Good game, busted through it and got what might just be the best equipment and weapons. Love the art style too, pretty hot.
If I had one complaint, it's that the game has an absolutely ridiculous difficulty curve, it starts out and remains completely frustrating and annoying riiiiiiight up until you beat Miki, where you can grind her materials to get what is unquestionably the best weapon in the game: Darkened Violet (not because of its stats, which are still pretty high and only beaten by 2 of Maven's weapons, but because of its weapon skills), and only THEN does the game actually become reasonably difficult. I've lost count of how many times I had to reset my shit against every single boss because of grinding, it was brutal. Yes, I know you can drop the difficulty, and I did for a while, but you'll miss out on money, exp, and most importantly: high-grade crafting materials.
Tearycian , if you're reading this, this is my only major feedback I have for this game. There are others, but the difficulty is the most important one. Noo's charm attacks, Miki's compelling attacks, and Ayleen's tail needle attacks in particular need some serious nerfing, and not just in what they do, but the in AI patterns as well. And raise the rate of success for the "struggle" option in general, because holy shit is it useless. Of the hundreds of times I've fought the bosses, I am not exaggerating when I say it only worked for me like 10-15 times, whenever I got grabbed it was pretty much guaranteed death (some grabs don't even HAVE the struggle option, or can kill you instantly from full health before you even can get to it), and I had to sit through all the animation and dialogue every time because there's no skip option in the fight. Also, "Focus" is a totally useless skill, any little thing can break through it and charm you, or just straight up ignores it (like Ayleen's hypnosis and Miki's compel). And "Calm Down" doesn't HAVE to be useless, but it doesn't help that the AI **99% OF THE TIME** uses a charm-type ability RIGHT AFTER you use it, making it moot and now you have to scramble to stun the opponent while waiting for the cooldown (and if you don't have the points for a stun attack? game over).
And that's all I have to say, otherwise, good game, and I love the girls and their scenes and grabs.
By the way, how do I give the council badge I got from Maven to Noo? Is this where this version ends, or am I missing something?