RPGM - Completed - Karryn's Prison [v1.3.0.52 FULL + DLCs] [Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Neo Nocturne

    Above all else:

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    TL;DR: (updated for v1.01k)
    This is a tiring, grindy game for patient players who want top quality on all aspects (from visual, audio, plot, character design, in-game system etc.). It is very rewarding for anyone who is willing to spend hours to complete it thoroughly. And this is for my first time ever to stamp this on my reviews: THIS IS A MUST-BUY.


    1. Nice visual, great animations, good music/BGM, okay sound effects, fair quality on VA
    2. Plot is simple yet the mechanics and choices in this game make this game a must-play.
    3. THERE IS NO 5TH LEVEL. So spread out enough days for each level wisely. The system looks magnificent and there are endless of possibilities to beat this game even via your favourite fetish!
    4. Most sex scenes are RNG, if you like rolling dices and feeling lucky, you will love this game.

    1. If you are 18 and horny, you can still get to FAPPING gallery fairly easily. Just remember Karryn will be a slut all the way...
    2. If you are trying to cheat your way out easy for progress, this is the game for you to practice your cheating skills. It’s not hack-proof, but it is difficult enough for a regular nobody. (Turns out some badass programmers decoded it and you really can run it down like a pro...)
    3. Ain’t nobody got time for some 20 hours+ of RPG-based content nowadays (if you are a perfectionist, this is a pro)
    4. When the same moaning SE is used over 100 times...yeah, you can say it is over-rated? Variations perhaps? (Turns out there are variations by the final product! So...this con is removed)
    5. RNG sex scenes with specific conditions, if you just want to get all the scenes and fap, you are not going to like this...
    6. If you have met 3 of the Cons listed, this is not a must-buy for you. Please ask someone to send you all the scenes instead. You don’t need to play for hours

    Honest Opinion:
    It's a really hard-to-learn RPG for anyone going on a blind playthrough, but gosh, this is rewarding. Whether you want to play like a dummy and get Karryn to be fucked all the way to the end, or you want to plan wise and maximize the chance for a virgin ending, you get to enjoy everything the team has to offered as long as you are willing to play. (There are 3 endings in short, each with distinct conditions)

    If you are a person who likes playing RPGs blindly without a walkthrough for hours just to get the hang of it, this is the perfect match.

    For anyone who doesn't like in-depth strategies and making plans, this is not the game for you. As the game progresses, you really need to make good decisions on issuing edicts and which aspects to be prioritized early to maximize efficiency.

    Frankly, not many RPGs can be marketable for those impatient fappers, but not this one, you want to fap fast, you get to fap fast and hard for this game. Just remember, if you are aiming for certain scenes though, you might feel like this game is a huge waste of time; and that’s a fact.

    Honest Worries for Developer: (New section)
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    For the good people who made it this far on a single review, you can have my highest respect.

    Again, not sure if the developer has read this, I truly appreciate how some of my worries have been tackled after an update.

    (Updated: they may be pulling out of Patreon due to certain incident, if you have been their supporters, please keep track on their updates and their new site/page; there may be a slight delay on work/progress due to that change, do keep an eye open for that. They have confirmed moved to SubcribeStar)

    My Final Thoughts after product released:

    Other than a minor complaint I can think of and reasonably fair...whereas a mediocre OneOne1's game can satisfy everyone's need no matter what fetishes you are into (except boys-in-love or yaoi), this game doesn't offer certain fetishes...
    (But I understand...dev makes a game they want, not exactly something everyone wants...)

    Is it a classic adult game that everyone from the future generation must have? Yes.
    Is it inclusive enough to tolerate all of the sickest humanity fetishes we have offered? No.

    And last thing: FAPPING requires work, so WORK FOR YOUR REWARDs and P(L)AY THE GAME.

    GLHF and enjoy the best prison based adult RPG the adult gaming industry can offer by far. Kudos.

    See you all next time, Adult Game Hunters......
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A truly amazing game. The gameplay is complicated and unique, it takes time to get use to it. It's also hard on the normal difficulty, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your tastes.

    Art is phenomenal, although you will have to work for (and also during) the scenes, as well as having a bombardment of text flying at you. The RPG mechanics of running the prison are outstanding. The upgrade system is not simple and can be your worst enemy as each perk can have major penalties making the game much harder (or even breaking your game) if you're not careful. The two minigames available now are fun and interesting, yet can also be quite tedious.

    If you don't know exactly what you're doing in combat you will be destroyed. It requires a lot of strategy as well as some luck in getting past the harder enemies.

