Now I don't want to hit with negativity or anything, but in all seriousness, I always had as an annoyance when I see games with pretty weird Version Control systems. Developments that use things like "v0.", and when the reason for the convoluted-ness of the Versioning is pretty weak. I'd rather see something more vague, but honest and truthful about the current information, such as "v15", in which that would signify that it is the 15th version of the game, and, at worst, using decimals (sparringly) for small bugfixes with really no added content.
The more you go into using decimals, and the more you use, the more you get caught up within them and extremely convoluted reasons for having them. It also leads to having messy development pace, since you'll always have the option to quickly push forward few small fixes as individual versions, with added decimals, instead of focusing on more consistent versions, to warrant having few (preferably no) decimals.
Also, using things like "v0.XYZ" is bound to have you either over or underestimate the amount of final content you'll make for the game. Unless you plan extremely far ahead (rarely doable), you'll most likely, during development, end up both cutting some content out and adding some more, throwing off any early estimates of such type. It's best to not use version systems that imply percentages of a whole, and instead focus on mentioning how many versions have there been so far, or at worst split the development into higher stages (such as Alpha/Beta or Chapters/Volumes).
I did see this game as a good example of that. For a while, I did notice some pretty ridiculous and arbitrary version names, especially when I saw multiple "F"s appended at the end, but now it went way overboard. As of now, the latest version, it's official name, is "v0.096_P2FF (ReUploadFixes) 'Stable' ". It goes way too far, has even independent words to it, and even ignoring those (since there are times when you specify a "Bugfix" version, but still, you'd rather not use many full words in your version name), we're not only still at the 2nd and 3rd decimal (as it was before), hoping soon for a v0.1 to form, but also, appended to that via underscore, yet another system that had been used a bit before for other versions, with "P2" representing the idea of Part 2 of the normal update v0.096 (since he did decide to split the update instead of delaying further), and the "F"s used each showing another successive Bugfix, which means that "v0.096_P2FF" is the 2nd Bugfix version of "v0.096_P2". We dwelved wayyy into the Version-ing by this point.
I do understand Teary's decision to not label a version as "stable" (and thus, leave it as at least a normal decimal version instead of appending further letters and numbers to it) unless he deems it as such, but conversely, he's showing the downsides of actually releasing each and every bugfix you make. Not only it might need further polish (to not cause further bugs, as is known for this game), but also it would need more, well, bugs being fixed, or development for that matter. By using this version control names, he's creating the perfect excuses to release more often, but less-polished, with fewer developments, versions. Even subconsciously, he's already doing it, since as of now the rate at which he develops the game has heavily decreased as a result of this (the rate should be judged by the amount of actual content and development for the game relative to the time it took for it to be made). Not only that, but he also invited the possibility of further appending more naming conventions to the versions (such as it is now, with "(ReUploadFixes) 'Stable' "), which will also subconsciously allow him to release with each version even less content / development (since it's logically an increase on a lower decimal level), and at this rate, actual game development might slow to a halt as he ends up releasing small bugfix versions at the rate he was once releasing full, stable, versions with proper amount of content to justify for the time between one another.
Hope this comes across, still, as constructive critisism. Even an otherwise small aspect of development, the version number, can actually have a big impact on how the development continues from there on out.