VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Katie's Corruption [v1.19] [3diddly]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It follows the same 'good girl gone bad' concept but with a short story with only a few characters. In this game you don't control only a female protagonist, you make decisions about how the other characters behave towards Katie, controlling how bad, good, or manipulative they are to her, weird, but the game isn't bad, just humble and short.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    the game has so much potential but if falls short and no matter what choices you make you get forced down the purity route, want to make the game better, remove the choice "stay true to brian" from the game completely, it is useless and greatly lessens the enjoyment potential, i want to give it a zero for wasting my time but i will settle for 1
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Played the remastered / overhauled version.
    Initially the plot and story captures the player by having moral choices to make, which sets the scene, but afterwards the choices seemed to be blurred out and no matter what you pick, it will try to get you on corruption path by eliminating multiple choices and just forcing you on a path. That is really frustrating when playing a VN and player is given illusion of choice.

    There is multiple endings and a lot of different content on the game.
    The MC is hot and transformations add to the overall appeal, sadly some CGs feel out of place and not polished, not talking about the story telling when it hits middle of the game, feels very sloppy and rushed.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is solid game. It has good idea and the story could be good as well. The corruption is slowly growing but I don't really like how slowly and how low is Katie's enjoyment. The graphics look really old (fit to release of the game) The endings could be done way better.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Its always hard to give ratings, but this game deserves a good rating.

    Its one of the games that is mostly easy choices based. Though as i was told, it has more outcomes that i actually played myself.
    I never managed to get the blackmail part.
    Corruption is great. You can get addicted, be a slave, a fucktoy that does mind to get cocks in every hole.
    A female that starts out as nice girlfriend with high asperation but has to make difficult choices.
    So you can play the path to stay true to yourself or chose to get corrupted in ways you can not imagine yourself to be in.
    Of course the corrupted path is the path you want to chose if you want to have lots of sex. The path is slow, but every choice will bring you closer to your downfall.
    I think the graphics are great. Animations maybe not so much. But i think that is ok.
    Highly arousing as you the MC gets corrupted.
    Though i wish the my tits were bigger at the end.
    For some reason i always thought that this path, the corrupted one, should really lead to prostitution. Living on the slum area. A street hooker.
    At least that would be my outcome.
    But i am highly satisficed with what the game aims and delivers.
    Plus, you can replay it with different outcomes. But like i mentioned i haven't managed to get them myself so far.
    Anyway, i recommend that game to anyone who likes corruption games. You will not be disappointed.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The corruption of the main character is fun to watch but there are a few issues.
    First is that the visual part is not really good : the female models are nice, but there are some oddities in the images.
    Second, the interface is not the most clear there is in such a game.
    No music is a down.

    Other than that, the multiple endings are good.

    Story is quite short in scope but acceptable for the "bad" girl routes; the "good" girl route is quite boring.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was quite enjoyable, even with graphics which were rather lackluster. I like the corruption aspect and I felt it was done well. The story was quite sexy and the mechanics were decent. One critique I have is that the story is not as interesting as it could be, in that the characters are somewhat flat.
    Likes: M.Ed
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    After playing the overhauled wasn't for me.
    Yes, I appreciate the corruption progression (thus 2-stars), but I've played much better.

    I didn't like any of the characters.
    I think I would have cared more for the MC if my decisions were so locked down. It seemed if I made a decision that didn't give full corruption points path, that the path was completely locked out. When in reality (yes, I realize this is a game) you can sometimes make a lesser choice and still be on a path to purity or corruption.

    Also felt repetitious with the conversations with Vera and the other blonde where they would simply say "Cool. That's so hot you made that bad choice." Sigh.

    I wanted to like it better but sadly it missed the mark for me.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing V1.19

    Just played this recently because I saw on forums regarding corruption games that this is one of the best ones out there.

