
Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Two days ago I learned that you have to actually...well - attack, in order to gain the Prison Fighter title. The plan that failed was:

1. use only counterattacks;
2. gain Taunt-related passives to unlock self-disarm;
3. use Taunt to disarm yourself + Focus to counterattack;
4. get Prison Fighter by [counter]kicking whatever attacks you;

Result: no matter how many times Karryn [counter]kicked that way, the title never came. Pretty sure I tried long enough: I got the "Two Sided Face of Confidence" title (3000 enemies defeated, 1500 because I enabled the "get passives faster" cheat).
It's a pretty easy title to get. At least, I always thought so. All you have to do is just initiate a kicking attack -- no need to worry about counters or disarming Karryn beforehand. It's also the start of a string of titles associated with it.
The following quote is pulled from one of my old data sheets from an earlier version (just in case if it was changed in later versions)...
"93","Prison Fighter","Proof of a fighter who kicked over 10 times with her legs.
Passive: Unarmed Attack +5% Unarmed Defense +5%
Equip Effects: Always fight unarmed","actor._playthroughRecordKickAttackUsage > 10"
See that condition? That's literally it. You're over-complicating things. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're actually going for, that's all you need to do to acquire the Prison Fighter title. Hope that helps.
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Nov 13, 2019
I stopped reading here. Actual cringe. Back to the original point: how does someone trying to do a pure run affect you in any way? InnocentShadow's post sums it up perfectly, specifically point B. The whole game is set to have Karryn spiral into the depths of corruption. It's a stat to boot and will affect the ending you receive when those are implemented. It's not far-fetched to have players wanting to keep Karryn pure for as long as possible.

The people who shit on pure runners think we throw up at the mere sight of a sex scene. Well, there was that one guy a bunch of pages back... but the extreme reaction some y'all have is something else. Just enjoy the game and don't worry how others play it. Damn, to think I'd spark such a response I wouldn't have said a thing.
That's not a pure run, a pure run is a virgin run. What you are describing is some edging type shit which is absolutely wonderful and I strongly recommend it. And I don't care how you play the game as I have already stated, you can even play it blindfolded but i'm going to question why. Dude said difficulty, everytime i see choose your difficulty in a game my brain reads it as how much bullshit are you willing to put up with? and the answer is not alot. This is one of the few porn games I know of aside from Holy Knight Luvria and since I can't do platformers Shadow of Yhidra where you could even bring up difficulty and it matter, but difficulty isn't affected by lewd stuff in any game i've run into so far aside from Jumble Strikers where High Corruption actually makes the game harder so really to me it's just a weird flex, like who are you going to brag to that you beat Ass Blasters 5 without blasting any asses? People are going to think you are crazy. Most games I have seen with a purity run being used, namely your typical CG hunter, it really just cuts the content down considerably. So my question stands, why would you play a porn game whos main draw is phonography only to avoid the pornography unless your fetish is cockblocking people and yourself, I just don't get it. I can't gatekeep it tho, literally impossible to do that since a pure run has been possible from the very beginning and like you said they are making an ending for it -still weird!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
Back You would be correct in assuming you misunderstood my intentions - I was "overcomplicating things" on purpose. I know how to get that title, just...looking for creative ways of getting it, I suppose; doing the same things over and over since 0.6 (or was it 0.5? I forget) finally got TOO boring, so I play in random [and sometimes weird] ways just to see where the limits of game mechanics lie. Discovering that counterattacking with a kick does not add to the "times kicked" counter would be an example of such findings.;)


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
The minigames do nothing for Order or Control, they are mostly for increasing revenue or, if you're like me, getting Karryn to be banged when you're too bored to fight
The reception job is specifically for increasing order. I'm not sure what the exact formula is, but you basically gain order for every visitor who gets a successful visitation.

Obviously if you do lewd stuff in that job, or even get too popular and get onlyfans (heh) visiting you, the amount of order you can gain is lower.

