heterosexual debauchery here and as the game is still in development (reviewing ver. 0.7a.f) there will be plenty more to cum, I hope.

    Having said that, the game is not without some minor flaws. Fist of all (pun intended; will there be any fisting added?), the difficulty could to be more balanced, as playing without cheating on harder levels is almost impossible. Especially newcumming players will feel overwhelmed by the intricate management system (corruption, control, expenses, income, daily fatigue, etc.), character stat system (3 vital in-battle stats), 2-phase move system (mental and action, the latter further separated into physical attack [stone-paper-scissors style], energy management or sexual actions), sexual desires (cock, mouth, boobs, pussy, butt), body part sensitivities, sadistic or masochistic leaning (or should we say dominant/submissive) and so-called passives, which are unlockable feats that affect the aforementioned stats and add new moves to your repertoire of actions. Of course, there is an extensive in-game guide (just visit the guards quarters or the mess hall and talk to the guys) that will clarify a load, but still it will take a few gameplays before you get the hung (pun also intended) of it and are able to lead your heroine through the filthy corridors of this peculiar correctional facility the way you want her to conduct herself.

    The complexity of the stat system plus the fact that it's practically one female PC vs gangloads of sex-starved male inmates and staff allow for plethora of sex scenarios in one hand (yeah, I did it again) to fap to, but on the other hand can make a session (I mean a buttle... battle or a side boob... job: waitressing or reception at the moment) drag on and on, the longer the more enemas... enemies you're facialling... facing. For example, if the house is full (10 patrons in the bar), it will take 10 moves from them before it's your turn to clean a table or fix clothes. And with the game's engine not as fast as one would hope for, a mere 15 in-game seconds will be represented as good few pages of a movie script that can take several minutes to click through:

    Guard A calls for attention.
    Prisoner B squeezes your nipples.
    'Oooh, not that haaard!'
    Thug C stats telling a joke. Hobo D listens to a joke.
    Lizardman E fingers your asshole...
    .... and so on and on.

    As text descriptions carry a lot of important information and add even more sexual color (I'd say much more than the CGs), these are unavoidable, but it clearly shows limitations of sex games developed in RPG format. The immersion, pacing and flow is sometimes off. Not this particular game's fault, but still.

    Also, the logic of sexual interactions is weird sometimes. First of all, you need to have enough of a particular desire (cock, boobs, pussy, butts and so on) and your opponents must also be interested in you to engage in lewd activities. So you're practically unable to jump into (proper) action from round 1, you needs to warm yourself and the guys up first, by releasing your desires and flaunting (of course these options are not available from Day 1, you need to learn or train them first).

    And then when you do engage in sex, you are locked sort-of in both position and action. There is no way that I know of you can switch position/orifice, unless a head male participant (marked with a crown) cums and has not got enough lust left to continue (yes, some inmates will continue fucking right after they ejaculated). Not a deal-breaker, but feels limiting to your PC's freedom of sexual expression. I do not see why you shouldn't be able to jump from one cock to another, swap holes (ATM anyone?) unless you're overpowered/restrained. Just a suggestion to the developer, if he's ever gonna read it.

    To sum up: it's a great, properly perverse game, with decent art, so so music and sound FX and a solid, light-hearted storyline that pushes the events forward, though you still can play it as sandbox (and currently end up in sandbox, as the story now finishes at subjugation of the Prison's Level 3, after our Warden reluctantly /oh, really?/ agrees to set up a Strip club there - what a clit... cliffhanger!). A lot of effort has been put into making sex scenes as lewd as possible, with still a lot of rum... room to make them even lewder. Highly recommended!!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Discovered this game two days ago and it was one of the discoveries of my life here in F95 forums. This game is incredible. Lots of anal, you can choose your weakness -I chose anus for instance, which is my gf's weak point in real life- and so you can choose everything, which makes it more realistic and fun rather than a series of predefined scenes. I am so impressed, can't explain it with words. Just....thanks
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Bruh this game is peak RPGM Eroge production, i fully endorse this sandbox rpg level of gameplay instead of those dissapointing CGhunt type of trashware we have going for rpgm games these days. the demo release itself is a nutful boy one could only hold it enough for the full release (pun unintended!)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I know I have rated this game 5* but first and foremost I have to say this game is not everyone's tastes and it's probably a poor experience to play it while it's under development! With that said...

    This is one of the best games ever made in the RPG Maker engine and a very fun and unique hentai game, however unique also makes it so a lot of people will not enjoy it. That doesn't mean the game is bad, it means the game is bad for you so think twice about giving it a poor review just because you're dumb and can't understand the mechanics.

    It's a grindy game and it will not be enjoyed by the typical start the game with their pants on their ankles already type of player that just wants to fap, it has a complex and at times frustrating gameplay.

    You can also play yourself into a spot where you have to live with your decisions and if you want to experience a different sort of gameplay it's suggested you start a new run altogether.

    Dumb people that lack common sense will absolutely not gonna enjoy it either. It requires you to read, think and it's very heavy on gameplay but once you get the gist of it's incredibly easy and easy to manipulate.