    Weeeell.. it definitely started good, but it seems that the game somehow got rushed towards the middle, this is what I felt as I progressed through it. Many aspects seem to have taken a pause and not touched upon again, won't spoil any details as to which. So I guess that explains the "completed" tag, it is more like a "Wrapped up quickly" than "Completed". I have not done any research about this, but I think if it was given more attention this game would've turned out much greater!

    • The renders are decent, nothing too impressive
    • The story progression was taking a good pace, but due to the "rushed" nature I felt it ended prematurely and left a lot to be desired
    • The spending corruption points system felt useless IMO, would have preferred the classic racking up of corruption points, but that's just me

    I gave it an average score (3 stars) because I still somehow enjoyed it "averagely", I think it is worth trying if you're out of corruption games for female MC.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with a good corruption story. Graphics is decent if not great. There is no repetition or long degradation you have to go through, which is good. The most annoying thing for me was that choosing a more conservative answer in one scenario, for example, refusing to sleep with stepfather results in a lack of choices in other interactions (you are forced to take the conservative answer). To me this is not how a human mind works. If you refuse to sleep with person A, that does not mean you will do the same with person B and C, or refusing to sleep with your father should not prevent you from wearing sluttier clothing. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this game even if it was a little simplistic and most of the male characters are assholes and use totally degrading language right off the start, something that probably no woman would tolerate (it's different in private in a bedroom setting) or once you are well down the road of corruption.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Very poor characterization, the characters are one dimensional stereotypes full of clichés.
    I can't tell the difference between the two supporting female characters, they're both dumb bimbos who laugh with a "heehee" at everything, cheat on their partner, like being sluts and love big cocks. Oh and they like dressing slutty of course, who could forget that.
    Likewise the male characters are just abusive raping assholes with big cocks, even the father, Katie's boyfriend being the exception. Alas for Katie she doesn't get any scenes with the boyfriend so there is little point to doing a pure route. You just get scenes of Katie being understandably mad at her abusive boss.
    Katie herself only differs from the two other bimbos if kept pure, otherwise being raped by big dicks turns her into a cock addicted idiot.

    Didn’t really care about the story since none of the characters were interesting, nothing happens in the game if it’s not related to Katie getting abused or not. She doesn’t seem to have a life outside of her new job, no friends besides her boyfriend, no hobbies, nothing that isn’t a plot device for Katie to be abused. And there's barely any inner dialogue to go with her bimboification.
    A good corruption story relies heavily on the character being corrupted as well as the source of the corruption, and the game misses the mark on both since they're all underdeveloped characters.

    Of course this affects the sex scenes too, they’re rather short, with little build up or inner monologues, and have to be carried mostly by the CGIs.
    Sadly, while the render of the characters themselves varies between decent and good, the backgrounds are usually on the poor end, often too dark to see anything or simply a poor representation of the spaces they are supposed to be. And the scenes being short does mean they don’t use a lot of pictures.

    Overall this is just poorly written smut, but at least it’s not utterly tedious to play.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Played the remastered / overhauled version. Story is decent, although weird at points, dialog is mostly good. its easy to follow the story. what killed it is the renders and visual appeal (or lack thereof). the angles are all wrong, way too zoomed out!

    The remaster was a good effort, but you cant make honey out of lemons :).
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played this with overhaul mod. The game is pretty good for what it is, renders are obviously dated, overhaul does help some and they are basically okay, there are some basic animations. There are 2 viable/interesting routes, both are written pretty well and somewhat believable. There are plenty of sex scenes that are done well. It's interesting to see possible transformations of Katie and different endings (there are 7 of them).
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Somewhat mediocre entry into the genre. I played with the enhanced scene mod and that really was necessary to improve some of the scenes. The point of view of the game just didn't really do it for me. personally and the scenes were not as well rendered/animated as one would hope. Worth a run through but not one of the greats.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    A solid little corruption/NTR VN. The biggest weakness of the game is how formulaic and painfully below average the renders are by 2021 standards. The upside is that the corruption is done competently enough and watching Kate become a slut is kind of fun.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This VN has all you could ask for technically. You can track your progress easily, your choice change the story, and you can quickly go through and check other paths and choices.

