I tried this game to see what all the hype was about, was extremely disappointed. Maybe my scoring is harsh but it's probably from being so overhyped and ending up not being anything special. I'm still feeling the backlash of a huge let down.
First the obvious, the voice acting is pretty good but again, is nothing new. It doesn't get annoying after a while so much credit here.
The gameplay is okay, it's definitely one of the best BF games I've played but BF is also not new and a few games made it at least as interesting not to say downright better where everything is at least a little forced, not "we're fighting but this is a mechanic so let me put my dick in your hand during a fight or shove my ass in your face".
The story is simple but serviceable, however the character development and the dialogue is terrible, more on this later.
The world setting is above average for RPG Maker, it's a prison castle, it's again serviceable, the maps okay for what it is.
The music was actually pretty decent!
Karryn seems very sexy early on, especially in the initial busts but the art seems to get worse throughout the game. At some point the art just looks like huge circles. The developer had games where the drawings looked way better in the past, here it feels like thy wanted to make Karryn so thick that they're just drawing huge circles everywhere, it feels very off-putting at times not to mention inconsistent.
Now the not so obvious. The gameplay for a roguelike gets very repetitive, very fast. I found myself no longer aroused due to the repetitive gameplay rather quickly, I wanted more, oh how I wanted more, but it was just the same thing, over and over again, this would be okay if it was backed up by great character build and plot happening in-between the fighting but the reality couldn't be further from that.
if the characters were used more and weren't absolutely irrelevant it would actually be nice to progress but no, we're introduced with possible antagonists that have a screen time of 5 minutes and they never show up again. No one in the entire prison is relevant at any point besides Karryn, it's all just battle fuck and unlock minigame, back to battle fuck, new minigame, grind a lot between all that. At some point we are expecting any semblance of substance but that's when it hits me, the authors previous games didn't have that either, they turn quickly into bimbos and the sex is absolutely gratuitous, no plot, no character build, nothing, you just battle fuck until you're a slut, then you put out to "faceless" enemies in a myriad of ways where the art feels repetitive rather quickly and then you're rewarded for your grind with a short minigame, and that's it, for 5 floors.
For someone that wants a quick game for quick faps, maybe this game is the holy grail, but for someone who wants something innovative with compelling story at moments you're going to be incredibly disappointed and frustrated at the potential this game could have, but doesn't live up to.
The king appears at the start, then never to be seen again, the former warden looks like he's trying to fuck her right at the start but then he's never to be seen again, everyone around the prison feels like they weren't there the previous day, no story flow, the guards outside your room story wise seem like different guys every day, same for bosses, same for bartenders, there's no conversation, no build, no interesting interactions, no corruption, it's like no one besides Karryn in the whole prison has any personality, the game teases with so much potential early on and ends up being... average at best.
I can literally sum up the story in one line: "King's secretary becomes warden of a prison and tries to retake control of the prison by force or by allowing everyone to have sex with her while also taking a few jobs to increase morale". And that's it, that's the entirety of gameplay, you can expand on what I said, but nothing happens out of that, it's linear, grindy, it's decent for what it is but at the end of the day it's a disappointing for what it could have been.
It feels like at a certain point it forgets it's supposed to be an hentai game and the time investment for the reward you get is absolutely unsatisfactory, added to the fact you don't have any recollection system it feels more of a chore than leisure at times.
While having a lot of entertaining parts well done, fails to be better than the sum of all of them. Ultimately a mess with a lot of potential but failed delivery. Could be one of the best hentai games ever, turns out to be just okay.