You don't even make money in that job, unless you specifically equip the title that gives money for each handshake.


Nov 7, 2017
I have been holding back from playing it for 2 years now, because i hate to play not finnish games and waiting years for update and forget the game, it happend so many times lol, but I can't wait to play it knowing that the full release is soon ^^
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Jun 1, 2020
I have been holding back from playing it for 2 years now, because i hate to play not finnish games and waiting years for update and forget the game, it happend so many times lol, but I can't wait to play it knowing that the full release is soon ^^
you lucky sunova beech. I wish i did the same.
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Apr 23, 2018
The reception job is specifically for increasing order. I'm not sure what the exact formula is, but you basically gain order for every visitor who gets a successful visitation.

Obviously if you do lewd stuff in that job, or even get too popular and get onlyfans (heh) visiting you, the amount of order you can gain is lower.

You don't even make money in that job, unless you specifically equip the title that gives money for each handshake.
Oh, I did not know nor notice that
Then again, I do in fact literally just make her do lewd stuff in it so it make sense that I would forget some of the explanations
Apr 23, 2018
That's not a pure run, a pure run is a virgin run. What you are describing is some edging type shit which is absolutely wonderful and I strongly recommend it. And I don't care how you play the game as I have already stated, you can even play it blindfolded but i'm going to question why. Dude said difficulty, everytime i see choose your difficulty in a game my brain reads it as how much bullshit are you willing to put up with? and the answer is not alot. This is one of the few porn games I know of aside from Holy Knight Luvria and since I can't do platformers Shadow of Yhidra where you could even bring up difficulty and it matter, but difficulty isn't affected by lewd stuff in any game i've run into so far aside from Jumble Strikers where High Corruption actually makes the game harder so really to me it's just a weird flex, like who are you going to brag to that you beat Ass Blasters 5 without blasting any asses? People are going to think you are crazy. Most games I have seen with a purity run being used, namely your typical CG hunter, it really just cuts the content down considerably. So my question stands, why would you play a porn game whos main draw is phonography only to avoid the pornography unless your fetish is cockblocking people and yourself, I just don't get it. I can't gatekeep it tho, literally impossible to do that since a pure run has been possible from the very beginning and like you said they are making an ending for it -still weird!
Well friend, you are thinking too much about it
The thing here is that you are correct, but also you are only correct because you think the way you think
Which means that using anybody else's way of thinking will make you automatically wrong and pretentious

Sometimes people just do stuff not to brag but simply because they find enjoyment in it, you might not find it enjoyable if you try but you are not them so of course you would find it stupid
In the post that started this chain of rudely worded replies you called players that do pure runs some sort of kink shaming snobs or something but that is wrong
Doing a pure run is no different from doing a speedrun or a nuzlocke or whatever other challenges those madpeople are up to nowadays

Why do they do that? To brag? To look cool?
Sometimes yes and sometimes no, people can do it to show the community their achievement but others simply find enjoyment in making strategies and routes to complete their objectives
You could go "How dumb, you just managed to beat the game without using any item, magic, summons and all in less than 30 minutes on the hardest difficulty but I can also beat the game on easy and I didn't have to think too much about it"
You might think he is dumb for doing it the hard way but that would just be because you enjoy the game in a different way

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The point you are trying to drive is "Why would you not make use of content that the game provides and is the main selling point?"
And the answer to that are two very simple "Just because", "Completionism" and a more complex "Because what you think is the main selling point is not the main selling point"

What do I mean by that?
The game is not advertised as "Woman gets to become a slut in a prison"
It is advertised as: " An RPG with original battle system and light management aspects where you play as a dangerously sexy female warden in a prison full of horny inmates. All sex scenes take place within the battle screen."

Look closely at the wording, the main selling points that they are trying to push are the "RPG with original battle system and light management aspects"
Followed by "where you play as a dangerously sexy female warden in a prison full of horny inmates"

Nowhere here says that the main selling point is the sex as even the last line "All sex scenes take place within the battle screen." is written in a way to reinforce the Battle System

After that, even the About sections tells you straight up that it isn't about the Smut:

Karryn’s Prison ISN’T an eroge for the impatient or anyone who wants to come in for a quick fap ...

