RPGM - Katalist [v0.097.6] [Tearycian]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I can say confidently that this is one of the best Femdom Games I have played ever, with amazing art style that is really unique and amazing soundtrack. Really love the type of H-scenes in the game as it has a lot of different and varying fetishes, and the vibes and aesthetics of the game are a whole another thing really loved them and the story line is interesting to say the least, never believed i would be interested in an H-game's story line but here we are.
    In short: amazing game and any Femdom fan should give it a try
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I think Katalist is my favorite game ! I love the story, i love all the characters in , i'm love all the foot fetish, socks fetish and all about that. I love all the defeat scene in it, each time you give something special to all of your character and i really like it. Alex is the best character in this game, can't wait to see the next !
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I am enjoying the game, i am not much of a critic but here's what i think:
    The story is great and simple, i liked the concept of being a Katalist, either win or get slowly mind broken.
    The gameplay and battles are fun, many skills and equipment that makes you use different strategies for each enemy.
    The art style is unique, it really grows on you the more you play.
    The game offer many kinky stuff (basically feet and humiliation) which is my cup of tea.

    8/10 would revisit it when it's finished.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: turns from an enjoyable ToT-style femdom game into a story-heavy, gore-filled slog some way through.
    But despite my frustrations with it, it's a decently made and unique-looking game with lots of feet-focused and ass worship scenes, with an artstyle that will either grow on your or completely repel you. For me it did both :D
    So if you can stomach/ignore lots of (unskippable) gore, grinding, and lots and lots of talking and fetch questing, I'd recommend it.
    If not, you're probably better off getting the gallery mod.

    The start is good enough with plenty of scenes and decent pacing, and slow build-ups do work really well with some characters, but MAN does the game become a slog eventually.
    Really not sure WHAT happened in the development cycle but there's a very noticeable shift about halfway through the story.
    It seems to turn from an enjoyable,if a bit slow, femdom-focused ToT-style game (up to Bonnie) into
    >60% talking with highschool dudes and zombies about wizards, conspiracies, rituals and death, holding enter key for literal HOURS to get through long talking scene after long talking scene
    >35% fetch quests, walking through depressing gore-filled dungeons fetching the items you need to progress while having to dodge/fight trash mobs that also start draining your levels and just annoying you
    >5% sexual content with less and less actually dominant or fleshed out characters and less scenes (usually 1-2 scenes per character, and none of them seem actually interested in dominating the main character, and even the old characters behave very casual and uninterested in sexual things all of a sudden)

    There's also a heavy gore focus starting at that same shifting point for some reason. It eventually just becomes soooo much. I get that some people are into guro and gore but man is it a boner killer if you're not, with how much there is later on. it's just misery to walk through corridors and corridors of rust and blood and every second scene involves murder threats, serial killers, corpses, decapitation and half-eaten zombies or blood-covered people.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely really fucking good. Even if the dev doesnt understand the concept of time Katalist is clearly not another game made to leech patreon supporters money for as long as it can. The art is really well made and it shows how much the dev actually cares when they have gone back to fix some of the art that looked a little off. The main quest isnt currently very long but its high quality the entire time. The side content is where the game really shines though there is so much random stuff you can just find to do. The characters and story are shockingly good so far which is something I really would not expect from a fdom smut game. Most Importantly though It actually feels like a game. The combat is actually thought out in a way that makes it much more enjoyable than mindlessly spamming magic until your out of mp then spamming strike until you win.

    tldr 9/10 very good not perfect because of some bugs.
    (word of warning: Save often in different slots and back up your saves I encountered one bug in hotel vania that I had to use MTool to fix or be forced reload a save from 4 hours ago)
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Dark Lurker

    Very good art and the story is very good and interesting. However every patch I found a big that make the gameplay lazy or even stops you from continuing the story . Besides that the game is very promissory and I recommend to help Tearcyan.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game!