    The writing seems pretty natural and the story doesn't get too outlandish while still pushing some boundaries. I like how the motivations seem realistic regardless of the path you choose, and each path is fully developed with it's own satisfying ending.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good.

    I'm not normally one to for corruption/blackmail and NTR type games, but this one was actually pretty good.

    I think the fact that you had complete control over the MC is what made the difference. Normally these type of games railroads you into the most unbelievable scenarios, making the female unbelievable stupid.

    Every single action in this game, gives you an opt out option. It makes the game very plausible and puts the power back into the Female MC. I ended up playing all the routes (Except purity... I'm saving best for last) and the fact that I was not forced into the dumb choices gave it a breath of fresh air. I ended up taking the worst options. but the game did not force me too. I loved it.

    Too many of these games dumb down the heroine making her unbelievable stupid. It kind of takes you out of the game for me.

    In since it's not my favourite genre, I wanted to score it 4/5, but after playing several routes it's a definite 5/5 from me. Not a perfect game, but very enjoyable for me. (You even get a "good" end in one of the blackmail paths)

    Graphics 8/10
    Story 8/10
    Characters 9/10
    (The MC was pretty consistent, even on the corruption path. It did not feel like a totally different person. Transition from outrage to corruption was pretty good.)
    Sex scene 8/10 A LOT of sex scenes, most were very erotic.
    Qty of sex 10/10 (Tops in terms of erotic content.)

    TLDR: Not for everyone, if you strongly dislike NTR, cheating , sharing in games, maybe stay away. If you are like me generally do not like it, but can tolerate it, I would say give it a shot.

    PS. I played the mod game, so hopefully everything I said is valid for the main game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game, though it does take a while to get used to the mechanic. (The "mod" really helps with this but I found that after finishing the game).

    Game play splits down 2 main paths each with 3 endings. The corruption path, where Katie goes down the rabbit hole with increasing willingness; and the manipulation path, where Katie is dragged down it kicking and fighting. There is also a 3rd option which leads to the purity ending - much shorter playthrough.

    For playing the game I enjoyed the manipulation route the most as it leads to, in my view, some of the more depraved scene variants with Vera. On the other hand I prefered 2/3 of the corruption path endings compared to 1/3 of the manipulation endings.

    played through to all 7 endings, my favourite path is the Manipulation (aka blackmail) one for playthrough but the corruption endings where generally better.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice little GGGB inspired game, 3D style. I'm giving it 5 stars because the dev evidently has a barbie doll fetish, which I love, taking time and energy on shoes, clothes, make-up, and body transformation (boobs and tatoos, though he could have gone further in this domain). The manipulation/corruption/blackmail branching is unclear though. Most of all he's finishing it.

    Render quality is not the best, especially in the lightning department. But heck not everybody has a powerful computer allowing this, especially if he's not getting the support he deserves. Funny I hadn't noticed this game until now. Lack of publicity might explain the strangely low support for a game which is all in all honest and perfect for fap purposes.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This is one of the first games I discovered and I remember liking it quite a lot... Now it has been "completed" and I re-played it, and after seeing it with fresh eyes I can say it's quite poor. Katie's model is really hot and that's what saves this game mostly, but the gameplay elements all over the place. Choices feel very randomly implemented, there are right and wrong options you can only know by trial and error, it's hard to see how your choices affect the game, and the mechanics are all over the place, the corruption, manipulation and relationship markers that change and get reset all the time... It's just very poorly designed. The story is hot and had a lot of potential, but the dev clearly bit more than he could chew. The endings are completely rushed and a lot of plotlines get abandoned and choices are inconsequential. It could've been a great game but it lacks a lot of care and talent to deliver a coherent experience