    It's one of those erotic games that transcends from straight porn into something truly special and for that it deserves high praise.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Remtairy is an excellent developer and all of their games have multiple interesting aspects to them outside of just jumping right into the sex scenes as quite a few developers are apt to do.

    Sachinima's art style is great, I tend not to be a huge fan of humongous anime style breasts but he seems to make it work as they're not the main focus of Karryn but just one of her many pleasing features.

    The CGs are great with a combination of battle CGs and Job specific CGs.

    You can advance in the game by earning titles and passive traits that are given after you pass certain thresholds, like being harassed, assaulted, winning fights, losing fights, etc. These add a different layer to the game regardless if you're aiming to keep Karryn from being corrupted or aiming to corrupt her completely. You also get to choose difficulties at the start of the game that can affect how easy or hard it is to do either of those things.

    There is an interesting prison management system that can affect how well behaved everyone is, the strength of enemies, how much you earn in cash per day, whether you want to increase corruption and instability or maintain stability and curb corruption.

    There's a lot to the game that definitely makes it worth the download and playtime. Its development kind of stalled for a bit as Remtairy was focusing on a different game, however all of his focus is now on this game and updates appear as if they'll come out every couple months or so. But despite the slower update time the game is high quality and worth the wait.

    If I had any complaints at all it would be that Sachinima has this weird progression for blowjob scenes in all Remtairy games. If you have played Remtairy games you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't though - when the character becomes sluttier and more receptive to giving blowjobs their tongue tends to squeeze out to the side of the penis in a very unnatural way, and it almost looks like there's skin hanging off of something and is very distracting.

    All in all though, great game, and if you can, support them on Patreon.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    To start with, all the portraits and drawings are pretty good.

    There are games where if you lose you get a sex scene, and maybe some number representing corruption is affected. This game's corruption and sex mechanics feel much more developed. The corruption aspect feels more like the character is being changed by each action in a close to seamless manner than like a couple of counters are going up and meeting sudden thresholds. You can get rape scenes and still win the fight, and even if you "lose" you still make progress pacifying the inmates and leveling up, so it doesn't feel like you have to choose between playing for sex scens and playing to win.

    The minigames I've found so far are also pretty diverse and interesting, and lead to some pretty sexy scenarios. There's also a management aspect which intersects with other parts of the game and gives you some options to customize the game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Warning to anyone playing this game:

    If you lose a battle in the second floor BEFORE cleaning your path towards bathroom by defeating the npc's blocking the area, you'll essentially get stuck there forever. You'll know what I'm talking about.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best eroge I've ever seen. Cannot wait to see how it develops. Will continue to keep an eye on the developer's future projects as well! Shows much promise.

    Art is great, minigames are already polished and enjoyable as much as the main game itself, the titles ans passives mechanics are the bomb.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really promising start. Story is kinda interesting, especially if You like being "boss" because how sluty You become is up to You, and I'm glad that dev dont make its simple run down from one "rape" to another. Next to not bad story stand not bad character and actualy good rpg mechanic.I hope to see full game, really I recomend this one to anyone, also Karryn is thicc.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's rare to find a game where the gameplay and sex scenes go together so well. I enjoyed each part of this game - the management, the combat, the corruption. This is an excellent game for fans of slow corruption and turn-based combat.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The king of: in combat grope sex!

    I am playing this at difficulty 2/3 the game is challenging, while you go on in the story you unlock a ton of states which enables new behaviours by the opponents.

    Gameplay has unique dynamics i have never encountered, the big amount of work behind the scenes makes the game not repetive. In particular while you reached a point when you think you have unlocked everything, something new unlocks, this happens many times, then a new version arrives with new content and upgrades to old content. Almost can't keep up with the developer.

    There is a lot to discovery in all the activities and interactions you have.

    The MC has a lot of charisma.

    From all the points of view that come into my mind this game is a must try.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly promising. Amazing art, innovative gameplay, entertaining writing and a load of content.
    For the curious ones, the sexual content is integrated into the combat gameplay, where you are violated upon loss and you and opponents can initiate sexual moves during combat. This strikes a good balance between porn and gamepley, which I find important in a porn game.
    Definiately one to buy once it comes out fully, or even support them on patreon.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Impressive game that goes far beyond the usual RPGMaker games. Even at the incomplete stage there is a lot to do: so many titles/passives to collect, it is easy to give in to completionist urges.
    The art is great. The mini-games feel unique and make you forget this is an RPGMaker game.
    Looking forward to the next unlocked floor.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    You're still checking the reviews section despite this tremendous excellent votes?
    Honestly, this game is the best RPGM and the sexiest i've played ever.
    I've been playing this since v0.4, this time I decided to rate it 5 star (I've been want to but i think my vote's nothing since its already popular). Since the v0.5 out, the new receptionist mini game got me (too bad level 2 is not yet available even though i've been waiting since v0.4). I seriously can't wait for this game to finish. Support the dev to make it quickly happen!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v 0.5g]

    Art's pretty hot, including their customizations of the usual stock RPG Maker kit. Here and there you'll find a couple pics of the MC that get wonky with perspective vs proportion, but it's all still fapworthy.