    Okay first off yes you can tell this is a new/ lacking experience dev. And that's okay, everyone here is amature and I'm not gonna drop points because of that.

    I really like the story and how they take their time on it, the beginning is a nice build-up. The combat is fine at worst and pretty fun at it's best. The art style really kills it for me, its something new and stands out compared to the rest of the femdom RPG bunch. Some folks might be turned off by it and what the safer typical animesic style but I welcome all new artstyles!

    Keep up the good work I can't wait for further updates!
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4845676

    Game is awesome. I just need some more content that's all.

    (If there is a feature in game that let You snick into the girls rooms and steal theirs shoes and socks maybe something more with this? Girl catching You sniffing her slippers or sandals and punish You for that? I would love that!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my favorite femdom rpgmaker game. Yes it's a lot of foot content but that's every femdom game but it also has lots of other content for each character. I also appreciate the fetish/content toggles and I think more games need this for people who want to avoid the more extreme fetishes like scat. At first I didn't think I'd enjoy the game because of the art style but it strangely grew on me over time and I felt like it captured the atmosphere of the game pretty well. Combat can be difficult but there are plenty of difficulty options you can play around with if you feel stuck on an enemy. A few criticisms I have for this game would mainly be the gameplay being repetitive at times and quite a few bugs, some of which are game breaking and need a restart or loading an older save. But these criticisms aren't unique to Katalist and apply a lot to games like Tower of Trample or Domina. If you're new to femdom games or have already played games like Tower of Trample or Domina I'd highly recommend playing.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, at first I hadn't put much hope, I thought it would just be another hentai game like any other but it surprised me, I find myself addicted to it I found the communication, mapping, art of the game, it may not be perfect but nothing that future updates do not improve, I haven't finished everything available in the game yet but how the game manages to be more or less '' 2 in 1 '' is something that prevents it from being a repetitive game, if you are tired of fighting just go to school and talk to others and if you want to fight there is a dark souls difficulty rpg waiting for you, forgive me any English errors I am using a translator
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorites. The game developer needs a little bit more love. Tearycian is silent for half a year but produces enormous updates. The game is one of a kind, there are a lot of secrets and hidden scenes. The worst part of the game is the fact that there are bugs, some of them game-breaking so keeping multiple saves is advised.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Katalist Review by Xbob1
    Written on version: 0.096_P3F
    My first proper review on this site. :)

    Katalist is a RPGM with a similar playstyle to the notorious femdom game Tower of Trample and ultimately I would describe Katalist as ToT Lite/Diet. Katalist overall is unexpectedly pleasant and interesting to play with a genuine effort to flesh out RPGM features and write an interesting plot.

    (Minor Spoiler Alert)
    I will cover the introduction for the most part to avoid too many spoilers as I think there is story interest to be had here. In Katalist you are a male transfer student with a name of your choice with hinted family issues as you are assigned a counsellor to oversee your school life. On your first day you meet with a guy named John who askes you to help him solve a debt to the Occult Club at school and later that night you go with john to meet the Occult leader performing a ritual in the forest. Things go bad and the summoned Succubus starts killing people and eventually kills you but with a stroke of luck a mysterious witch casts a strange spell on you that turns you into what is known as the Katalist. And thus your adventure begins ;). Overall its nothing too interesting but I believe the longer the game goes on, the more mysterious and interesting it gets. Nothing A tier for sure but certainly better than most porn game plots.

    Like mentioned previously, Katalist puts in a good effort to put many RPGM features to good use and there is a fair bit to go through. The routine of this game has you doing a regular school/work life during the day such as attending classes, hanging out with students, working for pennies etc. While during the night you hop through the ritual portal in the forest to visit the Witch and fight other Succubus in order to gain their essence. Student by day, Succubus Hunter by night. Fighting and combat is very similar to that of ToT where you fight the same enemy repeatedly and lose until you eventually beat them but there are minor enemies that you can fight and beat to grind xp and item drops if needed. Succubus enemies fight with a mix of magic and of course seduction with the player having to manage their stats as well as their charm status. Let it get too high and you are more likely to fall to seduction techniques which will either heavily damage you or outright defeat you. So keep using those Focus/Clear Mind skills.

