Sorry brotha' but your hope is around 70% misplaced here. In regard to the update delays, problem's not specifically with them being to rare, but with the false promises (most likely done under pressure, but still done), for example saying you'll start releasing an update per month and the very next update delay it for 2+ months, with no specific explanation for it (eg: some IRL situation like college or anything, don't need an in-depth explanation for privacy reasons, but still, something to show awareness of the unexplained delay). It's even worse to consider that, even after those 3 months total for this next update, it's filled with bugs to this extent and lacking substantial content to justify the delay (in lack of hearing any IRL reasons for the delay, we have to assume it was caused, in the best and most optimistic case scenario, by an issue within making the update itself).
What we can start to deduce at this point, from Teary's conduct so far, is the fact that he is slowly reducing the overall quality of his work (both for the updates quality and their delays), which would signify either he's losing interest in the game or its production (maybe a burnout, or maybe he lost his initial drive), or that he is going the route of most femdom fetish rpg creators and, after securing an initial fanbase and revenue with initial substantial content released, keeps on releasing barely-existant updates to simply keep the reason for his revenue to be there for him (a forever beta game to have Patreons support its unending "developement" status).
For us to try to prevent or stop this situation, we'd either need to start significantly protesting/stopping the support to them, or for actual competitor games in this genre to rise up and do what they can't, and thus force them into either working back on their games or simply losing their fans and Patreons to the newcomers.