How do I unlock mrs mackys scenes
Sleep through class 3 times and skip class by working at McHearty's 3 times, then go to class and normally at the end of the school day she will pick you up after leaving the class room and speak to you in the staff lounge. To progress just skip and sleep through more classes. I recommend having the same number of skips and sleeps. You can see how many sleeps and skips from the status menu.
Recommendation: don't sneak into Mackey room to sniff her heels until you have started doing assignments for her later on in her quest line. (this is meant to be a second Macky route but is, as far as I know, bugged and can stop progress of all Mack content)
Don't do the questline/storyline for other students like Beverly until you have reached the end of their content as it
can cause issues when they pull you out of class. (this is only an inconvenience and will mean you will need to keep going to class untill Macky pick you up from class)