    Erotic Content:
    Erotic content can be found both in and outside of combat. When fighting Succubus, most of their scenes come from losing or submitting to them and some have mindbreak paths that the character can take if they want to explore the character further. Other scenes can be found when interacting with characters during the day such as teachers and students who you can befriend and then later have a few scenes with. Of course all of it is femdom focused and one of the things I really appreciate about Katalist is that you have the ability to disable more extreme fetishes such as scat and pegging which I really appreciate as such things are a major turnoff for more casual femdom enjoyers such as myself as it stopped me from fully enjoying the game.

    The Art on launch was really goofy as some people may remember but it seems Tearycian has revisited and updated their artstyle which is way better than it was before. It's overall depressing vibe I think adds to its unique charm and appeal and fits rather well with a femdom title.

    So far what I have said is in praise of the game but here is where things fall off a bit for me. While I do not believe Tearycian is a bad individual, Teary does not really seem interested in making a proper job/community out of their work. Updates take a very long time to appear and even when they do, they are usually incredibly buggy and require a month extra wait just for a bugfix patch. If teary is just doing this game as a side hobby or for fun then I completely understand the long waits and lack of communication but if this to be something more than it currently is then I don't think it would hurt to do monthly public updates on the status of development just to keep people informed while keeping teasers patreon exclusive. People are more receptive to a professional atmosphere as it boosts confidence in the development of a game and makes people more likely to donate to that project. If its just for fun then that's fine but if this is to be the start of something more then I feel some change is needed as I personally would love to see more content from Tearycian

    Overall Conclusion:
    The game is unique and interesting and recent updates have sparked my curiosity even more. Characters are nice and scenes have a solid variety to pick from. Story is not the best but certainly something to pay attention to from time to time. However if buggy games throw you off then I would consider waiting for more stable versions or just until the game is finished(if it gets finished that is.) It is still far too early in development to consider it an excellent game and there is plenty of room to fuck up down the road but if what we get is more of what we already have then I think it will do just fine.

    Final Score: 4/5 ;)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're into femdom, this is a fantastic game with a unique art style and ambience in general. Definitely one of my favorites.

    It can definitely be buggy, so keep a bunch of saves on hand just in case, but I give it leeway on that front because the scope of the game as a project is pretty wide, and to my knowledge it is a single man team.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a game that does a heck of a lot more than most RPGM-games to have a fleshed out gameplay-system, story and world, but unfortunately the game suffers from a lack of good pacing and polish.

    The game in it's current state is extremely confusing, repetitive, grindy and has it's high points spread out very far apart, with some kinda bad "filler" sex-scenes mixed in with some fairly atmospheric ones. Facesitting and feet are plentiful, while other factors make less of an appearance.

    The premise here reminds me of the Persona-game formula, with night-time and daytime sections, and trainable stats, but the world and the game's systems are unfortunately largely empty. The scope of the game was sized to be far larger than is comfortable, and it unfortunately shows. Huge empty environments, key gameplay-features hidden in far-flung corners of the empty map, lack of feedback on many things (most importantly the combat-status effects!), masses of pointless pedestrian NPC's filling up the space and wasting time, bosses that are statted out to act as roadblocks to facilitate aimless wandering, and of course the poor implementation of the sex-scenes.

    Having played until the 10-hour mark, it is actually surprising that the game switches it up from the grind into an impromptu horror-section that is actually more engaging than the rest of the game, and even then is merely a long walk down empty corridors. Horror and unease is pretty much what this artstyle excels at, but the art can still be captivating as well.

