I love how the map design and the gameplay which very memerizing. Cg art is good. I love micromanagement in this game and i love the story,Very very good game. Ialready pass level 3 and game still not boring. Very interesting game.
I Really like the combat mechanics in this game. the game doesn't force you to restart from a save if you lose like other games. The protagonist always grows in all stats whether it be normal rpg mechanics like hp and strength or lewd mechanics like bj skill for example. it has a load of content there is always something to do. the art is wonderfully well drawn. its just a great game 10/10
This is a really great game, but it can be a little bit grindy to unlock sex skills, hope there will be a list of requirements to unlock. At least make the sex skills a little bit easier to unlock. But overall, the game is fun to play, a little hard to balance the income and order, control,... for new player
Spent over 20 hours playing this game in two days. And I can say this is just the best battle-fuck game.
I mean you can really "fight" in sex mode and it's not a simple delay before completely loosing. Having sex you can pass through strong enemies trying to balance between losing Karryn's mind and pleasing opponents. You can earn a local currency by winning in either ordinary fights or sex fights. And you can find new skills.
Despite the sex battles are good (actually there is no simple H-scenes, only sex battle mode in different variations multiplied by several states of Karryn's personality) the rest of the game is even better. I was pretty impressed by a normal battle mode and a very good balance keeping through the whole walkthrough. You can find in the game a really interesting skill-tree that makes you fell your choice matters. Btw there is a best waitress-minigame I've ever seen.
If you like RPGM games this is must play (and must donate). If you like porn games in general you should give it a try at least.
This game is a cut above any RPG maker games I have played. The art is wonderfully rendered. There is great flexibility in playstyle. A good amount of challenge on the normal difficulty, where you will not blow through everything extremely easily upon finding a cheese tactic. The erotic content is very well integrated into the core gameplay, and there is much optional content to explore. If you are a fan of corruption/female protag games you would be remiss not to play this one.
There are many different factors in porn games that can make or break it. genre, kinks, gameplay, artwork, execution. I consider myself a hardcore fan of corruption games (especially with female protagonists) and played a ton of these. basically most of this genre follow similar patterns: our hero or heroine has a mission or an enemy to defeat. he/she will do ANYTHING to achieve his/her goal, no matter the cost. then we have the main problem: what you can do is pretty limited. there are corruption games with a lot of very different kinks (noxian nights is a prime example), but most of what we have just pick one of two options for gameplay:
- dungeon-like. wide variety of kinks, but mostly it "reward" you for losing fights. "lose to win"
- task-based. you should do different tasks. female protagonists most of the time have different jobs (barmaid, anything related to a bunny suit, secretary, monster hunter, and more). male protagonists must do certain things to improve their relationships with certain characters in order to corrupt them
Karryn's prison is very unique in this case. it is dungeon-like, but also task-based. dungeon-like games tend to have better gameplay (tasks are just a reason to have H scenes) and task-based games have better character development. so here we have both, and boy it's good!
game is not completed right now (0.6j) and it's not even near completion. but we already have A TON of content. many different things to do, many different titles to get, many different choices. and best of all, you don't need any walkthrough for it
the gameplay is pretty decent and unique (compared to similar games), especially upgrades and how they affect your game. no need to collect useless items or exploring empty maps. the battle system is one of a kind and pretty straightforward
art is amazing. depends on preference, but finding 2dcg games with better artwork is very hard. that's a big compliment after playing countless games in this category
kinks are numerous enough to satisfy people who just play for H scenes. there are some that likely won't be implemented (like pregnancy) but the list is not completed and we must see the final game to say for sure
if you like 2d games, you will enjoy this a lot. but if you like corruption games, this is a must-play.
tl:dr - A fantastic RPGmaker game, with an innovative combat system, where you manage desires and use a rock-paper-scissors style counter to enemy stances, tons of choices, and great CGs.
Karryn's Prison is an RPGmaker game, and that already doesn't sound good. However, instead of playing in some grand, empty open world, you play in a prison. There are five levels to this prison (2 fully implemented, third missing boss/subjugation) and you must manage each level that you conquer.
The story is basic, but it is well written. You're the king's secretary, and you are sent to this overthrown prison in an attempt to regain control. Karryn is hesitant to actually go in, but she does what the king says. She is a headstrong, confident, and arrogant warden, but she is effective. Other than that, there's not much more to the story. There's some grand villain that orchestrated the uprising in the prison, but that's it. If you're looking for a fantastic, engaging story, with branching paths, this might not be the game for it.