    I'm a little divided on the art, I like it but find it a little awkward, I attribute this to my tastes and in no part to the quality of the artist so it gets a 5 regardless, not being generous just being honest, just because it's not exactly my cup of tea does not mean it's not good.

    I'm surprised an RPG Maker game has a gameplay this intricate and I believe this is exactly what RPG Maker was created for but people never seen its true potential so here it is.

    Overall an amazing game with unique gameplay even for me who doesn't enjoy battlefuck systems, I'm surprised it's not rated lower because people can't see a good thing if it smacks them in the face and they often want the hentai game equivalent to pornhub. It's not what this game is and if that's you, then you're probably wasting your time and should be looking elsewhere for entertainment.

    Great game, can't wait to see it finished.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    loli senpai

    great game in everything it has.

    as story it's simple and a playstyle it's fantastic

    the good part about is the change of the mc face reaction along with her nasty degry so even 100+ hrs is fine for me cuz i can keep whore her everywhere even starting a new save just to have the same fun all over again

    my fav part is to make her work as a bar Waitress to make her more slut than ever honest i need more works!

    one of the best game that came so far and hoping to see more games like this with lolis =w=
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Fantastic art. Interesting story. Absolutely cancer inducing gameplay.

    Battle system is trying desperately to be innovative but is actually a steaming pile of hot garbage.

    The whole game is a sisyphean ordeal. You rarely get any sense of progression or accomplishment. You are constantly going back over old ground, cleaning up old messes. Incredibly repetitive.

    NPCs basically always go first in combat and MANY of the actions they do completely negate the actions you specified for the MC, making it a giant fucking RNG-fest. You rarely, if ever, get to choose the direction of combat/sex scenes. Most of the actions you choose never even fucking happen.

    Accordingly, the combat/sex scenes are unbelievably repetitive, boring and frustrating.

    This game has taught me that it's basically impossible to be turned on and frustrated at the same time.

    Absolutely not worth playing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Editing the review as the 1.0 release is live and on steam. The art and variations of this game are very well done. The amount of scenes is also very good and the 3 endings are ample. There's lots to cover about the game so I'll try to condense the pros and cons.

    The good:
    - A lot of scenes and variations of scenes
    - Ability to disable certain scenes
    - Different difficulties
    -4 side jobs that have their own scenes

    The not so good:
    - First time players will have a bit of grind unless they edit game files
    - The repetitive nature of the game can get boring after a couple playthroughs
    - There are lots of areas that look like they were cut and it makes me sad
    - There is new game+ but I feel like things could be implemented as post game content or even dlc
    - She always wears boots no matter the context of the scene (excluding footjob sex act)

    To concluce, kp is a very well done game with a lot of detail and effort put in by rem and sachi. The quality superb and this game deserves to be put on a pedestal for quality. This game deserves to be an example of how to make eroge, but it's not the be all end all for a couple reasons. My problem, though my own might just be the grinding and effort to unlock sex skills, I know it can be bypassed with cheats, but the majority of people are playing this for sex content. There was a post that content was cut because of "challenge" runs but I feel like the creators vision and the userbase vision for the game differs on that point. As a eroge lover, I want to be overwhelmed by side jobs, content, DLC, the works. More outfit options, more stripping options, more ways to enjoy karryn. I love that we get to run a prison with the best warden and see her battle her way through, but a medbay job, 2nd floor office job, 3rd floor gym job, 3rd floor shower area job, 4th floor pool job, 4th floor farm job. For challenge runs these would be hell to manage, but with ero content, this would be a dream! I understand the potential redundency of these but the scene variation would make the game feel cumplete! Anyways, enough of this lengthy review, I still recommend purchaseing the game and supporting the creator if you can! If Rem sees this, please continue to make us more eroge with sachi, it's been wonderful following you through the years and I hope to see more of your work!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I just love this game by it's corruption, the art ... just ... the art , the combat system is interesting, the gestion of the prison is well made, i just can't wait for the game to be finished, even if i need to pay the price of recent new game in version collector i will do it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: Simple, very simple but it works...

    Originality: Classic but it works.

    Renders: Good graphic, nothing to say.

    It's standard, nothing to say, nothing to comment

    Playability: The only problem with playability is that once you go down the "slut route", it's impossible to recover...for me the game is almost impossible even in easy mode(once i try to corrupt Karryn, it's like sliding down to "never win-land", pretty sure that if i want a virgin-route i should wait that the game is completed). Not even RPGmaker save editor helps me! XD I love it but it's frustrating! XD

    Performance: THE ONLY DECENT VERSION OF RPGM IT'S USED FOR THIS GAME, I'M SO HAPPY! Usually, with rpgm-games, i've a lot to rant about how awful they're, because issues with the resolutions or menù...but here nothing, other devs should use this version of rpgm or go for renpy.

    Bugs: didn't notice them

    Animations: there aren't, but it's a game with anime-style graphic...so it's fair enough because i think it's hard to animate a picture rather than some CGI-character.

    Voice Acting: there isn't.

    Grammar: it's understandable.

    Amount of content: So much stuff <3