    The good parts are the variety of stats you could potentially develop, and the fantasies you could potentially explore, but right now it's kinda barren either way. The polish and quality of the content has (unsurprisingly) gone up as the updates have kept rolling, but that's not exactly an endorsement to plod through hours of middling school-sim and RPGM-walking.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Just by looking at this i thought its not something id ever like. the artstyle looks deceptively awful. But seeing the rating i decided to go for it and im more than happy i did. Yeah its rpgm garbage and there are bugs in here, but the amount of content makes it up easily. Theres story that you can spacebar your way through, but theres quite a lot of talking, and thats probably one of only two gripes i have with this game, the other one is the main character who looks like a little bitch youd bully in high school. Other than that, oh boy is it good. Its unfinished obviously, but so far so good id say. The women youre fighting all have some sort of gimmick, and from the 4 or 5 (cant remember rn) you fight all have something different to offer. Its kinda heavy on foot stuff, but all those rpgm femdom games are. But unlike ToT, this one doesnt do it in a disgusting way. And its not the only fetish this game have. I bet most people would find something they like in this one.
    As I said, dont get fooled by the screenshots in op, the art is stylized but its far from shit. Its quirky and pretty hot. And while i usually dont give a shit about writing and conversations in porn games, this one made me chuckle a few times. Its an easy recommendation from me to all my femdom bros. Cant wait to see whats next for this game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good solid visuals i've played it a couple times through now and it's worth it every time. while there are a few bugs in this version i think 1.0 will remove a lot of those so that doesn't really matter to me all that much. :D
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots and lots of sniffing and an absolute load of feet scenes - but there's also some ass worship/facesitting, some regular sex, some boobs stuff and even a scene with armpit licking. There's also some more extreme stuff (watersports and farts) but that is (thankfully) turned off by default.

    As far as the gameplay itself goes, for an RPGMaker game, it's pretty solid, if a bit buggy. You do kind of just get thrown into the game, though - not much handholding here.
    As for combat, it's also done pretty nicely. If you actually want to fight the fights seriously, there's mechanics and rotations, so the combat is not necessarily a mindless grindfest. If you don't want to do the fights, you can just set the difficulty to very easy and breeze through. But as usual, you actually want to lose a bunch to get to most of the spicy stuff.

    Now, there's actually a pretty decent story in this, which was a pleasant surprise. More of a mozaic than a cohesive thing that gets laid out in front of you, but I personally really like that. I'll say one thing, though: I did not order my femdom feet game with a side of psychological horror.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow just found this gem and as a fan of ToT its incredible. Really awesome content, like the ability to turn gas/gold off since I'm big into body odor/feet/armpits but not piss/scat/etc, so it's amazing to have the game be able to basically hone in on my exact femdom fetishes. And wow does it do a great job. The women are goddesses, the fetishism is incredible, the music is atmospheric, mysterious and haunting. And the game is legitimately spooky at points.

    My biggest complaint as someone with sensitive eyes is the flashing. I hope there's a option to lessen them or turn them off completely (more than happy with the screenshake and gas effects since I love those, but after awhile the flashes can be WAY too much for me).

    Now I'm trying to explore some of the side content, progressing Macky slowly since she's amazing can't wait to get to her scenes. I see there's also schoolgirl scenes I haven't even touched on which is great.

    Super solid game. Can't wait to see more. Please add a way to disable or tone down the flashes!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I can't read English, so I played while translating, but it was such a wonderful game that I played it while I was sleeping. One thing I was interested in was that the day of the week was written in Japanese in the upper left corner for some reason. It was convenient for me, but I was wondering why it was in Japanese. Since it is a machine translation, the sentence may be strange. I'm sorry.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. From a narritive perspective it is interesting and has a lot of good writing in it. Femdom wise there is almost everything here for everyone (more extreme fetishes are toggleable) The only thing I don't like is Dominic and where his character seems to be going. I swear that diary belongs in a horror game, Creeped me out and ruined a good boner