Ren'Py - Killer Project [v1.24.02] [PopSex Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game at all, some great ideas. The scenario is good, interactions too, sex scene are ok, but the animation are the bad part of the game. Too shot, mechancial, I feel like it could be better without animation and with just images. Keep up the good work and upgrade ! :)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review through Chapter 3 (1.03.01)

    This is a solid game with an interesting story and characters. That always makes an interesting game to play.

    The MC is a former elite assassin who has staged his own death and changed his identity in order to retire. He's now hiding away in a city that's 75% you can guess how that goes. Women are throwing themselves at you as you're 30, wealthy, in good shape, and attractive.

    There's a conspiracy that threatens you and those closest to you that begins to unravel. Uncovering it is what makes this game interesting. You have zero idea who is behind it and you have only a couple people you can really trust.

    What hurts this games is the slightly above average renders. If I could put a finger on it there's something off with the eyes and facial expressions. I can overlook them due to the solid story. The animations are above average.

    Overall, I enjoyed the game at the present level and I'm curious to see what happens in the next chapter.

    Graphics - 7/10
    Animations - 8/10
    Story - 8/10
    Characters - 8/10
    Fun - 8/10
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game (8/10):

    + Graphics Great
    + Characters Great
    + Hot Scenes
    + Nice Crime Story
    + Nice Closeups
    + Long Updates
    + Many Sex Scenes

    - Some Spelling Errors

    Nice Crime Story with a lot of hot women, lets you feel a little like James Bond.
    The Game is easy Playing, no senseless walking around and some very kinky scenes.
    The Story is also Pretty nice and I am always surprised what will happen around the corner.....

    A Hot Story, Great Characters.
    Worthy of a Download, and I bet you will love it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I find this game intriguing and fun to play enough to give it a perfect score.
    And also because it absolutely does not deserve less than 4 stars in my opinion (most likely the other reviews are outdated as I couldn't find many of the problems noted in those).

    The story is interesting and worth reading, thanks to the good dialogues quality and this aura of mystery that is present throughout the whole gameplay. Also, there is a good plot twist at the end which I'm not going to spoil here.
    The gameplay style is very particular, it's a good mix of VN and sandbox, the good thing is you never end up without any clue on what to do thanks to the embedded quest and free-roam activities journal.

    All in all, it is a very good and promising game, worth at least to try.
    The only thing I didn't really like that I can think of is the mc's model, he's just not my type of mc (no homo)

    CGs: 7.5/10 - Earlier renders tend to delve a little bit into the uncanny valley, but I found noticeable improvements as I progressed into the story.
    Contents: I'm not going to rate this yet (too early) but it offers already at least a couple hours of gameplay if you read everything.
    Dialogues: 9/10 - Nothing bad to report here, English is more than good and it is fun to read as they don't go on and on forever. I'd say the text over content ratio is almost perfect.
    Sex: 8/10 - The scenes look mostly good and there is a little bit for almost every taste - There's space for improvements but the potential for having something really good is there.
    Gameplay: 9/10 - "Zero" grind needed, I really like what they did here. The only problem I found, once you reach the end of the story you are forced to quit the game. This made me miss a little bit of free-roam content, so I would suggest giving the player the possibility to play endless free-roam mode once the end of the content is reached.

    Recommended to anyone who does not give much importance to renders quality or despises sandbox elements.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1.02.03...

    Although it has an interesting main story, this VN/Game is a bit of a mixed bag...

    The visuals of the characters have their ups and downs, but most were of a moderate to high resolution... Several of the main female characters (but not all) have rather masculine looking faces, which was either intentional or just poor model design... It was kind of a turn off, especially when some are main story line characters that the male protagonist has sexual activity with, regardless of your choices... Other female characters, mostly the secondary ones, looked decent and had way more feminine faces... The backdrops are mostly a mix of ones I've not seen before, with a few I've seen a lot in other VN/Games...

    The erotic content visuals were a mixed bag, where some looked alright and some looked a bit odd (mostly to do with some positioning of models), but all were definitely short in duration (being mostly just a small handful of still images with very little text, then done)... Attempts at animations were rather poor or just a quick series of still images... The user interface for the phone was decent, the side quest system was basic but worked fine, and the navigation system was simple and easy to use...

    The script is where I had the most issues... During Chapter One the script text was a mixed bag of broken English as well as just some spelling/grammar errors... Chapter Two seemed to have fewer broken English issues and fewer spelling/grammar errors, but they still existed... The whole script definitely needs way better translation/interpretation and proofreading... The story telling itself, especially in Chapter One, felt very artificial, far fetched, and poorly told... Chapter two wasn't as bad... The dialogue and story telling through the whole script felt like most of the characters were highly stereotyped, and both their dialogue along with the basic story telling itself was being over dramatic and sometimes a bit cheesy... Many personalities were exaggerated... Also, sometimes it felt as though many characters were just fawning over the male protagonist far too quickly, with some far more believable then others...

    The plot revolves around a male protagonist as an ex-hitman who has faked his own death, retiring to a town where you find out, in a far fetched way, that the city is mostly women (around 70%)... From there he meets all manner of people, from the highly overplayed landlord, to the exhibitionist driver, to the girl on the bus that constantly just wants to give the protagonist a blow job for no good reason, and so on and so forth... In any case, he gets wrapped up in all sorts of shenanigan's with various women, who are pulling him in various directions... All while he is trying to avoid being caught up in several dramas involving his old life...

    Once the introduction is completed, the game play mechanics change to a navigation format, to include different times of the day, with a main story quest line and eventually some side quests... The main story is very linear, and the hint system is pretty good about giving you a road map to follow... The side content is only available when the main story allows for pauses, so you can then navigate the protagonist anywhere you want... But as even the side quests have linear progression, you will run into lots of locations where nothing really happens unless it directly involved the step/s you are on with the main or side quests...

