+Thicccccccccck Character
+Clothes damage mechanic
+Groping mechanics
+Sex stats mechanics that dictate how the character reacts to sexual harassment
+Character can commit sexual harassment, so those who want a more assertive playthrough can still have fun, not my thing but the option is there so I'll add it as a positive
+Option to Turn off rimjobs
+Slight implementation of animations for groping ( a bit glitchy right now but it's an alpha)
+ Interesting meta level up mechanics that open up new scenarios in which the MC can get raped/molested
+It seems a purity run is actually possible, not my thing, I love getting characters raped in these kind of games, however there are those who enjoy purity runs in these things
+Story is a bit self aware and doesn't take itself too seriously
+Intro can be skipped
-The game doesn't really indicate what sexual content is present or not at the moment, so players will be confused about the passive sex stats
-Getting to the point of sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration is a fucking chore, very grindy, granted I played this on normal, so maybe in secretary mode it's easier to get dicked
-The meta level up system doesn't seem to have any options to modify or expidate XP growth
-Due to the leveling up mechanics, outside of grinding shitloads of combat XP, leveling up Karryn is tedious and slow as fuck
-There's no purpose at the moment for leveling up your guards/soldiers*
-There's a timer mechanic via the riots submechanics.*
-Needs skippable cutscenes for NG+
* Explanation time: Basically in this game once you've subjugated a level you're free to modify/repair the level in a variety of ways. However over time the level becomes prone to rioting, specially if you're stingy on guard standards, or blatantly hire shitty guards. This is technically a good thing, it gives the player a chance to get raped, or be a sexual predator. Granted the game actually gives you the option to reset this timer, by quelling the riot. Problem is that the enemies in the riots are disproportionately stronger than the the ones in the newer levels recently unlocked. Meaning a riot subjugation quickly becomes a race between leveling up in the new level vs trying to subjugate the riot in the old level.
This is an interesting mechanic, however due to guards not doing anything but delaying the "inevitable", karryn's level up being grindy as fuck, along with the meta leveling mechanics, combined with the hidden timer, it can make for what sometimes feels as rather unfair/unbalanced moments. Which leads me to the final point and explanation, aside from making riots happen less, there's no point in upgrading your guards meaning most of the combat will be done by the MC herself. Granted this is a sex game, not really a prison simulator; But why even have this riot meta leveling system in the first place, if all it does, is reduce the amount of potential sexual encounters you can have, in what's ultiamtely a sex game?
Final Judgement
At it's core, Karryn's Prison is a very solid sex game, it has groping, slight animations, clothes damage, sex stats that change the way your character reacts to getting molested or raped. However this experience gets muddied by the creator's ambition at making a unique gaming experience as well, because it feels half baked. Granted, this is an alpha, so maybe in due time most of these meta mechanics will actually get improved upon and this will become a really great sex game, and in general gameplay experience as well.
But at the moment, this is just a really solid sex game, and there's nothing wrong with that, we're in a fucking forum that's dedicated to sex games after all.
+Thicccccccccck Character
+Clothes damage mechanic
+Groping mechanics
+Sex stats mechanics that dictate how the character reacts to sexual harassment
+Character can commit sexual harassment, so those who want a more assertive playthrough can still have fun, not my thing but the option is there so I'll add it as a positive
+Option to Turn off rimjobs
+Slight implementation of animations for groping ( a bit glitchy right now but it's an alpha)
+ Interesting meta level up mechanics that open up new scenarios in which the MC can get raped/molested
+It seems a purity run is actually possible, not my thing, I love getting characters raped in these kind of games, however there are those who enjoy purity runs in these things
+Story is a bit self aware and doesn't take itself too seriously
+Intro can be skipped
-The game doesn't really indicate what sexual content is present or not at the moment, so players will be confused about the passive sex stats
-Getting to the point of sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration is a fucking chore, very grindy, granted I played this on normal, so maybe in secretary mode it's easier to get dicked
-The meta level up system doesn't seem to have any options to modify or expidate XP growth
-Due to the leveling up mechanics, outside of grinding shitloads of combat XP, leveling up Karryn is tedious and slow as fuck
-There's no purpose at the moment for leveling up your guards/soldiers*
-There's a timer mechanic via the riots submechanics.*
-Needs skippable cutscenes for NG+
* Explanation time: Basically in this game once you've subjugated a level you're free to modify/repair the level in a variety of ways. However over time the level becomes prone to rioting, specially if you're stingy on guard standards, or blatantly hire shitty guards. This is technically a good thing, it gives the player a chance to get raped, or be a sexual predator. Granted the game actually gives you the option to reset this timer, by quelling the riot. Problem is that the enemies in the riots are disproportionately stronger than the the ones in the newer levels recently unlocked. Meaning a riot subjugation quickly becomes a race between leveling up in the new level vs trying to subjugate the riot in the old level.
This is an interesting mechanic, however due to guards not doing anything but delaying the "inevitable", karryn's level up being grindy as fuck, along with the meta leveling mechanics, combined with the hidden timer, it can make for what sometimes feels as rather unfair/unbalanced moments. Which leads me to the final point and explanation, aside from making riots happen less, there's no point in upgrading your guards meaning most of the combat will be done by the MC herself. Granted this is a sex game, not really a prison simulator; But why even have this riot meta leveling system in the first place, if all it does, is reduce the amount of potential sexual encounters you can have, in what's ultiamtely a sex game?
Final Judgement
At it's core, Karryn's Prison is a very solid sex game, it has groping, slight animations, clothes damage, sex stats that change the way your character reacts to getting molested or raped. However this experience gets muddied by the creator's ambition at making a unique gaming experience as well, because it feels half baked. Granted, this is an alpha, so maybe in due time most of these meta mechanics will actually get improved upon and this will become a really great sex game, and in general gameplay experience as well.
But at the moment, this is just a really solid sex game, and there's nothing wrong with that, we're in a fucking forum that's dedicated to sex games after all.