Karryn’s Prison ISN’T an eroge where you can skip and ignore all the instructions and tips provided by the various ingame NPCs. Karryn’s Prison isn’t like any game before it with its many unique game systems, and you will be completely lost and have no fun if you don’t approach the game with the intent to learn it.

Karryn’s Prison IS a game that will try to make you, the player, and also Karryn, lose and game over...

Karryn’s Prison IS a game that rewards experimenting and playing around the game’s various systems once you have begun to understand how they work. Although not necessary to do for most people to have fun and get their money’s worth out of the game

Karryn’s Prison IS a game that strongly rewards players who want to repeatedly reset the game through New Game Plus to try, tinker and play with different builds and choices.

Karryn’s Prison IS a game that rewards time spent on it to learn the game. Karryn’s Prison IS a game that rewards experimenting and playing around the game’s various systems once you have begun to understand how they work. Although not necessary to do for most people to have fun and get their money’s worth out of the game, Karryn’s Prison IS a game that strongly rewards players who want to repeatedly reset the game through New Game Plus to try, tinker and play with different builds and choices.

Karryn’s Prison IS an eroge where everything Karryn has done and have happen to her will influence the context in every battle and every sexual activity...

There are many more on their page but I am not going to copy all of them, go look them up
Even the lines about the Smut tell you how she will react differently depending on her status, that alone is a good motivator to see how things change while in a pure run

The developers themselves tell you that you can do what you want

Shape Karryn and the prison the way you want to with the Edicts system!
Struggle against or accept sexual advances with the Willpower and Desire system!
Become more and more vulnerable to sex with the Passives system!
To you it may not make sense, because you probably think "Since it's a smut game, people should obviously play it for the smut"
But then you'd be forgetting about the game part and as such ignoring everything else about the game
While the sex is part of the game loop as they expect, nay, want you to lose over and over while you learn with the little tid bits of information, it is not the main thing
It is simply another way of playing what is in the end a Game
And a game is meant to be played the way you find it fun to play

So to you who say that in this game, people who go for pure runs are dumb because they are missing out on the main part of the game, are not actually correct, they are fully exploring the main selling point which is the battle system enough to be able to play without having to go down the simpler route, they are playing the game in the intended way
But at the same time you are also correct because the smut is integrated with it, so they are missing out on the epic gangbang builds
I would know, I run high dex, stamina and energy build and battle fuck the enemies to death
Best build by the way, I only wish that the nerds stopped asking Karryn for footjobs whenever she's free, makes it hard to farm other stats

Also you seem to think that those who do pure runs do not do slut runs as well
But that is not quite true, after all you can be absolutely sure that people who do pure runs will absolutely do ultra slut runs if they haven't done that their first run
Therefore they actually skip no content
I would also know this since that is what I usually do, I got to see both worlds and 100% the game

And also you seem to see the Difficulty as simply obstacles in the way of your enjoyment, that is the main reason why you will never get people who do these kind of challenges and stuff

everytime i see choose your difficulty in a game my brain reads it as how much bullshit are you willing to put up with? and the answer is not alot.
Because you do not want challenge in your games, you probably just want a quickly rewarding experience and do not want to think too much about stuff and only get to what you want
You are probably willing to understand the basics of what each button in the game do but would rather be able to spam attack an enemy to death rather than learn patterns, buffs, debuffs, advantages and all the stuff that makes up an RPG

Which is fine but the argument "Why are you making the game harder for yourself when I play easy mode" is not one that gives you any point in favour

Lastly, as for why are the devs even making a pure run ending, that again is you missing the Game part of the Smut Game
If you paid attention to the story, Karryin is:

A) A virgin
B) Extremely strong
C) Extremely capable
D) In love with the Prince

So unless we as the player force her to lose or do dirty stuff, she herself wouldn't and would also easily whip the in shape while remaining pure

Lastly lastly, allow me to end this in a joke to remove the seriousness from the post:

What is Black and White and turns Red at the end?
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Aug 22, 2021
Couple Questions, does having a high corruption mean anything??? and in addition, what does having a high corruption then letting order fall to 0 (while being a virgin) do? Does it give you a new ending?. It seems that there is only Bad end 1 from what I've played.