The gameplay of KP is quite good, as it makes the player think before making an attack. Every enemy in the game has three stances - red, yellow and blue. Red counters blue, blue counters yellow, and yellow counters red. It is essentially Pokemon, but that doesn't make it bad. In fact, once you encounter more than 2 enemies, you really have to think about which enemy to knock out first, which stance you will end up in, and if you want to use any supporting abilities. That's another key part of KP - the wide variety of abilities you can get. Each color has one basic attack, and two unlockable ones. Each color focuses on something different, like red focuses on singe-target burst, while yellow focuses on AoE.
Another part of combat is managing desire. Desire is how much Karryn wants something perverted. This is shown in small, pink hearts. There is mouth, butt, cock, etc. If a desire is high enough, then enemies can do a grope or sex attack. A grope attack will play a very short 1-2 second animation, and it will further increase desire and also pleasure. If pleasure reaches 100%, Karryn orgasms, and cannot do anything for a turn or two. Desires aren't that difficult to manage, since you use another resource called "willpower" to simply suppress specific desires. If desire goes too high, then Karryn may be forced into a sex scene. These still play in the actual gameplay, rather than go to a text box. They are very well drawn, but lack animation. This is one of the better parts of the game, as you don't have to lose a battle to see CG. However, there are still a few post-battle CGs you can only get by losing.
Passives are another vital part of the gameplay, and they are well implemented. Passives, generally speaking, will increase Karryn's slut level. These passives can be achieved through getting groped X number of times, getting creampied X number of times, and so on. They will also make her weaker to sex and grope attacks, which means you unlock more passives, and there are a LOT. There is somewhere around 300+ passives currently in the game. Some are mutually exclusive, some aren't.
Edicts are a way to improve both the prison, as well as Karryn. There are ones that affect only Karryn, like giving her more strength, agility, etc., or ones that impact the prison, like a lower chance of riots, more income, and so on. Most of them are unlockable, but a few are mutually exclusive. They also add a lot of choice in regards to how to approach the prison. Do you go for the riskier route, with a high chance of riots but more money, or do you go for the safer path, where you make less money but riots are less likely? There is probably an optimal path for these edicts, but having choices is the fun part.
Last up is difficulty. I'm not a fan of how it is implemented. There is Secretary, Warden, and Prisoner difficulty. Secretary is the easiest, which allows manual saving, increased income, lowered enemy stats, etc. Warden is kind of a medium difficulty, and offers a fair balance between easy and hard. Enemies do normal damage, you don't get a boost to income, and you will have to think a bit in order to succeed. However, the biggest issue I have with this is that you cannot manually save. This means that, every time you enter a room, the game autosaves. That means if you make a big mistake, then you cannot reload to a previous save. This also goes for prisoner mode, which gives you smaller income, stronger enemies, and so on. If saving was allowed on Warden difficulty but not Prisoner, then that'd be fine, but that's not the case. The only good part is that if you lose the prison (which can only happen if your order falls to 0), then the game takes you back to the difficulty selection screen, but allows you to keep your levels and passives. You can also lower the difficulty by 1 level.
In conclusion, Karryn's Prison is definitely worth playing. It has some issues in regards to difficulty and the grind, but the great CG, innovative gameplay, and overall art makes it a must-play. Even if you aren't a fan of RPGMaker games, at least try this one!
This isnt your average RPGM game, everything here is unique and requirs patience to deal with it.
What makes this game so special is the variants of possibility to build your Karryn, slut, charm, sadistic melee, counter melee and etc.
This is possible because of the unique lving and the passive system.
For the fap contents depend on your build it will be mostly after u clear stage 1.
There is also the edicts-system where u can build your prison. This is similar to frost punk decision system.
There are also things like the titles and passive system but if u guys want to know more why not just play this game ;D
I love Sachinama's art and can see that Remtairy put a lot of effort into this game. However, it just isn't fun...
There are too many RNG elements for sex actions that really takes the excitement from the art. Once you do enter a sex action in battle, get ready for a slogger, as you will most likely end up having to watch the same scene (with slight alterations) for upwards of 10 mins before you are able to move on with the game, making battles a drag. In fact, this is the main reason that see you a ton of mods/tweaks for this game on this thread, the games RNG elements are insane.
