Unreal Engine - Completed - Kawaii Slime Arena [2022-06-07] [Mitsuki Game Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    You ever play the game "Archero" on the Google Play Store? It's basically that, but instead of a top-down perspective, it's a 3D survival shooter. You run around, shoot slimes, and every few waves of a given level, you get a new upgrade to use for that level alone. The game is trivialized by some levels having perches on which you can stand and completely avoid 90% of enemies, and other levels are so claustrophobic that you can't avoid getting hit; and because each slime has its own damage immunity timer, getting swarmed by three or more usually means death... not that it will happen frequently, but it will happen eventually. Oh, and to even get any nudity, you have to toggle the censor off in the menu, and even then, it's just the player character with her clothes torn off if you lose a level.

    I got bored by the fifth "arena". If there's some grand prize waiting for me at the very end of it all, it will forever remain a mystery to me. Even if the reward is watching the character get gang-raped by the jumbo slimes, I genuinely could not care less.