Nov 4, 2017
The only reason to do a pure virgin run in most H games is because the H ending is depressing. Yes, you controlled the heroine and allowed her to fall to her desires and then the game creator says FU and turn the character into a succubus or something awful.

There is never a roll reversal where the heroine develops a health love for sex and choose the man or women they want to be with and live happily ever after. Which I know may not matter to some players, but to myself and others it like ok, I get it time to do this the right way.


Oct 31, 2017
The only reason to do a pure virgin run in most H games is because the H ending is depressing. Yes, you controlled the heroine and allowed her to fall to her desires and then the game creator says FU and turn the character into a succubus or something awful.

There is never a roll reversal where the heroine develops a health love for sex and choose the man or women they want to be with and live happily ever after.
And that is why corruption itself is a shitty fetish. It's based on shame and humiliation as if the heroine is the "bad one" or the "victim". It is almost like writers fall into the trap of the taboo itself and giving the heroine the bad end is the "morally" correct punishment for her transgressions.

It's hypocritical to make a porn game that is all about transgression and degeneration and yet not give in. Why self-penitence instead of celebration. We are all here for the porn, it should be celebrated, encouraged, and praised.
The wholesome corruption would be a bland wallflower heroine ending up a radiant with high self-esteem heroine (we see this happen with male protags, but rarely with female protags). target-tits-sister-bikinisexual-harassment-kids-sw-340x520.jpg


Oct 22, 2018
so what can you do with RemtairyKarrynLimit? I mean if I were to tweak them, does it change limit of much you can do things, no?
I'm trying to see what I can tweak and what I shoudn't tweak.
Another question is, what do I have to change in RemtairyKarrynStripper to make her immediately naked without stripping little by little? I did managed to make her panties gone though.
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Jan 20, 2018
is it normal when karryn falls but when she has sex it took so long like 30 minutes. in level 3 karyyn was defeated and the whole scence just lasted so long


Active Member
Sep 17, 2017
IT's possible to complete the game with all the passives in normal mode?I am on 270 to 300 and i already find impossible since Karryn take 1 or 2 turns in level 3 to have an orgams and after that it's a spiral to lose the battle,what strategy make it possible to still continue the game?


Jun 21, 2019
And that is why corruption itself is a shitty fetish. It's based on shame and humiliation as if the heroine is the "bad one" or the "victim". It is almost like writers fall into the trap of the taboo itself and giving the heroine the bad end is the "morally" correct punishment for her transgressions.

It's hypocritical to make a porn game that is all about transgression and degeneration and yet not give in. Why self-penitence instead of celebration. We are all here for the porn, it should be celebrated, encouraged, and praised.
The wholesome corruption would be a bland wallflower heroine ending up a radiant with high self-esteem heroine (we see this happen with male protags, but rarely with female protags).
Very well said.
The misogyny part of this fetish can be really irritating.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
For now Corruption only affect Nerd Blackmail Payment.
If you subjugated Floor 2 you unlock "The Nerd Problem" and with it you need to pay the Nerds.

Base payment is 50g
plus (Corruption * 10)g

If you bought "Use Inmate Accountants":
plus (Corruption * 2)g

Except if you bought "Threaten the Nerds" or "Submit to the Nerds" then your Payment is 0.

Currently there is only 1 ending (bad end).
How do you achieve the bad ending?


Futa/Femboy/T-Girl/Cunny Lover
Nov 2, 2020
Hope we get more part-time jobs around the prison, would be nice to see Karryn as a teacher or a nurse.
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