    The plot is inventive enough, if a bit shallow. I really like the corruption idea and the systems they've implemented for it, although the combat H-scenes involving somehow kinda controlling the enemies but kinda not is a bit... bwuh? Still, the ability to steer content away from the inevitable stampede towards anal sex makes me happy in the pants. Dialog is hokey and the USC18/Discord/Patreon screens are a bit cringe, but can't fault'm for needin to pay rent.

    None of the porn I've seen squicked me, and quite a bit was hot. Again, corruption fetishist here so your results may vary. The emphasis on the 'That I've Seen' bit stems from a menu option to toggle visibility of rimming content. That particular kink does squick me and being forced to sit through it repeatedly would have put a damper on the max amount of enjoyment I could get from the huge amount of effort that's gone into the game. If you're reading this and responsible for the menu; Thank You <3.

    TLDR: If I fap harder, more momentum is imparted to the the world making it spin faster, and thus the next update arrives quicker. True story.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    combat is tedious, relies on enemy manipulation, and pure old RNG. Unfortunately, most of the content is locked behind enemy RNG during the combat phase leading to a gigantic boring grind that you have little to no control over. Sad that the combat system is so convoluted because the art is well done.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my favorite game I've played on f95zone. It really says something about the quality of this game when I say I don't play RPGM games as a rule, but this one has me hooked. I am fond of female-MC games, but if you're not into them I would still say give it a go. A wide variety of fetishes (the more questionable of which can be toggled on and off!), variety of foes, variety of skills, and a really hot protagonist add up to a fun and hot game.

    Remtairy and friends have proven their ability to make a good h-game with Meltys' quest, and Karryn's Prison is head-and-shoulders better. It is probably the only h-game I have ever played with an enjoyable and rewarding combat system (these guys could make a mainstream RPG and rake in some real bucks I think). Unlike Meltys' quest, this one actually features some limited animation which really adds to the game.

    I would like to see more animations, though I know it isn't their forte. It would bring the game from its current amazing state to true legendary status, however. 5/5, PLAY IT! SUPPORT THE TEAM!
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Arima Bery

    This game is really briliant ... Micro management, animation and really nice art ofc
    Well if u guys lookin for that kind of games this one is highly reccomended for you.
    The only thing that i hope in the future is maybe to make the game more smooth and fast update
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game raises the bar of H-RPG to the level of Triple A titles.

    The way combat sex cuts in, its simply sets it apart from many. Simply surprised by the depth of visual details. The amount of cum on each part of the body depends on the ejaculations on it and is reflected in each pose and position. That's one hell of a feat for developers to take care of it.

    The artwork is so fine, its damn straight additive. Good content and variety so far.

    The plot is good and interesting., definitely has potential.

    Mini-games are so detailed with their own scenes and gameplay mechanism.

    10/10 for Karryn's giant butt.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a fun concept and the slow decent into sluttiness makes for entertaining gameplay as well as the multitude of game mechanics relating to actual player input. the game as a whole is fun as hell and I can't recommend it more
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    In following with what other reviewers have said, this game has raised the bar as to what a porn game should be. The combat system is engaging and challenging! The passives are brilliant! But, honestly, what I'm really looking forward to is the future development of the Bar Maid and Receptionist jobs. These are mini-games that are actually fun, challenging, and have a purpose. Everything is balanced: from the combat to the income/expense. I am genuinely looking forward to what is coming next.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    First time actually punching in a review, simply due to this being such a phenomenal game. Despite the fact I normally steer clear of RPGM games, the devs have done a great job streamlining the game and avoiding the 'clunky' feel I tend to associate with most RPGM games.

    The gameplay is polished and the artwork is even better, despite being in the early stages. Personally, this game has raised the bar for me and the content on the horizon that the devs have teased looks to be equally awesome.

    Edit: Also failed to mention how much of a gem the Waitress side job is -- minigames usually seem to be nothing more than a timesink and grind, but as mentioned above, the devs have done an incredible job making it both entertaining, rewarding, and challenging, without it feeling like 'fluff'.