Personally, I saw no reason for this heavy level of RNG elements and felt that the Melty Quest formula was just fine. Fight battles, use sex attacks, and watch an actual scene when losing. A simple formula, but an enjoyable one.
I want to reemphasize. A LOT of work was put into this game and the art is FANTASTIC, but the constant grind to get to the art and long winded battles really take the fun out of this game.
Just the right mix of mechanics and lewd content. Art is good, scenarios are great. Can't wait for the full release. Some of the enemy art is a bit on the jank side and I wish there was a bit of animation instead of pure CG, but those are so minor compared to how good everything else is.
Great as always, love the artwork style since Meltys Quest, this game is a ambicious project with lots of content and a really hard game to create, but still it is getting updates fast enough, love this game.
I'm sure this would be better if my shity laptop could handle it. as it is i run at about 5 frames per second even with everything turned all the way down.
only other major complaints is the lack of a sexual disengage, I've gotten trapped in boss battles doing 1% 'damage' every round.... and god damn a 2 hour long boss battle really has the argument for insanity or throwing the computer through a wall.
This is a total no-brainer; 10/10. It has genuinely engaging turn-based combat, a WEALTH of player upgrades and city upgrades, a huge variety of potential play-styles, both in term of how you want to actually play the game and in how you want your character to evolve on a story-basis. The writing is very much serviceable, and the art style (sex scenes) is very high quality.
TL;DR: (updated for v1.01k)
This is a tiring, grindy game for patient players who want top quality on all aspects (from visual, audio, plot, character design, in-game system etc.). It is very rewarding for anyone who is willing to spend hours to complete it thoroughly. And this is for my first time ever to stamp this on my reviews: THIS IS A MUST-BUY.
1. Nice visual, great animations, good music/BGM, okay sound effects, fair quality on VA
2. Plot is simple yet the mechanics and choices in this game make this game a must-play.
3. THERE IS NO 5TH LEVEL. So spread out enough days for each level wisely. The system looks magnificent and there are endless of possibilities to beat this game even via your favourite fetish!
4. Most sex scenes are RNG, if you like rolling dices and feeling lucky, you will love this game.
1. If you are 18 and horny, you can still get to FAPPING gallery fairly easily. Just remember Karryn will be a slut all the way...
2. If you are trying to cheat your way out easy for progress, this is the game for you to practice your cheating skills. It’s not hack-proof, but it is difficult enough for a regular nobody. (Turns out some badass programmers decoded it and you really can run it down like a pro...)
3. Ain’t nobody got time for some 20 hours+ of RPG-based content nowadays (if you are a perfectionist, this is a pro) 4. When the same moaning SE is used over 100 times...yeah, you can say it is over-rated? Variations perhaps? (Turns out there are variations by the final product! So...this con is removed)
5. RNG sex scenes with specific conditions, if you just want to get all the scenes and fap, you are not going to like this...
6. If you have met 3 of the Cons listed, this is not a must-buy for you. Please ask someone to send you all the scenes instead. You don’t need to play for hours
Honest Opinion:
It's a really hard-to-learn RPG for anyone going on a blind playthrough, but gosh, this is rewarding. Whether you want to play like a dummy and get Karryn to be fucked all the way to the end, or you want to plan wise and maximize the chance for a virgin ending, you get to enjoy everything the team has to offered as long as you are willing to play. (There are 3 endings in short, each with distinct conditions)
If you are a person who likes playing RPGs blindly without a walkthrough for hours just to get the hang of it, this is the perfect match.
For anyone who doesn't like in-depth strategies and making plans, this is not the game for you. As the game progresses, you really need to make good decisions on issuing edicts and which aspects to be prioritized early to maximize efficiency.
Frankly, not many RPGs can be marketable for those impatient fappers, but not this one, you want to fap fast, you get to fap fast and hard for this game. Just remember, if you are aiming for certain scenes though, you might feel like this game is a huge waste of time; and that’s a fact.
For the good people who made it this far on a single review, you can have my highest respect.
Again, not sure if the developer has read this, I truly appreciate how some of my worries have been tackled after an update.
