Unity - Kemo Coliseum [CH1-5 Revised] [Dudedle Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an alright game, not gonna lie. Just wish the dev knew what they're doing. Like I understand partly why they're revising chapters, but it is kinda bugging me that it's taken this long to do so.

    Other than that, game is okay, sometimes a tiny bit laggy at certain times, but not as much. Story is okay, and the gameplay is alright, tho I wish they had a walk through or something that was easier to look at for instructions and such.

    4/5 rating. Hoping the dev is starting to get the grip on what they're doing now.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    After several playthroughs of playing this game (including the old versions...), I can finally make a comprehensive review of this game. Bear in mind, I'm aware that this game has been revamped twice now and has been in development for over 10 years? I'll give the author the benefit of the doubt and can see where he's coming from. He's probably trying to make this game his magnum opus and is trying his best to create a compelling visual novel out there. Making a worthwhile game is never easy, especially for an indie studio.


    My Review for [CH1-4 Revised on Normal Difficulty]

    Gameplay & Mechanics (5/5)

    You'd be pleased to know that the game itself is a lot less grindy compared to the previous versions. You also have a lot more variety when it comes to building up your character's skills, which makes the gem-battles more fun and engaging. The current version gives you a way to farm multiple treasures in a single battle (AKA Bandit Ring, build this item ASAP), and playing smart will help you progress in the game faster in the long run. You can also opt for higher difficulty if the game feels too easy for you.

    NSFW Content & Aesthetics (5/5)
    We all know most of you came here for this and yes, the lewd art and visuals are absolutely delightful to read and most of the characters are likable and appealing. Some would argue that the recently added day & night cycle was unnecessary and a waste of time, but I disagree. It's obvious that the author wanted to make his game more immersive, and something as nuanced as changing static sprites to dynamic ones makes the VN all the better IMHO.

    Story & Dating Simulator (3/5) [Minor spoilers ahead]
    This is my biggest gripe with the game ATM. While the main story itself is better written, the dating aspect feels completely detached from the overall narrative and vice versa. The best example I can think of is with Lambert. You'd think after beating him in the tournament, he'd refuse to spend time with you during the intermissions or give you a post-match reaction after being 'betrayed'. However, that is completely ignored and you still go on a date with him like nothing happened. The are many more examples, but I won't discuss them here to avoid spoilers.

    The second criticism I have is during the first Orientation in the Colosseum. I personally think it's better to exclude the TOP16 roster so that players are not overwhelmed with too much information. Aside from Aquilo, the other characters don't contribute anything to the earlier chapters so they should be introduced much later in the game.

    Overall, the game is still very much worth your time and investment (Especially for first-time readers). Should you support the devs? Probably wait for Chapter 5 to come out before you do so. A lot of CH4 content from the previous version was cut and pushed back to the next chapter. There's also a weird annoying bug with the equipping gear during the earlier portion of the game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Gotta say, I keep coming back to this game. It's charming, in a way, the art is very good. But, for a lewd game, there's simply not enough sexual encounters. The gameplay itself is interesting, it's a combination of RPG and candy crush, you combine different gems for a different effect (attack enemy, heal, charge a special attack, etc.) Casual gameplay like this is exactly what a lewd game needs. I think, if the dev focused more on sexual stuff, instead of a pointless and uninteresting story, dialogues and lore (who cares, right?), it would've been a lot better game, than it is now.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It keeps crashing. I can't even write a proper review because it's impossible to go 20 minutes into the game without experiencing a crash, usually after entering the open world map. I'm not sure of if it's due to changing the in-game settings or messing with it with the UnityExplorer crack as I was instructed, but I cannot recommend the game in this state. You'll get more enjoyment out of viewing the screenshots than playing it.

    (P.S. If there's a fix, please message me because I really do want to play this game)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An enjoyable game, even if it feels like it'll never be finished. At the very least the combat is fun, the scenes are hot, the characters are likeable, and the writing continues to improve with each update. This is a true passion project, and I do hope it'll one day be completed.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4299053

    I bought this a few years ago. The MC rarely gets involved in the scene. For most of the scenes, the MC just watching. You don't have many SX options. The random encounters are not F-able monsters. But, the battle is quite fun.