The art in this is absolutely incredible and the gameplay is actually solid, although it could really use some signposting because I feel like I spent 30 minutes just running around trying to find where to go next.
I just don't understand these style of games on a conceptual level. There's too much porn to pitch as a normal game, and too much game to pitch as a porn game. The only way to get the porn parts is to fail at the game parts and the sprite porn, while just beautifully detailed, is like 8 seconds long, while both of your hands are on a controller, and then you take damage and the game throws you right back in.
I like everything about this, separate from everything else about it. It always feels like these games are at odds with themselves when the porn is a reward for failing instead of a reward for doing well. If the best way to get to the porn in a porn game is to jump in some spikes until you're one hit and then run into an enemy and being good at the game means you'll never encounter any of it, that feels like a disconnect in the game design.
This has been my thesis on failure state porn games and their cognitive dissonance in game design theory, 2020...