    The main plot, although told in a very over the top manner, and sometimes fast paced, is unique and interesting... If you can get past the poor story telling, and occasionally difficult to read text... The developers are trying to offer up a bunch of varying content, with the side quests, many of which have repeating sequences... But it feels more like meaningless erotic window dressing... Some are better then others... Also, now and then the main story arc feels a bit rushed...

    All the characters have various stats that can go up and/or down depending on some of the choices made... Some even went up regardless of choices... But they didn't feel like they really gated much... Perhaps the flavor of how some events played out might have been effected, but I really couldn't tell... The main story plays out in a very linear step format, so I doubt the stats effected it much if at all, but I could be wrong... I don't know... There also doesn't seem to be a stat grind driving any of the side quests either... They are linear side quests, so if the stats effect them at all, I couldn't notice anything...

    Overall, I enjoyed some of the aspects of the main story arc, as you can tell the developers are trying to add some deep and meaningful plot through both the visuals and so on... But most of the characters are just not believable at all, being either highly stereotyped, or just meaningless sex puppets for the occasional erotic event... I also did not find many of the initial female characters, most of which are part of the main arc, all that attractive when looking at their faces... Unsure if they were modified male models to look like women, or just modified in such a way as to have more masculine facial features on accident (maybe on purpose?), in the attempt to have unique models... Don't know, but I tried to go out of my way to avoid any meaningful relations with them, via choices, but you are kind of forced to have them as sex partners with the protagonist as they are part of the main story line, currently...

    Even though the main plot and a few of the side plots seemed interesting and unique, and kept me wanting to read, regardless of all the flaws, I still feel that in some ways there is a high focus on quick porn events... Nothing really felt natural or romantic with many of the female characters... The only character thus far that feels like a possible romantic interest, is the young Asian woman who ends up living with the protagonist, even though he can spy cam her masturbating all over the house... Most of the others are just flings, sex buddies, or felt like meaningless attempts to add in varying fetish types as a ploy to grab a larger paying audience... Some of which are basically forced on to the reader/player, as part of the main arc...

    Obviously this VN/Game is early into it's development, with just the first two chapters, so they have lots of opportunity to fix all their issues, especially with the script text... And they have tried to add some cinematic production value during some parts of the main story line... Also, I was interested in the premise of the main story line, but I wish it had just been told better and felt less cheesy then it does, much of the time... Perhaps the developers really don't mean to tell much of a story and their focus is just the quick and sometimes odd looking sexual encounters? Who's to say... I do think some aspects have promise, but the overall package is not as good as it could have been... Will I be revisiting this one? Not sure, I guess only time till tell...
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Another game that claims choices and no grind unlike all other games..

    Yet there is no choice that actually matters outside of....

    changing stats which normally mean grind but...

    No choice sooo seemingly no grind just pointless stats that maybe eventually slightly alter a few words (and I expect maybe the end if that ever comes like chapter 4 or w/e will require X to be able to get end X)?

    The game has some the worst looking faces and many/most of the skin textures are just as bad in quality.
    From making player question if her skin/boy is litteral barbie doll/mannequin (who funny enough are the younger ones) --> like omg you old (who get the detailed skin, to each their own 100% and all get old eventually but then if that is your interest/kink I would think you would be dissatisfied with her having the breasts and overall figure of a younger person outside of again the Very horrible faces).
    Now I can get behind realistic women, but funny enough it seems creator either noticed or got better and made younger better models including faces (still not A+ quality work or looks but younger, attractive, and less doll texture) but those come way way to late (after being forcibly "handled " by many desperate older and litteral doll looking women) ->
    Which bring it back to fake choices you can be "scum" to these women say you not interested sort of (not really again one those say 1 thing but game gives him inner thoughts that say other) even and story will force the choices+narrative it wants and the women will overall if not entirely especially early on act the same and screw you rather you like it or not.

    Soo all that plus other stuff makes this despite being functional a 1/5.

    Now to be fair (potential of it being deserving of higher rank):

    Had this come out many years ago like idk 7+ I would say maybe this would be a 2/5 in comparison to other similar works of that time.

    Or maybe even up to a 3/5 (For very particular people) IF
    This is what I expect and it announces it is (put a nice sticker on the cover like I seen certain old for woman romance books-->idk if this still done) is pretty much entirely made for older and maybe a few certain type of other women.
    As It is ->women empowered, women get what they want easy (especially your D) or least unpunished, men suck or least husbands and pigs in charge do, they are seen and promote themselves as beautiful even when objectively ugly or least very cleary much older which again includes the body being attractive but skin+face not making the porn scenes clearly for them, and the story is all about them getting the stuD ( that looks way better than the women both quality and overall with close to the classic looks not to mention being a "bad" boy of such seen in many shows of the type and covers of the now old woman "romance" books.. -> idk much about these in current times or if they particularly exist even any more)
    not to mention you can constantly have him jack off.. which do nothing to story or stats or to try and have a event like gal walks in on you nope just jack off to watch him jack off even control his pace of it).

    In Closing Skip
    You a older woman looking for a handsome hot bad boy and want to see less attractive + older, and eventually younger litteral dolls gals screw him and him to have that small story of how it all goes down.
    *[with warning? of a couple pretty decent younger gals way way later also getting some]
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game itself looks promising, and it has a lot of content for a release and that is very good. The only thing I see as a problem is the appearance of the girls, who seem to be a little poorly made, but I believe that this can be fixed with the next updates. I wish the developer good luck, and that he can reap good results from this game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good start so far. Pretty lengthy for a first chapter. The English could use a polish up, but it's not overly confusing like some. The story is good, the models are average. I'll keep an eye out for where this story goes. Keep up the good work.