(Updated: they may be pulling out of Patreon due to certain incident, if you have been their supporters, please keep track on their updates and their new site/page; there may be a slight delay on work/progress due to that change, do keep an eye open for that. They have confirmed moved to SubcribeStar)
My Final Thoughts after product released:
Other than a minor complaint I can think of and reasonably fair...whereas a mediocre OneOne1's game can satisfy everyone's need no matter what fetishes you are into (except boys-in-love or yaoi), this game doesn't offer certain fetishes...
(But I understand...dev makes a game they want, not exactly something everyone wants...)
Is it a classic adult game that everyone from the future generation must have? Yes.
Is it inclusive enough to tolerate all of the sickest humanity fetishes we have offered? No.
And last thing: FAPPING requires work, so WORK FOR YOUR REWARDs and P(L)AY THE GAME.
GLHF and enjoy the best prison based adult RPG the adult gaming industry can offer by far. Kudos.
A truly amazing game. The gameplay is complicated and unique, it takes time to get use to it. It's also hard on the normal difficulty, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your tastes.
Art is phenomenal, although you will have to work for (and also during) the scenes, as well as having a bombardment of text flying at you. The RPG mechanics of running the prison are outstanding. The upgrade system is not simple and can be your worst enemy as each perk can have major penalties making the game much harder (or even breaking your game) if you're not careful. The two minigames available now are fun and interesting, yet can also be quite tedious.
If you don't know exactly what you're doing in combat you will be destroyed. It requires a lot of strategy as well as some luck in getting past the harder enemies.
It's one of those erotic games that transcends from straight porn into something truly special and for that it deserves high praise.
Remtairy is an excellent developer and all of their games have multiple interesting aspects to them outside of just jumping right into the sex scenes as quite a few developers are apt to do.
Sachinima's art style is great, I tend not to be a huge fan of humongous anime style breasts but he seems to make it work as they're not the main focus of Karryn but just one of her many pleasing features.
The CGs are great with a combination of battle CGs and Job specific CGs.
You can advance in the game by earning titles and passive traits that are given after you pass certain thresholds, like being harassed, assaulted, winning fights, losing fights, etc. These add a different layer to the game regardless if you're aiming to keep Karryn from being corrupted or aiming to corrupt her completely. You also get to choose difficulties at the start of the game that can affect how easy or hard it is to do either of those things.
There is an interesting prison management system that can affect how well behaved everyone is, the strength of enemies, how much you earn in cash per day, whether you want to increase corruption and instability or maintain stability and curb corruption.
There's a lot to the game that definitely makes it worth the download and playtime. Its development kind of stalled for a bit as Remtairy was focusing on a different game, however all of his focus is now on this game and updates appear as if they'll come out every couple months or so. But despite the slower update time the game is high quality and worth the wait.
If I had any complaints at all it would be that Sachinima has this weird progression for blowjob scenes in all Remtairy games. If you have played Remtairy games you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't though - when the character becomes sluttier and more receptive to giving blowjobs their tongue tends to squeeze out to the side of the penis in a very unnatural way, and it almost looks like there's skin hanging off of something and is very distracting.
All in all though, great game, and if you can, support them on Patreon.
To start with, all the portraits and drawings are pretty good.
There are games where if you lose you get a sex scene, and maybe some number representing corruption is affected. This game's corruption and sex mechanics feel much more developed. The corruption aspect feels more like the character is being changed by each action in a close to seamless manner than like a couple of counters are going up and meeting sudden thresholds. You can get rape scenes and still win the fight, and even if you "lose" you still make progress pacifying the inmates and leveling up, so it doesn't feel like you have to choose between playing for sex scens and playing to win.
The minigames I've found so far are also pretty diverse and interesting, and lead to some pretty sexy scenarios. There's also a management aspect which intersects with other parts of the game and gives you some options to customize the game.
If you lose a battle in the second floor BEFORE cleaning your path towards bathroom by defeating the npc's blocking the area, you'll essentially get stuck there forever. You'll know what I'm talking about.
One of the best eroge I've ever seen. Cannot wait to see how it develops. Will continue to keep an eye on the developer's future projects as well! Shows much promise.
Art is great, minigames are already polished and enjoyable as much as the main game itself, the titles ans passives mechanics are the bomb.
Really promising start. Story is kinda interesting, especially if You like being "boss" because how sluty You become is up to You, and I'm glad that dev dont make its simple run down from one "rape" to another. Next to not bad story stand not bad character and actualy good rpg mechanic.I hope to see full game, really I recomend this one to anyone, also Karryn is thicc.